New Directions (1-2)

Sanria sent the missive to Kineada and Vorcet, then sat back in her chair. Nioma cooed contentedly on the floor, a rather quiet child by all measures. She  closed her eyes.  She had to talk to someone, and Enmach was far from helpful in matters where emotions were at stake.  The silvery woman was so stoic as to be  nearly useless when discussing matters close to the heart. Sanria did the best she could on her own, but nothing was working.  Things at her home were falling apart, and if things fell apart there, they'd soon follow her  to the  castle.  A situation she couldn't afford.  "Fenlauch,"  she called in her mind, "Might I see you?"

The tall Rilmani entered her office with a friendly smile, his bright eyes shining from  within as he looked at her.  "I was  very close, in case you were wondering."

Sanria  managed a smile.  She talked to Fenlauch at length about Colin and the black makou  within him.  "We've  not found a way to clear it from his blood  without killing  him, and the one hope I  thought we might have had has..."  Sanria glanced at Nioma  and back to  Fenlauch.  "Well, he's been absent for a long time now.  I'm suffocating beneath Colin's fears and his insecurities to the point I'm lying to him to get away.  I can't deal with it anymore."
"It makes sense, but the lies?"
"I really don't want to go into detail, but they're horrible."
"I see."
"Please tell me there's something you or your people can do. Anything."

She held  her breath  as Fenlauch put  a hand to  his chin.  He  looked at Sanria for  a  long  time, as though  sizing her up from  the inside.  She couldn't help but feel  that he was measuring her  worth, making some type of  calculation as  to how much he could truly trust her.  At long last he spoke.  "I can escort him to our home plane.  We have brilliant minds that could look at him and perhaps determine a solution."
"Your... home plane?  You mean he'd have to leave here?"
"It would appear that given your story, it's the only hope he has."
"Yes, but I don't know that he'll do it.  He's..." Sanria sighed deeply.
"I believe if he is told what is at stake, he will go willingly. It sounds as though he cares deeply for his family."
"Obsessively so."
"Then he will have no other option but to see his last resort."

Sanria appeared in the large cavern opening to her home with Fenlauch at her side.  The Rilmani took a moment to look around, nodding to himself.
"I think so," she replied, opening the front door to bring them both inside.  She  gave a small smile as Fenlauch attempted to duck and squeeze through  the doorways.  While  he could stand  perfectly well within the home, doorways were far from nine-foot tall entrances.  "If you don't mind  waiting until  I call for  you, I think  it would go over better," Sanria said, leading Fenlauch to the library. "Of course."

Sanria walked into the bedroom  where Colin lay on the bed, sweating and turning  in his sleep.  He jerked awake as Sanria shook him lightly.  He seemed utterly exhausted - she  knew he would be. He always was when the  darkness used him.  She felt horrible.  This  particular episode was her  fault  entirely, but she couldn't carry the guilt.  She  had reached her  breaking point as  well.  She could no longer live with Colin as he was.   Something had to give, and it did.

At her call, Fenlauch  walked in and Sanria watched the light scowl form on Colin's face.  The black makou  was already  driving him once more to anger -Colin blamed Fenlauch for her desire to heal Westbridge. And once more, tiringly  so, she had to beg him to stop.  Miraculously, Colin did quiet his anger.

Fenlauch hadn't been told anything about her plans for Westbridge, but he  refrained  from saying  anything more.  He told Colin that they might be  able to help him, and at Sanria's urgings, Colin finally chose to go. It  took only moments for Fenlauch to cast an unintelligible spell and vanish  through the fabric of reality with Colin behind him.

Sanria sat for  a long moment on the bed where Colin had just lain.  She knew she might never see him again.  Though  she had tired completely of the  smothering black makou, all the anger, the  outbursts, the distrust of everyone, she still loved Colin.  If he could come back to her, without the  other piece that she  had grown to loathe, there  would be hope for them.  Still, if he never came back, she would be alone.  She looked to her lap and finally let herself cry.