Log: 17062012 - Ror and Kineada

OOC Commentary: The first roleplay log of Ror where he runs into Kineada on Festival Square in Westbridge. This was in the period before Keepers of Balance came to be and which Kineada helped create. At the time Ror was a brand new character with little to no roleplay and his roleplay was still a bit wobbly before his character traits and roleplay settled definitively.

You say ' Not a lot happening today.'

Kineada says 'Oh?'

Ror watches the people pass
You say ' Any news?'

Kineada says 'Sometimes you just have to know where to look to see things happening.'
Kineada says 'I don't much follow news in my old age.'

You say ' I think I agree with you on that. Well, apart from the old age bit. Never saw that as a limitation.'

Kineada chuckles politely.
Kineada says 'When did I say it was a limitation?'

You grin evilly.
You say ' So I take it not following the news these days is your preference?'

Kineada shrugs helplessly.
Kineada says 'I care little for the affairs of the petty.'
Kineada says 'Power struggles and stuff amongst little men.'
Kineada says 'When grave danger exists to all, then I'll pay attention.'

You say ' And where do you draw the line between what is petty and what is not?'

Kineada chuckles politely.
Kineada says 'Don't seek to engage me in some philosophical discussion of what is petty or not, what is right or not.'
Kineada says 'I know in my heart what is petty, what is wrong. And I do as I see fit then.'

You say ' Fair enough.'

Kineada says 'I do not seek any other's approval for those things.'
Kineada says 'I use my own common sense.'
Kineada winks suggestively at you.

You say ' Always a good thing when people think for themselves.'
You say ' You know, I've been away for a while and the last time I was here, I do not recall the Vectorians marching up and down the streets of Westbridge...'

Kineada shrugs helplessly.
Kineada says 'These soldiers matter little.'
Kineada says 'The whole lot could be wiped out in time for lunch.'
Kineada says 'They do not impede anything I wish to do.'
Kineada says 'Speaking of, if you will pardon me for a few, duty beckons...'
Kineada stands up.

You nod.

Kineada sits on a Bench and rests.
Kineada says 'Another productive day.'

You say ' Saved the world?'
Have you got something in your eye?

Kineada shakes his head.
Kineada says 'Made some platinum, righted some injustices.'

You say ' I thought you said you didn't care for the affairs of the petty?'

Kineada says 'Who said I did anything petty?'
You nudge him.

Kineada says 'That guy?'
Kineada says 'He's an idiot.'
Kineada says 'Never listen to Tony Jr.'

You grin evilly.
You say ' I'll remember that'
You say ' While you were away, I realized I had been rather impolite and not
introduced myself yet. I'm Ror Surion. And you?'

Kineada chuckles politely.
Kineada says 'I could have spoke up if it really bothered me.'
Kineada says 'But I'm Kineada.'

Ror extends a hand to Kineada

Kineada raises an eyebrow.
You say ' In these parts people shake hands, not?'

Kineada chuckles politely.
Kineada says 'I suppose they might.'
Kineada says 'I suppose they might.'
Kineada says 'You'll forgive me, I'm not originally from here myself.'

You shrug.

Kineada give a slight bow to you.
Kineada says 'Where I come from, bowing is acceptable.'

You nod.
Ror taps with two fingers against the side of his head, and then salutes.

Kineada says 'Of course, being over three-hundred years old, I rarely find elders to bow to.'

You say ' An alternative I picked up elsewhere'

Kineada chuckles politely.

You say ' I think you're the second person to actually strike up a conversation with me. The other people I met seemed very eager to mind their own business. I recall people being more open here, but maybe that's my mind playing tricks on me.'

Kineada shrugs helplessly.
Kineada says 'Not everyone is the same.'
Kineada says 'Nor is the same person the same on different days.'

You say ' I hope so.'

Kineada says 'There are still some friendly people in the world.'
Kineada says 'But others...not so much.'

You say ' Hm, that reminds me. I found out many of the organisations and churches that used to be here during my last visit have disappeared. What happened?'

Kineada shrugs helplessly.
Kineada says 'Swept away with the tides of change.'
Kineada says 'Some are still active, yet in other parts of the world.'
Kineada says 'Some are secretive.'
Kineada says 'Others, just gone.'

You say ' A little depressing somewhere to hear that, but I guess eventually the world moves on as time progresses.'

Kineada says 'Why is that depressing?'
Kineada says 'Do you really wish for the world to stagnate?'
Kineada chuckles politely.
Kineada says 'More errands while you consider my questions.'
Kineada winks suggestively at you.

You say ' Not really, it's just that people die, things change, friends disappear. I guess you get used to it, but still. It's sometimes a bit sad.'
You nod at Kineada.

Kineada sits on a Bench and rests.

You say ' and welcome back.'

Kineada says 'Thank you.'
Kineada says 'I swear these people around here can't keep track of anything...'
Kineada says 'Always losing this or that.'

You say ' Yeah, but with so many people fetching their stuff, they never learn from it.'
You say ' Hm, I should probably get going again and do something else besides occupying a bench here. '
You stand up.
You lean back and streeeeeettch your arms and legs.

Kineada says 'Have a good one!'

You say ' Will do. Take care'
You wave.

Kineada waves goodbye to you.  Have a good journey.