Current Character Description - Janice TrickSter
One who sees her appearance could tell that she
is something Ancient. Technology that can't be
replicated because of lack of materials it is
built of that some says she is one of her kind.
One look closer, you see an Arvis mark branded
on her arm, a symbol rarely seen but only on
invention Arvis himself is proud of. Looking at
how sturdy she stands, she's of no doubt one of
Vector's Legendary twin guardian that were once
protecting the work of Arvis before the ancient
war. Now she still serves Vector as a guardian
that protects Vector's current lab of Science &
Technology Department. Apart from her big size
you feel an unique aura from her Vector Issued
Tank Armor. Only for troops that are physically
strong enough to wear, this special armor also
is designed to last till the end of any battle.
Character descriptions,