Diary: 2nd of Hammer

I think my mom is stupid. There, I said it. So what. No one is gonna know because no one reads my diary. Even Orn and Reggie don't know I have one. She makes me want to scream.

I hate how she makes my dad upset - she doesn't think I know that she was messing around with that idiot Thasmudyan. I hate him too. He's always hanging around our house, except when he isn't hanging around our house and he's gone away. Then when he's gone my mom gets some stupid sad look in her eyes even though my dad is right there in front of her. I don't care how much he saved Orn's life.

I wish my dad would just tell her to get lost, we don't need her anyway. And Orn, too. He acts like he knows everything and it's just dumb. He runs around with his stupid bear and acts like my mom does.

My mom is going to have a baby by my dad while she's messing around with Thasmudyan. Yeah, it's my fault, I took her tea and hid it cause I know my dad can't keep his hands off of her but it didn't work like I thought it would. They still aren't back together and now we have to deal with some stupid baby in the house and I STILL don't have what I want.

Maybe me and my dad could move out. I'd take care of him and he could find someone else that wouldn't be such a... a... dipshit like my mom. Not that I want another mom. That's the last thing I need.

God. I. Hate. Her. Why can't she just be normal like other moms? Alright. I don't **hate** her, but she makes me so mad I want to just... I don't know. Now she leaves to do some "clan" thing and Orn is up her butt like she's the best thing. Yeah. Me and my dad should just move out. I think that would be the best. Then we could train together and we'd be fine.