Entity Aftermath

With another splash of water in his face Ror felt a lot more refreshed. Drinking and magic were a bad mix, but at least nothing bad had happened on the long term. Perhaps some image damage and funny remarks as his skin was saved by three women and an old goblin. That reminded him, he should say his thanks to them.  Best start with the women first, he thought, let's see, what do they like? A little later Ror was collecting flowers in his garden. When he had enough, he went back inside and arranged bouquets in his kitchen. At the kitchen table he wrote thank you cards. After attaching the cards to the bouquets, he took two with them and transported the third by magic to Sanria. Magically recalling himself to the TriPower Tower, he was greeted by a grinning Captain of the Guard. Ignoring the man, Ror went to find his clanmates. After this he would drop by the library for ordering a copy of a book. He figured the old goblin would like that.