Aftermath (Part 3)

The general celebratory mood of the insurgents had faded over the course of the past 2 hours since Vorcet had excused himself to fix his body and return to his normal state of dress.  THoughts had turned to the general destruction surrounding where the main portion of the fighting had happened in the center of the city.  Fires still raged and people mourned over the deaths of loved ones lost in the fighting.  The eyes of the residesnt of the city remained downcast, expecting yet another oppressor.  It had been too long since true order had ruled in what was arguably the trade hub of the entire continent.

Vorcet waded through the masses of people and reached the central fountain in the middle of town.  He hopped up on the edge and turned to face that poprtion of the crowd.  He could see symbols from most of the organizations of the realms.  Even the Black Church it seemed had had enough of the vectorian rule of this important trade hub of the realms.  Vorcet took a breath and uttered a small spell to project his voice about him for all to hear.

"Citizens of Westbridge!" He called through the square as conversations fell to nothing and eyes turned to him on the fountain.  Nervousness crept up Vorcet's spine as he continued.  "It has been far too long since you have had your taste of freedom.  Freedom to conduct business, freedom to leave the confines of your own city."  Vorcet paused for a moment for dramatic effect.  "Your own efforts in the conflict here today have helped tip the scales in your own favor and help to restore a bit of balance to the area.  It may take time to realize it in full. I realize that it has been far too long under the thumb of the vectorian oppression to fully trust.  But what is needed now is leadership.  Leadership to help rebuild this once great city.  Leadership to help enforce law."  Vorcet stopped for a moment to let what he had said sink in.  "I propose a council. A council of the liberators.  To protect the interests of all within the borders of this great town.  A council to prevent any one group from attempting to subjugate the masses and steal their livelyhoods.  A balance to all of the forces that would lay claim to your home.  This is mutually beneficial to all.  It allows trade to flow freely through the town.  Allows for the creation of jobs and the return of a standard of living to which you were once  accustomed.  To the Leaders of the clans of the realms, I call you forward, to discuss a joint control of westbridge. I am Vorcet of the Keepers of Balance, and I shall await word from all of you to discuss terms to make this happen.  For the people!  For Westbridge!"

Vorcet hopped down from the edge of the fountain and With hands in sleeves of robes walked south to check on the Bar south of the square and drown his nerves in a glass of whiskey or ten.

Bits and Pieces

The makou burners were switched off and four lab employees lifted a large package upon the long lab table. They folded back the cloth that wrapped it and revealed the inside to Ror. 'Excellent,' he said. Ror studied the scraps, pieces, flints and large remains of had once been Kefka's armour. 'I'm impressed that you were still able to salvage so much from the site.' One of the employees coughed, then said, 'Well sir, frankly we were lucky to find this. Most of it was gone.'

Ror nodded, picking up a shard of metal with a pair of tweezers and holding it against the light. 'I understand. We can assume that most of the suit was destroyed following the explosion,' Ror paused, 'However, the majority of the remains are not on this table. I'm sure they were cartwheeled off by locals or Radiant Heart troops.' He nudged another employee as he placed the shard back amongst the rest of the remains, and disposed of the tweezers.

'Go find me Alsin, I think I'll need his help on this one. As for the rest of you, commence the analysis of the parts. When you're done, I want a report. Once I've talked to Alsin, I'll try and see if I can contact the Radiant Heart.'

With that Ror walked off to the library, leaving the employees busy in the laboratory.

Westbridge Aftermath - Ror's Letter

Dear leaders of the Radiant Heart and Keepers of Balance,

My personal thanks for the liberation of Westbridge. It was - with lack of better words - complex for the treaty bound TriPower. I am quite joyed that I can once more walk through Westbridge at peace.

Unfortunately, when I look around I still see the damage done in the faces of the men and women of Westbridge. And this is something that grieves me.

I was wondering whether there were any plans to open a school and university for the return of education to the city? It would do the young children good. And additionally for those without family, of course a new orphanage. Or what about a theatre so culture and joy may once again bloom in Westbridge?

Now that the Vectorians are gone, I feel many institutions are needed to once more uplift the spirits of the people of Westbridge.

Patiently awaiting your answer.

Ror Surion