Drowling [1]

The night was cold...and chilly winds were out. Luckily Cragath was spending this eve inside a nice cozy tavern just outside of the city of Westbridge, in the forest of Haon Dor. Cragath was calmly sitting at the bar, relaxing from a hard day of tiring work. Absently listening to the travelling bard he noticed an intriguingly odd figure entering the tavern. A short, from first glance female figure, crouched, like under a heavy weight, groaning from...pain? After making such an observation, Cragath decided to offer his assistance to the person that was obviosly in need of it. As he approached the figure and peered under the hood of the cloak, he discovered that the person was none other than Starlight, a drow Cragath knew rather well... "What's wrong? Anything I can help you with?" Cragath inquired. "Arrg...I'm in pain...the child...labor..." Starlight uttered with pain in her voice. "Oh God...she's in labor!", trying to stay calm, Cragath picked Starlight up and carried her upstairs, to the private rooms of the tavern, on his way up he motioned Vidala, the tavernkeeper's wife to get some hot water and clean towels. Vidala nodded and tossed Cragath a key to one of the rooms "On the house." she said and rushed off to fulfil Cragath's request. Up in the room Cragath gently set Starlight onto a bed. Vidala arrived with the requested hot water and clean towels. "Take care of her for now, I'm off to get a reliable cleric to perform the delivery." Cragath said and hastily made his way towards the exit.