Log: 14012013 - Ror and Sanria

OOC commentary: Ror and Sanria again. One thing lead to another and she decides to live (rent a room officially) with Ror for a short period of time now that she has made up her mind about her marriage with Colin. Whatever feelings might have reared their head during this episode, will quickly meet their end in the near future at the hands of drama. Of course at this point he doesn't realize yet what lurks just over the horizon. All in all an amusing session!
Sanria arrives from a puff of smoke.

Ror is sitting on a rock at the edge, overlooking the valley.

Sanria walks along quietly and glances up, noticing you.

Ror is eating an apple

Sanria says '*quietly*  Ror.'
Sanria gives a small bow in your direction.

Ror turns his head, raises his eyebrow and goes, 'Hm? Ah! Sanria!'
You say ' How have you been?'

Sanria gives a small shrug and a small smile.
Sanria says 'I've been better.  You?'

You say ' Doing fine! Enjoying the view mostly. '

Sanria nods.
Sanria says 'Well, I'll leave you to it, then.'

You say ' Ah, busy?'

Sanria looks at you.
Sanria says 'Preoccupied.'

You say ' So busy.'

Sanria lets out a long sigh and she walks over to look out at the valley.
Sanria says 'Thinking.  If that is busy... then it is busy I suppose.'

You say ' Thinking can make one very busy'

Sanria gives a singular nod.
Sanria says '*quietly*  Indeed.'

A new day has begun within the realms.

You say ' So, what'sya thinking about?'
Ror smiles innocently

Sanria keeps her eyes on the valley.
Sanria says 'I had my husband returned to me, but he's not my husband any longer as he doesn't remember me or our family.'
Sanria says 'But he saw me and likes me and we're almost where we began years and years ago.'
Sanria says 'But I can't see him because if I do it will mess with his mind.'
Sanria finally looks over at you.

You say ' That's some heavy thinking'

Sanria says 'There's only one cure for it, but I don't think diving over the edge without fly will solve much.'

Ror thinks for a bit, 'What about the rest of your family? You have children with him, not?'

Sanria sighs and nods.
Sanria says 'They are grown, however.'

You say ' I see. So just you and your baby then? '

Sanria says 'Yes.'

You say ' And you still love him?'

Sanria sighs lighty and stares down at Darrowmere.  She nods singularly.
Sanria says 'So.'
Sanria says 'How about you?  No more evil entities?'

You say ' How long before his mind returns to him?'

Sanria looks down.

You say ' Ah? No. All good. I still have to give Alsin a book as thanks.'

Sanria gives a small chuckle.
Sanria says 'Thank you for the flowers, by the way.'

You say ' No problem.'

Sanria looks back over the valley.
Sanria says '*quietly*  They were nice.'

Ror sighs and says, 'Bit depressing all that rain,' as he watched the storm over the valley

Sanria gives a small shrug.

You say ' The flowers? Yes, of course. I hand-picked them from my garden'

Ror closes his eyes and whispers the control weather spell, making the weather better

You say ' There we go'

The sky is cloudy and a warm southerly breeze blows.

Sanria watches the weather clear and she nods.

You say ' So how long before he has his mind back?'

Sanria finally turns to you.

Sanria says 'No one can say.'
Sanria says 'But even when it is back, he won't remember me.'

You say ' So then, why can't you be with him then? I fail to see the point...'

Sanria says 'At the current time if I go to him I could damage his mind.'
Sanria says 'Until he heals... after that, I could be with him.'
Sanria looks down.
Sanria says 'But I think it would be best if I let him start fresh.'
Sanria says 'Far too much baggage to heap upon him.'

You say ' What is baggage?'

Sanria smirks.
Sanria says 'My past.   Our past, his and mine.'

You say ' Seems to me you are the only one who has that baggage. And eventually, if you wait for him to heal, you could meet him again, a second time and try again.'
You say ' Assuming you want to of course.'

Sanria looks at you.
Sanria says 'I am the only one that has that baggage... and that is what I mean.  I don't want to burden him with what I carry.'
Sanria says '*quietly*  He's free.'

Ror scratches his chin

You say ' Would you want to keep the baggage to yourself, not telling him? Or are you afraid you'd crack up and spill the beans eventually?'

Sanria chuckles.
Sanria says 'I'd much rather keep my baggage to myself.'

You say ' I see. But does the baggage stand in the way between him and you?'

Ror bites in the apple as he thinks things over

Sanria says 'You needn't worry on my personal affairs.  He is free of baggage.  That is all that matters.'
Sanria says 'I won't saddle him with it again.'

Ror swallows his apple down

You say ' Fair enough I guess. But that does mean you choose for both.'

Sanria says 'I've chosen for many more than two.'
Sanria looks back to the valley and nods.
Sanria says 'Well then.'

Ror thinks a bit, then adds, 'I don't want to nose around in other people's personal affair, it's just that I think, if you truly love him, give it another shot.'

Sanria says '*quietly*  You wouldn't think that if you knew everything I know.'

You say ' You know, because we all deserve happiness, just like the Valley deserves a day without rain'

Sanria says 'His happiness, though he may not immediately see it, is being free.'
Sanria says 'A bird forever caged may not understand once it is out the freedom it has and the happiness that it can attain.'
Sanria says 'Colin is that bird.'
Sanria turns around and begins walking away slowly.

You say ' Birds, you let them fly away. But when they truly love you, they will fly back to you.'
You smile happily.

Sanria says 'It isn't always the intelligent thing to do.'

You say ' Love never is intelligent!'

Sanria stops and turns to look at you.
Sanria says 'In this course - in this matter - I will not bring him back into my life if I can help it.'
Sanria says 'This frivolous advice applies to young girls in love, those who haven't experienced the life I have.  Those that don't know better.'
Sanria says 'I know better.'

You say ' How many times did I make you blush up till now?'
You say ' Since we met I mean'

Sanria straightens a bit.
Sanria says 'I don't know.  Were you counting?'

You say ' No. Just saying, that some things cannot be controlled.'

Sanria says 'Some.'
Sanria says 'Whether or not I let him back into my life?  That can be.'

You say ' Well, who says you can 'let' him get back into your life? Perhaps he lets himself in or someone else does that. How can you stop him? How can you stay away from people like me who pop up everywhere inconveniently?'
You grin evilly.

Sanria looks at you, letting out a long sigh.
Sanria says 'Do you want to know why you made me blush?'

You say ' Sure, why not? Want an apple in the meantime? You look hungry...'

Sanria walks back over, she nears you, but is still a decent distance.

Ror offers Sanria one of the apples he brought

Sanria says 'Because when he left... I hadn't planned on staying with him.  In my mind, after everything he had done, I had decided to leave him.'
Sanria waves a hand, ignoring the apple.
Sanria says 'You came in and did things that normally, only people who are interested in someone else does.'
Sanria says 'Midnight picnics, comforting hugs...'
Sanria shakes her head.

You say ' Badly placed advice'
You say ' Don't forget that'

Sanria says 'I thought you had some type of interest beyond just...'
Sanria shakes her head again.

You say ' beyond what?'

Sanria says 'I was wrong.  I see that now.'
Sanria says 'Beyond merely wanting information on Throm.'
Sanria says 'Beyond merely wanting a friend.'

Ror smiles at Sanria, 'Tut! Tut! We promised we would not discuss that man again!'

Sanria looks at you and shakes her head slowly.

You say ' What's wrong with wanting a friend? Some of the best relationships are born from it'

Sanria says 'You missed what I said.'
Sanria says 'You see, I realize now that you wanted a friend.  Not what I thought.'

You say ' What, sex?'

Sanria says 'A relationship, Ror.'
Sanria says 'That is why I no longer blush.'
Sanria says 'I know that is not what you want.'

You say ' Ah, but I hardly know you.'
You say ' Although I must say, all this talking does help. Well, a little.'

Sanria looks over at you, shaking her head slowly.
Sanria says 'Friends don't take friends on romantic picnics, Ror.  People interested in people for relationships do that.'
Sanria says 'You even confused my advisor, and she's never generally confused.'

You say ' So?'

Sanria says 'So it's taken me time to realize that's not what you were after is all.  Nothing more.'

You say ' I see. Did you ask me or did you conclude that on your own?'

Sanria looks at you for a moment.
Sanria says 'I suppose I concluded that on my own.  Am I correct?'

You nod.
You say ' I do not recall you asking me, so yes, you are correct'

Sanria says 'And now you know why I no longer blush.'
Sanria gives a small incline of her head.

You say ' Indeed. Didn't ask for that, but now I know. Although I do think, putting aside all complicated baggage, blushing more often would do you good.'

Sanria says 'If you're looking to make women blush, there are plenty of others that will do the job.'

You say ' Such as?'

Sanria waves a hand in the air, gesturing in no direction in particular.
Sanria says 'And number of them that go through the cities and towns.'

You say ' I prefer the forest'

Sanria says 'Suit yourself.'
Sanria smiles a little.

You say ' So... any chance of watching that moon with me now?'

Sanria gives a singular chuckle and turns around.  She walks nearby and sits on the ground by the rock.
Sanria looks upward, scanning the skies.

Ror watches the moon for a while, then says, 'I once had a girl, and she was pretty. We were young, but we got separated by accident. She is no longer alive, I checked upon return.'

Sanria says 'I'm sorry to hear that.'

You say ' No worries, it was a long time ago. I've learned to live with it.'

Sanria says 'So have you not gone in search of another?'

You chuckle politely.
You say ' Curious are we?'

Sanria says 'Not overly so, but just making conversation.'
Sanria watches the moon.  She puts her head on her knees that are pulled up to her chest.

You say ' There were others, but it wasn't the same. I can't explain it. I guess, perhaps somewhere I could not put it to rest.'

Sanria says '*quietly*  I understand that.'

You smile happily.
You say ' I hoped you would.'

Sanria finally lays out on the grass and stares up at the sky.

Ror lays down besides Sanria in the grass and watches the starry sky with her

Sanria says 'You should try again.  Maybe go to the city, or search out the woods, find a girl that shares your interests and try again.'
Sanria says 'I've tried a lot.'

You say ' I heard'

Sanria folds her hands over her stomach.

You say ' From you'
You grin evilly.

Sanria chuckles lightly.
Sanria says 'Well, you should try again.'
Sanria says 'Who knows whether you'll find someone who will make your heart happy.'
Sanria says 'Nice elven girl who hangs out in trees, perhaps.'
Sanria grins.

You say ' Tried that, gets boring after a while.'

Sanria says 'So you seek the life of the loner?'

You say ' Loners make bad partners, they walk away and all that'

Sanria says 'You're a tough customer.'

You say ' I found something nice already, but I am kind of worried that once everything nice and peaceful complicated drama will sail over the horizon to destroy all peace and happiness.'

Sanria says 'Well... if you know there is drama on the horizon, and you fear drama... that perhaps isn't the right one?'
Sanria says 'I know drama... Gods, do I know.'

You say ' the Queen of Drama'

Sanria stares up at the sky, her face betrays no emotion.
Sanria says '*whispers* Yes.'

You create a beautiful red rose.
You give a red rose to Sanria.

Sanria blinks and looks over at you.
Sanria says '... thank you.'

You say ' You're welcome'

Sanria sits up and looks down at the rose.
Sanria says 'I should probably get going.'

You say ' To do what?'

Sanria doesn't look at you as she stands up and dusts her robes off.
Sanria says 'Oh... I'm sure there's something that needs doing.'

You say ' Very vague. But if you feel more comfortable running away, feel free.'

Sanria looks down at you.
Sanria says 'Running away?'

You say ' Striding away? '

Ror opens one eye and grins

Sanria looks up at the sky for a moment.
Sanria says 'You should avoid drama, if you can help it.'

You say ' Probably. I was never a good listener to my own advice.'

Sanria chuckles lightly.

You say ' Besides what's better than one sage?'

Sanria says 'What?'

Ror sticks up two fingers

Sanria looks at you, a half smile on her face.

You say ' Two sages'

Sanria chuckles again and shakes her head.
Sanria says 'Be careful what you wish for.'

You say ' Oh yes, all doom and what not. Well, I'm a member of TriPower, I'll get that anyway. Might as well have some happiness in the mean time.'

Sanria stops for a moment.

Ror sits up straight and stretches

Sanria says 'You can find happiness in far better places, Ror.'

You say ' Such as?'

Sanria says 'Anywhere but here.'

You say ' Fair enough.'

Sanria smiles lightly.

Ror stands up and offers his arm to Sanria

Sanria lifts her eyebrow and slowly takes the proffered arm.

Ror gently walks away from the scene with Sanria
Ror helps Sanria out of the mithril caves

You say ' Just a little further'

Sanria looks around as she follows you, her arm in yours.

Ror stops halfway the trail and turns to closed growth at the side of the road

Sanria looks over at you.

Ror says to Sanria, 'Wait here for a second.'

Sanria says 'Of course.'
Sanria stops following you.

Ror steps into the growth that swallows him immediately

Entrance to an Ancient Tree [NOLOOT]
  A large, ancient tree grows in this rocky, small area.  The thick
trunk of the tree dominates among the moss covered rocks.  Its
gigantic roots digging deep beneath the soil.  The thick canopy
overhead blocks out most sunlight.  The tree grew through the first
layers of the canopy and beyond it.  One of the rocks has a carved out
rune.  Behind this rock is the start of a stairway, partially hacked
out of the rocks, and leading further up into the tree.  A weathered,
old sign at the bottom of the stairway reads: "Welcome".  

[Exits: south up]   [Doors: none]

Sanria has arrived.
Sanria now follows you.
Sanria says '*quietly*  Oh...'

Ror watches the growth close behind them, as if there never was an entrance to begin with

You say ' You like it?'

Sanria says 'It's very nice...'
Sanria looks around and back the way they came.
Sanria says 'I never... knew this was here...'

You say ' Nobody does. And those who did are dead'

Sanria gives a barely perceptible chuckle.

You say ' That sounds worse than intended...'

Ror points up the stairway, 'Shall we?'

Sanria looks at you and nods.
Sanria says 'Let's.'

Ror guides Sanria through the hallway

Sanria follows, looking over the smoothness of the tree walls.
Sanria says '*quietly*  How long have you lived here?'

You say ' A couple of years. It was once a hub for those who followed Nature. When I returned, it was forgotten and overgrown. And where there was no plants, there were cobwebs so thick I need a big stick to clear them out.'
You say ' I am still renovating'

Sanria says 'Is it just you then?'

You say ' Yep'

Sanria reaches out and touches the wall, giving a small smile.

You say ' Ah, well, of the humanoids I mean'
You grin evilly.

Sanria looks back at you and chuckles.
Sanria says 'Indeed.'

Ror places his hand on the wall and mumbles, 'No offense.' then nods to himself as if someone said something to him.

Sanria watches and smiles a bit.

Ror takes off his TriPower coat and hangs it on the peg

Sanria says 'So... why are you bringing me to your home?'

You say ' Because you said there were happier places and this is the happiest one I know'

Sanria looks at you for a moment then shakes her head, laughing quietly.

Ror nudges up

Sanria says 'I wouldn't taint it by bringing me into it, you know.'

You say ' Taint?'

Sanria says 'The less memories you have of me, the better.'
Sanria gives a nod.
Sanria says 'Indeed.'
Sanria says 'Drama... remember?'

You say ' Ah yes, well maybe I can cure that? Worth a try?'
You chuckle politely.

Sanria looks over at you with a half smile.
Sanria says 'I'm a much larger project than I appear.'

You say ' If you want, you can walk around and explore'
You now follow Sanria.

Sanria says 'Alright.'

You say ' All the time in the world'

Sanria starts walking slowly through the tree.
Sanria says 'I'm surprised the tree allowed this...'

You say ' She's fairly mild'

Sanria says 'Apparently so.  And kind.'

You say ' And extremely happy with a Sage living here'

Sanria looks at the bird in the cage then looks at you.
Sanria says 'I suppose so.  She has someone to speak with on a regular basis.'

You say ' Just a few more weeks and I can set that one free. Found it half-dead in the forest nearby'

Sanria says '... well, as I said... freedom is happiness.'
Sanria walks around the shelves and runs a finger over the spines of the books.
Sanria says 'I recognize quite a few of these.'

You raise an eyebrow at the notion.

Sanria stops at one and pulls it from the shelf, opening it and smiling at the pages.

You say ' Alright, I admit, I might have copied a few from the TriPower library...'

Sanria says 'Ah, yes.  I'd imagine so.  Did you... copy all these yourself?'
Sanria looks up at you, closing the book.

Ror eyes go up, eyeing the long stretch of bookshelves going up, up, up and away!

You say ' No comment'

Ror whistles innocently

Sanria grins and slides the book back onto the shelf.  She walks slowly from the library.
Sanria says 'Any place off limits?'

You say ' Not that I am aware of'

Sanria gives a nod as she walks.
Sanria says 'Quite nice.'

You say ' Yes!'

Sanria chuckles politely.

You say ' Feel free to try'

Sanria says 'Oh... that's alright.'
Sanria smiles at you.
Sanria says 'I can smell from here.'
Sanria looks around, her smile going introspective.
Sanria says 'Colin would like this room.'

You say ' It's a training room'

Sanria says 'He did a lot of it.'
Sanria chuckles and turns to leave.
Sanria lets out a breath.

You say ' As I said, more people used to live here in the past.'

Sanria answers absently, "Yes" before walking to the edge of the balcony.

Ror sits on the bench

Sanria smiles as she looks out over the forest.
Sanria says 'Quite the view.'

You nod.
You say ' peace'

Sanria says '*quietly*  Indeed.'
Sanria turns to look at you.
Sanria says 'Do you spend much time here?'

You say ' Not as much as I'd want to.'
You say ' Most of the time I am in the TriPower library. Alas.'

Sanria smiles a bit and walks to the telescope, looking through it.

You say ' Ah, then you never met the librarian. She'd have my head!'

Sanria says 'Oh I'm sure you'd manage with those sticky fingers of yours.'
Sanria grins to herself as she scans the skies.

You say ' I've found a way to bypass her...'

Sanria says 'Have you?'
Sanria walks over and sits on the bench with you.

You say ' No protection on self-made copies'
You grin evilly.

Sanria says 'You see?  So you should entrench yourself here.  It's a nice spot.'

You say ' Eventually I will be able to'

Sanria gives a nod at that.

Ror puts his arm around Sanria and swings the bench a gentle bit

Sanria clears her throat a bit and looks skyward.
Sanria says 'You know, you should come visit our castle sometime.'

You say ' You own a castle and a cave?'

Sanria chuckles and shakes her head.
Sanria says 'No.  In fact, the castle belongs to the Rilmani.  We just... stay there.  The Keepers of Balance.'

You say ' Ah.... I think I'll ask you another time what a Rilmani is exactly'

Sanria smiles a bit.
Sanria says 'It will definitively take some time to explain.'
Sanria says 'Though they're better than I at explaining it.'

You nod.

Sanria looks over at you for a moment.

Ror looks back

Sanria says 'So did you send flowers to the priest that helped you?  Casandra?'

You say ' Like a true gentleman. Although I put more effort in your note truth be told.'

Sanria chuckles at that.
Sanria says 'Maybe you should take time to get to know her?'

You say ' You'd want that?'

Sanria says 'Well why not?  She seemed nice enough.'

You say ' Maybe'

Sanria turns to face you a little more.
Sanria says 'Just maybe?  She seemed pretty.'
Sanria gives a bit of a grin.

You say ' Yes, she was, wasn't she?'

Sanria says 'Indeed.'
Sanria says 'She could be the very lady friend you need.'

You say ' Of course I was lying in another woman's arms at the time, so slightly distracted...'

Sanria looks off with a smirk and stands up.  She once again walks to the edge of the balcony.
Sanria says 'Well, that was only for healing purposes, of course.'

Ror stands up and stands behind Sanria at the edge of the balcony and puts his arms around her

You say ' Ah yes, of course. Purely diplomatic as well, I suppose?'

Sanria swallows but keeps her eyes averted to the forest beyond.
Sanria says 'Yes.  Absolutely.'

Ror strokes Sanria's hair out of the right side of her neck and strokes there with a single finger

Sanria 's breathing appears to quicken.
Sanria says 'You know, I could help you get in touch with her if you wanted.'

You say ' Hm, hm'

Ror gives Sanria's neck a gentle kiss

Sanria lets out a small exhale and turns somewhat to look at you, her mouth slightly hanging open.
Sanria says 'Ror... you don't...'
Sanria says 'You don't want to get involved with me that way... you... there's too much...'

Ror kisses Sanria's lips for a moment, then says, 'I know, but for now you may find your love and peace here should you desire.'
Ror cuddles Sanria

Sanria pulls back from you.
Sanria says 'Listen... I should go.  I'd love for you to get to know Casandra and I think truly that should be the track you should take.'
Sanria gives you a very small smile as she looks up at you, hoping you'll obey.
Sanria says 'She seems full of mystery and other good things, too.'

You say ' Ah yes. Hello Casandra, how are you? We vaguely met when I was half in another woman's arms and half puking at your feet. I came here to court you on order of another woman I kissed.'

Sanria smirks and shakes her head.

You say ' I'm sure that seems very reliable and honest...'

Sanria says 'Invite her for a moonlight picnic...'
Sanria says 'Or... something more romantic.'
Sanria runs a hand through her hair.
Sanria says 'Ah...'
Sanria says 'I don't know... off the top of my head... maybe a trip to Paradise Island?'
Sanria says 'That place is... quite nice if you find the right beach.'
Sanria smiles a bit.

You say ' Nervous, eh?'

Sanria says 'Nerv... I'm just trying to give you advice and perhaps save you from making a mistake... that's all.'
Sanria looks down a bit.

You say ' I tried that earlier with you and you didn't listen to me. So perhaps now I can do the same for you?'

Sanria lets out a sigh and looks at you.
Sanria says 'What would you advise then?'

You say ' Heal the many wounds you have, and sort out the feelings you have. Then act upon those and be happy.'

Sanria lets out a laugh, the first truly loud one she has let fly.
Sanria says 'You see?  This is how little you know me.  If I could sort out the feelings I have, why... I would be happy because I would never be confused again.'
Sanria continues her laughter as it dies into giggles.

You say ' How long has it been since you truly laughed like that?'

Sanria says 'Oh... many years.'
Sanria grins at you.

You say ' Well, there you go, you healed a bit.'

Sanria says 'If healing is looking at your situation and realizing just how hopeless you truly are... I healed a bit alright.'
Sanria smiles as she gets close to you again, putting a hand on your shoulder.
Sanria says 'I have a husband who isn't my husband who doesn't remember me but wants to be close to me, I have my ex husband living in my house hiding from TriPower...'
Sanria says 'And that is just my love life.'
Sanria grins a bit more.

You say ' Had several romantic undertakings, kissed with a strange man on a balcony under the moonlight and...told him to go find another woman'

Sanria says 'It is what I do best.'
Sanria nods a bit as she squeezes your shoulder gently.
Sanria says 'I tell the men who come into my life to run screaming in the opposite direction as fast as possible.'

You say ' Ah, but they didn't listen to that!'

Sanria says 'Fools, all.'
Sanria smiles a bit more wistfully.  She lowers her hand and looks out at the forest.
Sanria says 'There are so many others, Ror.  Many others without families or trails of history behind them.'
Sanria says 'The realms is truly open for the picking.'
Sanria gestures to the trees beyond.

You say ' I think I will stand by my earlier statement: I know, but for now you may find your love and peace here should you desire.'

Sanria looks over at you.
Sanria says 'What I desire would only lead me into more tangled trouble.'
Sanria smiles gently.
Sanria says 'Something tells me if I did what I desired... if I gave in to my loneliness... that it wouldn't stay here.'

You say ' Well, as you might have noticed, I leave that decision to you.'

Sanria takes your face in her hand and turns you to face her.  She runs her thumb gently over your cheek.
Sanria leans up on her tiptoes and places a very soft kiss on your lips.  She pulls back and looks up at you.
Sanria says 'I have much to sort out.'

You say ' Aye'

Sanria takes a couple steps back from you, her small smile still on her face.

Ror folds his hands behind his back and raises an eyebrow at Sanria

Sanria says 'Lonely people don't make very wise decisions.  Sometimes they make them out of desperation... and that is a place that is the worst for making choices.'

You say ' So then, what is the plan?'

Sanria says 'Well, if I stay here any longer I might end up making love to you on the balcony, and I'm sure you're not ready for that.  So I think I should take my leave and clear my head, don't you?'
Sanria looks at you, her smile still there, but her eyes deadly serious.

You say ' The bench seems softer'

Sanria chuckles a bit, it sounds rather throaty.

You say ' Well either way, I was wondering if you still feel at home at your... ehm cave?'

Sanria says 'Ah... not... no.'
Sanria smirks a bit and rubs the back of her neck.
Sanria says 'I've been staying at the castle.'

You say ' And you were planning to stay at the castle, where you are overwhelmed by work?'

Sanria says 'It keeps me busy.'
Sanria looks over at you.

You say ' Ah yes, I know. Important work. But I believe you also have a baby to take care of, right?'

Sanria says 'Yes.  Nioma.  Though I have a lot of help thanks to Enmach.'
Sanria smiles a little bit at that.

You say ' Well, if you want, you can rent a room here. No cost. Just keep my tree company and free of bad things. Comes with its own key and your choice of decoration. You won't see me often here, due to... well library work...'

Sanria looks at you for a long moment, a chuckle seeming to hang suspended in her throat, her smile still there and growing into a grin.
Sanria says 'You'd rent me a room here?'

You say ' I accept payment if you insist.'

Sanria says 'I believe I'd have to give some sort of payment, otherwise people might get the wrong impression.'

You say ' Fair enough'
You say ' 1k platinum a month, all inclusive.'

Sanria says 'Alright.  Show me to my room.'

You smile happily.

Sanria walks over and takes your arm.

You say ' How's this?'

Sanria smiles as she looks around.  She looks up at you.
Sanria says 'I'll take it.'

You say ' A deal it is.'
You say ' That'll be 1k platinum'

Sanria says 'I'll have to visit the bank.'

You say ' We are not that far away from Westbridge'

Sanria nods.
Sanria says 'Give me a moment.'

You nod.

Sanria pats your arm.
Sanria steps back and utters a few words.
Sanria prays for transportation!
Sanria disappears.

A small piece of paper magically appears and swirls right into your hand!
It says: 'A money transfer of 1000 platinum has been added to your bank account on behalf of Sanria.'

Sanria smiles at you with a nod.
Sanria says 'There.  Quick as you please.'

You say ' Thank you'

Sanria says 'I had it transferred to your account.'

You nod.

Sanria says 'Now no one will mistake your intentions.'
Sanria walks over and sits on the bed, pushing on it as to test its comfort.

You say ' The tree will provide the door and the key. Just give her some time to grow it '

Sanria looks at you with a smile.
Sanria says 'I thank you.'

You say ' Don't mention it. You're paying after all'
You grin evilly.

Sanria says 'If you are done with your studies, that is.'

You nod.
You say ' I'll knock'

Sanria grins.
Sanria says 'As it should be lest you find me nude.'
Sanria nods solemnly.

You say ' Ah, should that happen, I'll push you out of my bed then'
You wink suggestively at Sanria.

Sanria blushes for the first time today.  She chuckles.
Sanria says 'Very well then.'
Sanria stands up and walks over to you, hand extended.
Sanria says 'We have a deal.'

Ror spits in his hand and clasps yours with it

You say ' Deal'

Sanria winces slightly at the spit, but shakes heartily.
Sanria says 'Alright.  I should go gather a few things.'

You nod.
You say ' I am off to sleep, then work for the greater glory of the TriPower, etc. etc.'

Sanria smiles at you.
Sanria waves happily.
Sanria says 'Sleep well.'

You say ' Sweet dreams'