
Sanria scanned Dryden's reply slowly and laid the missive on her desk  with a sigh.  They didn't necessarily need any help, which was good, but he made mention that there had been a long silence, broken by  her proposal to help.  It struck her as odd.  Why had things been so quiet?  Even as she sat looking over the paper on her desk, her mind was wandering.  Why hadn't she heard anything from Radiant Heart?  At  least the Hoard  seemed  willing to use Vorcet's  help, but the silence from Radiant Heart troubled her. If  they were the remaining piece, the piece poised to enter the city and reclaim it... where were they?

Rolling the parchment, Sanria stuck it in her desk and sat back, thinking.  She knew at least that Dryden's reply would meet with Vorcet's eyes  without her  help, one  less thing for her to do. Her  job then was  to let the rest of the Keepers know  what was  going on and  if they wanted to lend their help to either of the forces - Hoard  or Radiant  Heart (provided they answered) - let them do so.  Anything to end the suffering once and for all.

Sanria pulled out her own parchment and quill and set about forming a letter, one to all the Keepers. It was short, and once she finished, she stood up and  called to Enmach.  The silvery woman appeared with Nioma, and Sanria took the baby from her arms. She hadn't been  back to  the cavern in a long while, and with Colin  gone, she knew Leandra and Askari were left on their own. Though she'd heard nothing, it would be good to look in on them.

Her note sent to the clan, Sanria uttered a few words and brought herself home.  It  was strange  walking into  the cavern without  anyone  there to greet her.  She  had kept herself from thinking about Colin by staying away, keeping busy in the castle, but now, in the cavern, the big man's absence was palpable.

Sanria straightened  her shoulders and took in a deep breath and called out to her daughter.