The Decision

There Colin stood, in the middle of the rutted western road not far outside of Westbridge, his face turned downward. He stared at a dry clump of dirt without seeing it, feeling as if tears might lend some moisture to that dirt clump. Emalia had just left on her journey, alone, and he had allowed her to go. Not much earlier that day he had began to get concerned about her. The last he had spoken to her was the previous day when she was about to talk to Hellstrom about her beliefs once more.

After not hearing from her, Colin had spent almost an hour asking guards around the city if they had seen her and by the time one of them directed him to the western road his concern had grown into worry.

He came upon her on the rutted road, sparse with travelers, not far outside of the city gates. As he was jogging to catch up to her he noticed that she had a very full pack slung over her shoulder and looked to be prepared for an extended trip.

He was not expecting the reception that he had received from her. She told him simply that she was leaving and did not want to discuss it any further. His first assumption was that it was because of Hellstrom. "What did he do to you!?" Colin had demanded.

"Hellstrom did nothing," she had responded, "Melchior came back. I have given up on the cause of love. I've given up on trying to resolve anything with anyone. I'm finished and I'm going on a trip alone to clear my head so excuse me."

Colin had tried to stop her, to offer her comfort, but just as she had so many times before, he was rejected. Emalia had chosen to lump him in with everyone else who had "turned on her". Even after her rejection Colin had insisted that he come with her, and even tried to force the point against her will.

However, in the end, her quiet, heartfelt plea to be left alone had broken his resolve and she had departed alone.

"Why can't she see that I am not the same as them?" Colin thought to himself as he replayed the events in his mind, his gaze still trained upon that lonely clump of dirt at his feet.

"Hey, what are ya, dumb!? Get outta the middle a the road!" yelled a wheezy voice.

Colin looked up and jumped to the side just in time to avoid a vegetable cart pulled by a single horse who seemed far too eager to reach the city gates. Colin did not, however, avoid the squinting glare of the paunchy man with rosy cheeks who drove the cart.

"Why you fat little..." Colin began to think yet stopped there, his mind instead snapping back to his concern for Emalia. How could he let her go off by herself, especially when she had mentioned that spies had followed her recently. "She may not realize it, but she needs me... and I need her."

He had been employed as a bodyguard before, and was practiced at how to watch over someone from afar. This time he would just have to be extra careful not to be seen. If the time came that he had to take action, he would just have to hope that she could understand. "After all, I didn't tell her I wouldn't follow. I just told her to do what she needed to do. I won't stop her from doing that but I must be there if she needs me."

His decision made, Colin quickly started off in the direction Emalia had taken.


Emalia stood in her room - jaw dropped, tears in her eyes, and her tome on the ground - still in the haphazard position it was when Melchior threw it to the ground. He, too, was upset with her choice. He, too, looked upon her as a dealer in death. It set Emalia's resolve once and for all.

Earlier, she had been ready to run away. Again, she would find a new town, a new place, new people and thus not break any vows to anyone. As luck would have it, she stopped into the Prancing Stallion for a bit of water and ran smack into a drunken Grobnak.

She remembered Elbryan's words and was about to go, but she ended up talking to Grobnak anyway. As he found out her plans for leaving and why, he agreed quickly to withdraw his spies from her. She felt so much better, knowing that all it took was a simple request for her to keep her other family from enduring any worries. 'See,' she told herself, 'he's not as bad as they all make him out to be.'

Emalia had almost decided not to take her journey, when Grobnak made a suggestion... to seek out the Temple of Light. The name rang within her soul like a bell - perhaps here would be her clarity. She would seek out not only this place, but a man called 'Keldon', and see if her fate could finally be determined and her questions answered.

Leaving Grobnak at the compound, she went into Westbridge to collect her provisions and ended up in the map shop, hopeful that maybe there would be some sort of direction to this place... and so she stumbled on Melchior... and ended up here, by herself, with his words flailing her skin to shreds like a strand of barbed wire:

"You sentence us all to death!"

The Child

Jayden made his way to the cookie shop, thinking it would be nice to sit around and relax his old bones. As he walked into the shop he noticed a small girl sitting at a table crying 'Oh my gosh, it is Emalia he thought to himself, he hobbled his way over to Emalia and asked her what was wrong. Jayden then proceeded to sit down, placing cane in lap and relaxing little bit, standing for a long time, was now beginning to bear it's troubles with him. Emalia began to speak of the Jihad, Jayden was confused as to how this could happen without him knowing of such things. As Emalia started to get scared of what Jayden would think or say to her, he raised a frail hand and placed it on top of Emalia's, to comfort her, and show her he would not leave her for a choice, he would never leave her side, little did she know the Jayden saw her as one of his own children, he loved this young girl as much as any father could love any son or daughter.

She began discussing Hellstrom, and how he played into this and Jayden felt the need to bring Hellstrom into the picture. Jayden reached a hand up to the Insignia upon his neck and began to run his frail fingers lightly over it. It took but five minutes and Hellstrom appeared at the door. His voice was loud but calm "Yes Jayden?" He motioned for Hellstrom to make his way over and to take a seat. Hellstrom got a little nervous and said if this was to belittle the Jenovese people he would leave because he told Emalia he would not do such a thing. Emalia told him to stay after much debate Jayden suspected.

As they all engaged in talk about what was going on, a loud thud sounded on top of the shop. Jayden was the first to hear this sound so he looked up, the rest followed in suit, and they all arose from their seats. Jayden told them what should be done, but the two youth in the shop had their own views, and telling youth what should be done, is a recipe for disaster. Jayden let it go and Hellstrom ended up leaving for the woods to draw out this intruder. Jayden and Emalia stood behind, as Sandorin made his way into the shop.

Sandorin sat down with Emalia, and Jayden motioned that he should part ways now. Emalia told him to stay "Please" she had said to him, so he took a seat and started speaking with this man who was but a few years younger than him. Once finished with the story Jayden peered over at Emalia and she was fast asleep on the table. Sandorin made an attempt to wake her up with his hand, but before the hand reached Emalia Jayden bolted his hand upward with a speed no one has seen the old man use, nor did most think he was capable, "No...let the child sleep, she will come back to the halls with me tonight."

Sandorin didn't quite like the gesture but he understood where the man was coming from. Soon after Jayden stood with cane in hand and picked Emalia up and hoisted her onto on should, lightly as not to wake her. Jayden uttered a few words and a portal the size of the two of them appeared, he walked through and the portal was gone.

Arriving at the hall, Jayden made his way down to an empty room and placed Emalia into a pre-made bed, he tucked her in and gave her a small kiss on the top of her forehead, "Goodnight my child."

The Hunt

As his plans were foiled due to the fact of Hellstrom using a portal to carry them away from the area, he moved to a more comfortable spot, waiting and thinking. "Blasted Guardian....fool...." He moved down from the overlook and proceeded to Westbridge where he sat in the shadows by the temple, just waiting for a thought to enter his head.

When he saw it, he could not believe his eyes, there she was, Emalia. "Yes...perfect.." He then proceeded to follow her, as she made her way into the Cookie shop he perched himself up on the roof where he could tune into what was being said. About that time he saw an old man, looking quite pathetic make his hobbling way into the coffee shop then he heard Emalia and the man speak. After a long while Nyrul heard a noise, and peeked behind him, it was Hellstrom making his way through the door. The conversation was not what he was looking for, he heard a little of Elbryan and a mansion. Nyrul climbed down a little bit to hear this better but then slipped, he fell flat on his face and he then heard everyone go silent. Nyrul hushed himself and scaled down the backside of the building. He heard Emalia yelling so he moved sneakily toward the side where he could see a bear, most likely Hellstrom's guard.

Hellstrom proceeded out the door to where his bear stood, and Nyrul waited, then he made his advance to follow Hellstrom Far behind once again, but not far enough as to lose him. Nyrul thought to himself 'I will get what....I wanted...'

Rock and a Hard Place

Emalia woke up to the sound of musical chanting. Maxell walked slowly in the room, chanting as he swung his censer to and fro. The incense was that of sage, a sharp but healing scent, and it brought Emalia to her full waking state. "Kossuth educatoris de incendium. Kossuth patronus de Puniceus Praeses. Kossuth teneo ex consuetudo de noceo, ac perduco omnis de tenebra."

Maxell repeated his chant, unaware that Emalia was awake, listening. Without his knowing, she slid from the table and down the corridor, and with a spell, landed herself in Torregiano.

She had been here before on different errands, but still the city was a large maze for her. Eventually, she found her way to Elbryan's mansion, and let herself inside. She checked in many rooms until one of the butlers moved, as if floating, to her side. "May I help you?" he asked with an air of importance. It was obvious from his stature, he took his job quite seriously. "I need to speak with Sir Elbryan." "Mmmmm, this way."

With a short bow and after many stairs, the butler left her standing before the door to Elbryan's recreation room. She knew she was pushing herself, but she had to see him, and with a deep breath, she opened the door and popped her head inside.

Elbryan welcomed her in, and Emalia sat in the chair opposite him. "What brings you way out here today?" "I believe my time has come to an end with the Guardians. I have come to ask to be let go." Emalia sat with her head down, then looked to Elbryan as he spoke. "If they DO pose a threat are these the type of people you want to be associating with?"

Emalia spoke quietly, "Sir Elbryan, I cannot leave. I gave my vows. As for the danger... they have spies."

Elbryan was dismissive of this as he launched into several remarks on the state of his knowledge. "Is it enough for you to turn your back on us as well?" "My word. I gave my word." "You also gave your word to us, though not at knife point."

Emalia hadn't expected things to be easy, nor had she felt they would be so hard. She was frozen in two places. She had given her word to both the Guardians and to the Jihad and the only way she was beginning to see to get out was to fall forward onto the dagger. That, however, was something she wanted to avoid at all costs. "Grobnak's spies are hunting Hellstrom because you care for him and because he cares about you. I would evaluate which person is more truthful and more understanding in this affair further before making a rash decision."

Emalia could say nothing. Her weakness was at the point of dropping her to the floor, so before it could, she let go of her argument and vanished into her magical doorway.