Log: 17062012 - Ror and Zeltor

OOC commentary: After reading all clan helpfiles, Ror decided to join the TriPower Kingdom. However, since his levelling was slow (45k/lvl), no application note had been send yet. The ability to write notes did not become available until level 16. In the mean time Ror met Zeltor in Westbridge though:

You say ' Excuse me sir, you are of the TriPower?'

Zeltor nods at you in agreement.
Zeltor speaks in a hollow voice "Indeed I am"

You say ' Ah, excellent. I actually have a question.'

Zeltor turns and looks directly at you.

Ror leans slightly towards Zeltor, and very quietly asks, "Why, for the love all things holy and unholy are
Vectorians running up and down my beloved Westbridge?"

Zeltor says 'If you see them running.. them I would wager I have been chasing them'
Zeltor grins evilly.

You smile happily.
You say ' Alas, they keep coming back.'

Zeltor says 'They overpowered the old government, I will see them evicted from this fine town if its the last thing I do before the sleep overtakes me'
Zeltor sneers in open disdain.

You mull over the idea at hand, asking for patience.
You say ' Sooner, rather than later, I hope?'

Zeltor says 'This is my hope if ever I could hold one.  They scatter like fleas on a ravaged dog'
Zeltor says 'If the dog be the beast known as Vector.. it should just be put down from its twisted misery'
Zeltor nods sagely.

Ror eyes the streets north and south, then when he is sure no Vectorian is observing him, "Bold words for a man on enemy territory, but I quite like bold. If there's anything I can do to help, please say so."

Zeltor peers intently south.
Zeltor peers intently north.
Zeltor yells 'I am here Vectorians, still my mouth.'

You chuckle politely.

Zeltor nods at you in agreement.
Zeltor says 'You may just hear my words carried upon the wind.'

You say ' Aye'


Zeltor looks all around.

You mull over the idea at hand, asking for patience.

...rise... rise against them...

Zeltor says 'And still my words echo from these walls..'

You say ' Is it me, or are these walls echoing words I heard not say you yet?'

Zeltor says 'My time is a paradox of being and not, the words have been spoken, perhaps not yet heard til now'

You say ' I think I prefer that explanation over other, more creepier, possibilities'

Zeltor throws his head back and starts to cakle evilly. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

You say ' Alright, I think I got the hint. You can handle these Vectorians all by yourself. Well, that's good news.'

Zeltor says 'If only that were true, the city wouldn't be in its current state.  I think big with an empty head'
Zeltor says 'Now if you wish to take arms or even a more political standing on our.. current state of affairs'
Zeltor coughs loudly.
Zeltor says 'Definately stop by the outpost and leave an application and a way to contact you.. I tend to visit as much as I can through the week and days. '

You say ' There is an outpost?'

Zeltor nods sagely.
Zeltor says 'less than a days walk north east of here'

You say ' Hm, I'll drop by some time. I'm not good with arms really, but I might be able to help with other things.'

Zeltor nods at you in agreement.

You say ' Anyway, I think I should get moving. Things to do. Place to visit, etc. etc.'

Zeltor grins evilly.
Zeltor nods sagely.
Zeltor says 'Travel safe and may your bottom remain dry.  Wet bottoms are horrid during travels'

You say ' No worries, I had no plans to swim in any river anytime soon'
Have you got something in your eye?

Zeltor grins evilly.
Zeltor chuckles politely.

You wave.

Zeltor waves happily.