The Good Life

The birds cry rang out across the wetlands, breaking through the cold morning air in a matter which shattered the silence that was remnant from the dark hours. The white feathers of the swan like animal were stained with the green tint of the water through which she swam as she plodded her way towards the large metallic hulk which seemed the newest addition to her habitat. Floating within the deeper ends of the small body of water which rested nearly dead center of the marshy expanse, the elegant bird called out once again as if to say "Hey! Check it out". But the birds cries were unanswered as she swam closer to the strange mass of machinery which lay dormant in the water. The bird swiftly changed course as her base animal nature of flight kicked in only to realize that the sudden movement that had triggered the reaction was nothing more than a ripple against the metal mountains reflection upon the waters surface. Cautiously the bird resumed her swim towards the metal mountain, coming close enough to it to feel the humming vibrations emanating from it as she glided gracefully alongside it. She drifted in to a large alcove within the odd landform. "Perhaps the perfect place for a nest" called yet another instinct to the bird. It was short past mating season but she could already feel the growth of new life within urging her newfound maternal impulses. She stopped to preen at her feathers, casting out some of the more unsightly ones that had been permanently stained greenish by her regular swims. A sudden and deafening roar filled the alcove, and the elegant bird flapped her wings wildly, seeking escape as something below the water gently drew her in. The roaring intensified, as did the draw from below. The bird had time for one final half cry before she was viciously sucked beneath the surface leaving no trace of her existence save a single feather which hitchhiked its way upon a sudden burst of air which carried it back outside the metal mountain.