Mrs. Gilean Eosos?

"And so he asked you?" Enmach said, her expression patient as she paced the small section of  the library where Sanria had holed herself up. Sanria sat in the chair, her feet tucked beneath  her, a closed book on her lap.  This wasn't what she had in mind when telling Enmach the news, the silver skinned companion hounding her for answers.  Sanria felt as though she were reporting to her mother.
"Yes.  He did ask me."
"Sanria, I have to advise against this. I truly do." Emach finally sat down, giving Sanria the chance to rest her eyes on a still being.
"What am I supposed to do, Enmach?  Why wait?  What am I waiting for?"
"Time and distance."
"I don't want distance."
"I mean between you and Colin and you and Thasmudyan and, have you even given yourself time since you left Ror?"
"Precisely. You can't possibly take on a commitment like this and expect to use it to hide."
"I'm not hiding!"

The outburst drew a quick glance from Melanie Moles, the librarian, who gave a scathing shush and  vanished once again in the stacks.  "I'm not hiding," Sanria repeated in a harsh whisper. "I'm moving on. I'm making a choice and sticking with it.  I'm choosing a family for Nioma and  Matinus, one with a father and a mother and a house, and maybe even a dog."
"Sanria. Nioma has no need for a dog, and she is just fine here with every- one that has a hand in caring for her. You know that. I know not this other child you speak of, but I'm certain his father will do what is best for him."
"I've already said yes," Sanria said plainly.
"Then  tell him no, tell him  to wait, I'm  sure he'll understand. Besides,  what if  one of the others comes back and you do something... ah, foolish?"
"I've already told Thasmudyan I am choosing Gilean, I've already told Colin, and Ror... well... I've..."
"Not spoken to him even though he's sent that letter about Westbridge."
"Vorcet or Kineada can speak with him regarding a school."

Sanria  stood up, gripping the book, 'Medicinal Chemistry,' at her side. "I  am not hiding.  I'm choosing."
"Choosing  to be foolish and do something you know you're going to regret."
"I'm not going to regret anything."
"You certainly are defensive for not regretting anything. Normally when you are  this wound up, you've  already done  something wrong."  Enmach avoided  looking at Sanria, which  infuriated Sanria all the more- but the point was made.
"Would you let this go if I talked to Ror?  If I told him my plans?"
"I just  think that it may be best for you to take time away from choosing. You've already done a lot of choosing and perhaps it's time for a moment of rest and reflection."
"I can't."
"Can't what?"

Sanria sat back in her chair and looked at Enmach with a frown.  "Can't sit still.  Can't rest and reflect.  I hate myself when I reflect on the things that I've done and the other choices I've made.  Gilean makes me feel like- there's something good about me, even with the screw-ups I've had."
"I  think the other men  in your life have forgiven you, after all, they're still around.  One of them can't even remember you and he is trying to stay in your good graces.  Are you so foolish you can't see that?"
"I just don't see what time is going to do, Enmach."
"Time will reveal the truth, and the truth will show you balance.  When you find balance, you'll find  happiness.  But if you  try to thread the needle with a whole spool, you'll find it won't fit.  Patience, trust, and time."
"Sometimes you make me so mad, Enmach, with all your..."
"I know," the  silvery woman replied  with a smile.  "But  when have I been  wrong?"