a scroll posted at Market Square

Hello fellow people of the realms, My name is Mirage Medelia Proudfoot, I come to you with an awesome challenge. A challenge that could change the realms forever... I need every wizard, every priest, every warrior , every mind..... To aide me in the destruction of a simple key. You see this is no ordinary key...... This key contains the magical force to unlock and control every element and the four winds of these realms... It was created by a sorceror who orginally placed it inside of me..... It was removed not long ago..... But there is a slight problem, not e ven the creator knows how to destroy it. So, I ask again...... You will people of the realms reach out and help me? I will be waiting for you all to return a reply..... We must act quickly though. Thank you for all your attention.... Mirage.....

Lord of the Fallen

Shadows crowded in around the figure as it stepped within them, moving in impossible silence the dark figure crossed into the heart of the old catacombs, coming to a complete hault as it looked around itself, the eyes seeming to shed the darkness. "I need to know!" It shouted, it's hands moving towards the blades under it's cloak. "Who sired me! Why was I brought into this .... eternal darkness... Why send me into this endless damnation!" A torch lit up, providing light as several shadows entered the room, revealing the face and handsome very young features of the speaker. "The Bard.... Artanisssssss... Fool you are for seeking." Hissed a shadow, The shine of steel eminating from weapons around him. "This is someting... You will never learn." * * * * * A lone figure rose from one knee, covered with blood, much of it his own, even as he stood his wounds began to close and heal themselves. "With each kill I grow stronger." He rose his blade up, shining clean and free of blood to touch his forehead. "I will find you." He swore, his breath full of pain. "You will be made to pay for your crimes, for the hell you have forsaken me too." He grimced painfully as he turned on one foot, his teeth grit together bitterly as he staggered each step over the bodies.

Finding Edea (2 of 2)

Eleni made her way down the back alleys of Meznoberranzan, her small form keeping well hidden in the shadows. Watching from a dark corner, she saw the ripple of Psions' robes. Invisible though he may be, he was making little effort to be quiet. She jumped to follow without looking and was stopped quickly by a sword of dark metal slicing her arm. The sting was unbearable; it must have been poisoned. She spun around to see two guards grinning down at her. With grace and speed, she drew her twin daggers and made quick, deliberate attacks, intending first to disable the women from calling for reinforcements. Vocal cords cut, Eleni finished incapacitating the guards and slunk back into the shadows, taking off after Psions. When finally she found him, telling him that Edea was heading back to Westbridge, he used his magics to make a quick return. They gathered at Phil's Bar. Eleni sat on the couch while the others stood loudly talking. Adaire approached the couch, his voice soft. "You need assistance, lady. May Mielikki heal and bless you." With his words, the poison was purged from Eleni's body, and she smiled, laying back to rest. Edea explained how, in fear, she had run off for a few days to the forests, needing time to think. She had not realized she'd been gone so long and worried Psions so. She brought him good news, that the sickness she'd been feeling was merely what ill accompanies the blessing of pregnancy. When she heard that her lover had left in search of her, all she could do was mount a search for him, fearing for his safety. A voice without a face piped in questioning the legitimacy of Psions' claim to Edea's child. The couple became enraged, but their protests couldn't bring the wizard from the safety of his anonymity. Seeing no good coming from further dispute, Adaire took Psions and Edea to their home, letting them rest quietly and take joy in their good fortune. As they left, the voice called behind them, "The Cyricist who fathered your child will come looking for it..."

Finding Edea (1 of 2)

On the second day of their trip, Psions and Eleni camped just outside the city limits of Meznoberranzan, Edea's home and her suspected whereabouts. It was too risky to enter the drow city at night, so they rested as best they could one at a time, the other on watch while one slept. The night was uneventful, and at daybreak, Psions woke his small companion. In the morning's dull light, they quietly packed up camp and set off, hoping to find Psions' love today, praying she was not too badly hurt. They kept slightly south of the path as they neared the city's large western gates. They stopped near a large tree and Psions cast two spells in near silence: the first would allow Eleni a decent understanding of the drow tongue for some time; and the second made Psions completely invisible. Eleni climbed a tree with a good view of the main road and the gates and waited for her friend to return with word. They'd agreed that if he made no contact with her before sundown, Eleni'd head back home to Westbridge and form a larger search party. For six hours, Eleni maintained vigilant watch of the road and city gates to Meznoberranzan, listening for mention of Edea's name or an escaped girl being turned over to her matron. A few times, there was enough still and quiet to let her mind wander to her own life. It seemed she'd learned so much in the past year, but was the application of new-found knowledge worth the risk of lost possibilities? Had her fickle heart already done too much damage anyway? Could someone like her ever serve any god or greater purpose well? Eleni sighed quietly, her train of thought broken by the sound of soft footsteps in the distance to the west. She looked to the gate guards who seemed not to notice. She looked out over the road, and in the distance saw three figures moving towards her, only one of which was drow... Edea. Quickly, she climbed from her roost and walked through the trees toward the group. Softly, she whispered, "Edea?" Edea jumped slightly, looking around. "Yes?" Eleni stepped from the shadows and touched Edea's shoulder. A soft sigh of relief passed from Edea's lips. "Where is Psions? I must find him." "In the city." "We have to go get him!" Edea almost ran toward the gates, her companions holding her gently back. "I'll go, Edea." Eleni looked to the two human men who had joined Edea. "You two make sure she gets back to safety." Adaire and Ramiel nodded, and the halfling turned to go. "Eleni! Wait! Tell him... tell him I love him. And that I'm with child." (continued...) 


Chimes ring in the distance, a gong goes off in a temple, monk chant can be heard in the courtyard. I stumbled upon this sanctuary not long ago. I sit in the trees and listen to the absolute beauty. This here is the most beautiful place I have been to since being brought here. Let me elaborate for you. The outlands, the spire, all dimensions converge on this spire. Here all magic is dead, *smirks* the one place I am safe from myself Walking along I happened to trip over a lose rock, which in turn twisted my ankle Just my luck, not a priest in sight... well there is nothing in site. I look for something to support my twisted anke, but find a stick long enough to use as a walking staff. I began walking on this twisted ankle, favoring the left side of my body. I walked for what seemed like days in a random direction. I found myself in a strange area. Everything here seemed to be made from glass shards, volcanic glass, even the trees. I looked back in the direction i came from, to see the same view. I had wondered if I was carrying any sort of key on myself, and walked into door of some sort, a portal. Probably. I walked for what seemed like days on end My ankle had healed itself, but my rations were running out, and I was becoming exhausted from the amount of arcane magic i was casting.. and from all the running I had been doing getting away from those spells gone awry. One of my "mishaps" had tracked me down, a mezoloth... I was too weak to fight back. I taxed the remainder of my reserve spells putting up my defences. There was nothing more I could do The Mezoloth began toying with me, like a cat would a mouse before pouncing. I do suppose this was its vengence for me summoning it to this desolate plane. It had kicked me sending me smashing through the volcanic glass trees, sending shards in all directions. Stalking after me like a terrible dream. My hands slide trying to push myself to my feet, but are only cut by the glass shards. I reach outward to grasp my staff for aid. Another foot sends me flying across the stone ground In a blink the demon was upon me... One hand on my throat crushing my wind pipe A terrible glee in its eyes sent shivers down my spine. It tossed me back along the ground. My staff laying at the tip of my bloody hand. If I was to die.. I was to die on my feet. I grasped for it as I could hear the clomping of the beasts steps The beast rising its spear above me.......... I awoke in a field. Luck had brought me to a druids grove... but how did I end up here? The staff in my hand seemed to glow softly, but I could feel the raw power The locals had forbid me to cast magic in their grove, and in doing so nursed me back to health. Once I was healthy enough, I began walking agian. I came across a sound I had not heard before... Human's.. singing. Though it was not the mind numbing tunes of a Bard.. but methodical music.. chanting. Chimes ringing in the distance. A gong goes off in the temple.. and chanting heard in the courtyard a tear roles down my cheek. Even the noise of Humans can be beautiful.