The Following

As Emalia departed Nyrul waited until she was but a blur in his vision he then began to trail her, using his cunning stealth and the aura of invisibility. He followed her until she was stopped by another unknown in which she told him many things. Nyrul waited behind a tree leaning on it, his hands folding up slightly into the crooks of his arms, his grey cloak making no sound as the wind pierced around it, blowing the frayed ends around him, his head hung low and nothing but darkness filled the insides of the hood.

Nyrul grinned as he witnessed Emalia crying upon this mans shoulders, maybe...maybe this one could be used in his ever thickening scheme. He remembered Emalia mentioning a man by the name of Hellstrom, it had seemed this was the one Nyrul was seeking out "All the....closer." he muttered under his breath to himself.

All the closer Nyrul was to finding everything out about this man that he could. The time was drawing near. 'Hellstrom will regret ever crossing Jihad.' Nyrul thought to himself. He then peered back over toward Emalia and this stranger, hoping that soon it would be over and she would take him to Hellstrom without even her knowing of it.