
I awoke from my reverie, staff on my lap started, by strange visions. It seemed more real, like a life I hadn't lived. The images being shaken from my head. It has been a few months since I aquired this interesting device. The dream shakes from my head and it becomes almost a distant memory quickly. I am left with the feeling that I have experienced it all before... like some sort of nightmare. I struggled hard to remember, but the visions vanished. Getting my bearings I realize I am not in the field I was mediating in, but on a hill overlooking a town being terrized by flame. I run down the side of the hill, staff in hand, my clothing blowing losely in the wind. I jump off a mound of grass and take flight, decending towards the town in the air. What seemed like a small army was attacking this village... there was. The closer I got the more I could see the locals being cut down, burning, running from thier homes. I could smell the blood in the air, its high coppery taste permiated the back of my mouth. I could see a wizard flying over the town raining down firey death on those that were trying to flee. So I charged him, enraged by the slaughter below. I colided with him mid-air...his body falling to the ground with mine. Disorientated both our limp forms rose slowly using barrels and staffs for support. The crackling of the burning wood echoed in our pounding heads.. well mine anyways. What was going through my head... IDIOT There was no time to react when a solid piece of wood bound in iron slapped me across the cheek. I spun in the air hitting the ground hard. My staff's butt flying back slamming into this unknown wizards diaphram. Both wizards slumped to the ground doubled over in pain, one sucking wind, the smoke from the fires choking the both of us... and both unable to cast spells, which i was sort of thankful for. Each again raising. He leveled his staff at me while standing, and spouted off an arcane word This is going to slightly hurt.... nothing... nothing happened. I ran quickly charged him again both of us tumbling to the ground.... again.... our staffs quickly falling away, as I coninuously pummeled the wizards teeth.. you can't speak.. you can't cast...maybe I could buy the peasants some time to flee. A stray fist caught my lip swelling it... our robes reflecting the light of the flames. A metal pot slams into my face... a boy holding the handle "Magic using scum...... " is all I heard as the pot came towards again... my lips too swollen to explain... another small group of peasants bludgeoned the other wizard to death, and were closing. A group of armed troops charged down the alley ways, now I am caught by not only an angry mob, but armed troops out for everyone head... HOW!?? In a matter of seconds a full blown battle raged around me, burning logs were used to hold off more troops, or at least attempting. Everyone was dying and.. I quickly called my staff to my hands.... and that is all I remember.... When I came to... the town was nothing but ash, the townfolk and troops around me nothing, but ash... the smell of charcoaled flesh stung my nose... what happened?? Did I kill them...I vague memory still haunted my mind... and was fleeting once again ... I did kill them... I wanted to help them... what happened??... Later that night I had dreams, nightmares about a cave... a spider and a staff were they just dreams?...... I awoke from my reverie with fleeting memories.........