The Knights and What I must do

Bethia walked about her lodgings this particular day thinking to herself as she watches the red haze slowly take the sky and stain it the color of blood. "I cant stand back and watch anymore, the world is going to ruin, To many people I love dying or threatened" Bethia sighs in sorrow. "This day it will stop" Bethia yells to herself suddenly "No more, will I stand back" Jumps up, and walks to her Chest, and opens the lid, and begins to fraw out an ancient Armor, beutiful engravings and regal imprints of hapiness and purity. "I'll take care of you realms, I will bring the people of good together to fight this on comming evil, I will join the Knights, and create the dream our lord and true Sylus once saw" "With Tanaka travelling the roads soon, I'll hold the Knights firm and take charge.... Evil will not prevail!" Taking her mothers Holy paladins sword Bethia, leaves her room to depart, and leaves to lead the Knights to Victory, to show them her dreams. 

The musings of the Divine

Long had he stood at the window. Watching the rain fall. How many times old foe. How many times have we danced this battle? Long have our battles been lord pure. But rest your mind, they soon will be over. solomon came easier now. No screaming and agony, simply speak and he is there. What will you do with them? Will you plunge the world into another everlasting winter of destruction? *cackling laughter* of course I will! He sighs and stares out the window. How did it come to this? How did I let it get so out of hand. Was lateralus right? Am I a monster that must die? Do not be so hard on yourself you old relic, Its just your time. Your rest is comming. And my son. Why do you attack my son? Seraphim? *laughter* I dont attack him anylonger. He has Joined me! .... Wh-what? his heart sinks... so that was the plan. The big secret that had been kept from him. And what next you vile creature? Next is your daughter old man. Then your knights. THEN THIS WORLD! WHy should I beleive anything you say? Because Im going to make you forget I told you. So I can watch them burn. Sylus leans wearily against the wall. He thinks back over his life. He has so many good memories. His children. His goddess. His love. How many of these things will be lost in the comming turmoil? Do not fret Sylus. I will let you watch. And in the end, your soul will know peace. And I will be free. What about this key Seline is so worried about? he whispers.. trying to distract the groggy solomon before he notices what he is doing. What about it? I dont care about the key. It would have been nice to consume its power, but oh well. Maya has it. And Her having it is the same as I having it. *laughs* You really think she loves you? My god solomon... look at what you are becomming... you sound like me. Hoping against hope that love will find its way ... even to a black heart like you. SILENCE!! Solomon growls from within him and Sylus nods, Not a vicious man You arent ready to deal with it I guess. You know the knights will stop you. You know Zariel will lead them eventually. Or at least... ZARIEL? LEAD? the girl couldnt lead her way out of her own bedchamber. I have nothing to fear from a scion who is afraid of her own shadow. Yet. SHe will beat you. I know it. Still faithful... even now are we? That is the meaning of faith. To beleive against all odds. Such as you beleive in Maya's love. Solomon goes quiet and Sylus silently sends this conversation mentally to Ryel with a simple request..... Be ready, and help zariel be ready.  

(ooc: How much of this ryel decides to tell anyone is up to him. Too much information is sometimes as dangerous as not enough, and I chose to trust his wisdom in this. Also. I would like to congradulate everyone involved in their wonderful roleplaying. Its well met and enjoyed) (PS OOC: Hehe there always has to be a ps. If I forgot to address this at anyone who thinks they should have been named. My apology.)

seline's journal pg 16

23rd of Hammer Interesting, Whomever this personage is that wishes my help with the Shield problem is definately one of either great power or resources. Today I was sent a Ring. Activating it will grant one wish, which might enable me to solve the problem of the Key, which is still out there and troubles me greatly. If it is not used there, it might be needed on this Shield quest, so I will not use it unless it is Absolutely necessary. Queen Simbul and I went to speak with the Ancient Dragon Ryel today. We learned much about the key. It seems the power from it has left the key and now resides in 3 people. Maya a Vampire, Tenchi an esper and that Sunite priestess. What aspects of the key they each have is unknown, however it can be triggered by merely a thought. This scares me. The number of times I have waken with the memories of battles I have been involved in and casting spells to defend myself against these NightMares. If it is triggered as a result of that kind of feeling... He has the inactive key, but would not release it to us so we could try to recover the essenses back into it.. Spoke to him about the shield problem.. Either he doesn't know anything or is so jumbled in his mind...riddles upon riddles I don't have his lifetime to figure this out! Simbul finally left to take care of some pressing matters and we started TRYING to discuss where this battle might have been. After he stuck his empty hand out saying that was wear he thought it might be, which is the common sign for one who desires payment for information, I became rather upset with him and started to leave. He stopped me and after we exchanged a few heated words, apparently he was insulted by my misunderstanding, explained that what he meant was the nothingness he was showing. I will have to Speak with Simbul to try to understand this. 

Seline's journal pg 15

*note this is a private journal all info in it is ooc* Today the 5th of Hammer, I recieved a curious message from an unknown. It seems there was at one time a Great Paladin known as Prator who wielded an enchanted Holy Shield. This shield, decorated with the emblem of a Large Glowing Sun was lost during the time of the Battle of the 3 Hells. There is a Lich by the name of Artanis,Supposedly this is his grandson who was made a lich by others and not of his own free will. Finding this Shield. And returning it to the decendent of Prator - Artanis MAY help Artanis regain his mortality. This Shield is reported to be highly blessed in the cause of Good. And will burn any of a dark heart. At the same time the Shield was lost, Prator also lost his Holy Avenger a long sword with some enchantments on it, Finding one might prove to help find the other. Now for the bad news... First These items were lost near the portals to the 3 hells, if those portals are opened. the Balors and demons of those realms will walk this world again. Beings near as strong as the Gods themselves and bent only on destruction. Second Ones of evil intent are supposedly seeking this Shield also, to ensure it can't be used against them. and Last Some Demented Idiots are trying to find the portals so they can open them and release those things on this realm! It is my understanding it is the will of the One True Spell that this item be found and this Lich given his chance to regain his life. Therefore, I ask All my fellow faithful to exert every effort to recover this shield and enlist any they feel trustworthy. 


I awoke from my reverie, staff on my lap started, by strange visions. It seemed more real, like a life I hadn't lived. The images being shaken from my head. It has been a few months since I aquired this interesting device. The dream shakes from my head and it becomes almost a distant memory quickly. I am left with the feeling that I have experienced it all before... like some sort of nightmare. I struggled hard to remember, but the visions vanished. Getting my bearings I realize I am not in the field I was mediating in, but on a hill overlooking a town being terrized by flame. I run down the side of the hill, staff in hand, my clothing blowing losely in the wind. I jump off a mound of grass and take flight, decending towards the town in the air. What seemed like a small army was attacking this village... there was. The closer I got the more I could see the locals being cut down, burning, running from thier homes. I could smell the blood in the air, its high coppery taste permiated the back of my mouth. I could see a wizard flying over the town raining down firey death on those that were trying to flee. So I charged him, enraged by the slaughter below. I colided with him mid-air...his body falling to the ground with mine. Disorientated both our limp forms rose slowly using barrels and staffs for support. The crackling of the burning wood echoed in our pounding heads.. well mine anyways. What was going through my head... IDIOT There was no time to react when a solid piece of wood bound in iron slapped me across the cheek. I spun in the air hitting the ground hard. My staff's butt flying back slamming into this unknown wizards diaphram. Both wizards slumped to the ground doubled over in pain, one sucking wind, the smoke from the fires choking the both of us... and both unable to cast spells, which i was sort of thankful for. Each again raising. He leveled his staff at me while standing, and spouted off an arcane word This is going to slightly hurt.... nothing... nothing happened. I ran quickly charged him again both of us tumbling to the ground.... again.... our staffs quickly falling away, as I coninuously pummeled the wizards teeth.. you can't speak.. you can't cast...maybe I could buy the peasants some time to flee. A stray fist caught my lip swelling it... our robes reflecting the light of the flames. A metal pot slams into my face... a boy holding the handle "Magic using scum...... " is all I heard as the pot came towards again... my lips too swollen to explain... another small group of peasants bludgeoned the other wizard to death, and were closing. A group of armed troops charged down the alley ways, now I am caught by not only an angry mob, but armed troops out for everyone head... HOW!?? In a matter of seconds a full blown battle raged around me, burning logs were used to hold off more troops, or at least attempting. Everyone was dying and.. I quickly called my staff to my hands.... and that is all I remember.... When I came to... the town was nothing but ash, the townfolk and troops around me nothing, but ash... the smell of charcoaled flesh stung my nose... what happened?? Did I kill them...I vague memory still haunted my mind... and was fleeting once again ... I did kill them... I wanted to help them... what happened??... Later that night I had dreams, nightmares about a cave... a spider and a staff were they just dreams?...... I awoke from my reverie with fleeting memories.........