Speaking with the leaders

"Attention leaders of Polaris.  I am Kaz Starchacer of the FLAME.   The time has come for you to decide what you want for your city. The FLAME offers you comfort.  Yes, the cold of the city hardens you into the warriors you are.  But heating your homes is not the only  thing that we offer you.  We offer to bring trade into your isolated city. We offer to help modernize your city, police your streets, and offer protection against those who would wish you harm.  The Istishians will try and sway you from what we offer you.  They  will tell you that we are only here to serve ourselves.  I have been  alive longer than this city has existed.  I would not support anything that  was not in the best interests of the realms.   I am a Crimson Guardian before I am a FLAME.  I give you my word that FLAME will in no way hurt your city.  They plan to improve the quality of your lives and catch you up to the rest  of the lands that surround you.   This city has played home to me many times over the years, and I hate to see it become the barren waste that it has become.   With tourism you can bring in some much needed money that you could use to make your city more livable.  We dont presume to be able to change the climate of the city.  But we do plan to make your homes much more livable.  With this I leave you to your decision.  I have made my offers. As have the others of FLAME that have come here to tell you what we offer you. Now it is up to you to decide how you want to live."

With a bow and a wave of his hand Kaz dissapears from the room, leaving the leaders of polaris to debate over the future of their city.