Khyron to the Rescue. Hi-Ho Your Wildest Fantasy Awaaayyy!

There were books everywhere, a few neat stacks but mostly haphazard piles littering the floor. Khyron stood in the center of the room surveying the mess, idly wondering what manner of creature left his study in such a state; fully aware that he himself was to blame. The books were largely historical volumes dating back as far as the time of Nethril, and further. Khyron let out a sigh at the daunting task of organizing the texts before beginning to do just that.

As he began placing the books in new piles, based on time period, he became aware of a sense of worry abruptly disturbing his thoughts. Despite being an experienced wizard, Khyron was not superstitious as a rule and deemed the feeling illogical and continued to organize his study. Suddenly he stopped, something wasn't right. The feeling was unusual; it felt as though he were experiencing someone else's worry. Khyron gasped as realization set in, it was some form of telepathy; Dorian was in danger. He dropped the books he had been holding beginning to chant even before they hit the floor. Gray mists swirled up as he finished the incantation and vanished from the study.

Reappearing on the shore of Willow Lake, Khyron immediately felt Dorian's presence. Khyron looked around; nothing seemed to disturb the tranquility that always seemed to reign here. No, that wasn't true; although it looked tranquil a sense of evil tainted the air. He forced himself to calm down and surveyed the scene again, the grass was wet under the tree Dorian often sat under and was slightly matted down in the direction of the lake. Running quickly to the shore he looked into the lake and spotted Dorian. Again, nothing strange could be seen but yet there was something there, pulling Dorian deeper into the lake. She did not appear to be struggling, and it was impossible to tell whether she was conscious or not. The presence seemed powerful, but it was difficult to be sure. A levitation spell came to mind, although afraid it wouldn't be powerful enough Khyron decided to try it. To his surprise, and relief, the presence did not fight back, simply letting go and vanishing. He pulled Dorian from the lake and laid her gently on the grass a short distance from the bank. She was unconscious and, surprisingly, was breathing fine.

Although Dorian did not appear to be injured, Khyron was no healer and couldn't be sure. Picking her up again he frowned in the direction of lake, watching the serene waters for a moment before returning to the main hall to take Dorian to the healer.

I'm Worried About You

Dorian sits on the banks of Willow Lake watching the birds flit.  As she sits she contemplates what she has heard.  Slowly the waters of the lake expand, crest the banks and then reach toward the tree and the esper that sits beneath it.  Silently, slowly, the waters grab the esper and pull her into their depths.  As that happens Dorian calls out to Keldon . . . "Keep hidden.  Don't trust them . . .Keep safe!"