Current Character Description - Wendy Wendelin

A peculiar woman in both appearance and attitude. She stands a tall 7 feet with a slight hunch in her posture, though she moves with an easy graceful gait.  Blue and white tattered priestess robes are wrapped tightly around her shapely body.  A film of dust coveres her skin, robes and feathered backpack.  Her short spiky brown hair caked with dirt sticks out in every direction.  Her face is tanned a light brown and betrays her youthfulness in its features.  Through her bright mischevious yellow eyes a certain world-weary dullness can be seen.  The corners of her lips are twitched up slightly in a permanent amused smirk.  Her arms are also tanned and contained many battle scars from a previous life as a fighter.  Forgotten religious writings are tattooed on the back of her hands.  A gleam of blueish light occassionally passes over them and the symbol of Mystra that she wears proudly on her neck.