Freedom Part II

He had searched the corpses, finding a set of keys on the elder of the two.  A chest sat in the doorway, Kronk made his way over  to it and thought about how to open the chest, his eyes drifted  down to his hand where he held a set of keys.  One by one Kronk tried all the keys, as he heard the click his large hand lifted the lid.  Bone armor littered the chest "Kronk gear!" he mouthed. Once properly armored Kronk drew his skull endorned sword and made his way out of the mine.  As he made his way to the surface  Kronk's eyes squinted, he had no idea how long he had been in  the mine, but from his eyes straining he thought it was quite a while.  Kronk walked away from the mine trying to avoid the  village, but as his luck had ran out a child saw him and started to scream.

Within minutes Kronk was trying to escape through the woods when two dwarfs came in from the side to attack.  Kronk raised his sword and let out a bellow of a warcry, he dispatched the first  with a flick of his arm the sword chopping deeply into his mid- section. As the dwarf dropped spilling blood all around him, he choked out "killl...himm!!" The second dwarf took a more cautious  approach as he held his axe up, Kronk tilted into a fighting  posture and angled his sword straight foward to point out his next enemy.  The dwarf made the first move swinging the axe in an  arc toward Kronk, Kronk shifted his sword and caught the axe, the weapons held firm.  Kronk saw the opportunity and took it, he  kicked his foot out and shattered the dwarf's knee, the dwarf  went down screaming. Kronk could still hear the Dwarf screaming as he got closer to  Westbridge, he passed through Westbridge and out of the west gate Kronk found himself in a woods he did not know, but he could not stop he was being hunted like an animal.  The sun was blazing down as he poked his eyes upward seeing an extrordinary island. This island was floating, Kronk thought a moment and grinned, he removed a vial of liquid and drank it down quickly.  Kronk  floated up to the island and finally landed, he walked around for an hour or so when he found himself at a gate, he bellowed out "Who in there!!!!! Let Kronk in!!!!!!!" he proceeded to smash his fist into the gate wondering all the time where is Kronk?