Current Character Description - Shen Ju Rong

This man stands at average height with his jet black hair very closely cropped to  his head.  His skin is the color of  honey mocha, and  his almond  shaped eyes are  distinctly green  beneath their  epicanthical folds.  He wears  a brown wushu suit, tied at  the waist with a bright satin sash the color of the sea.  On his  shins are a pair of stocking socks in white that  rise to his knees beneath  his suit, wound with a thin strap  of deep brown leather, the same  that bind the arms of his suit - keeping  them out of  the way during battle.  On his feet are a pair of black leather slip-on shoes, so light as to be of no encumberance whatsoever.  His jaw square and well defined, he looks out on the world with a keen eye as well as a measure of cunning and calculation.

Wayward Son

Sanria knew what was about to happen before it happened, but she still could not keep Orn from exploding in front of Ruthivan.  She had to at last lay a hearty slap on her son's face to break his focus.  Ruthivan had turned  himself into some raging demonic... thing, and Sanria knew that in that instant, he was going to turn his fury on Claire once all was said and done.  If, she entertained, he didn't kill them first.

"You men and your idiotic  posturing," she hissed at Orn once they had left the tent and were standing before it outside. "Did you once think of what  you were doing  to Claire as you were threatening the man she has to live with?!  You don't  even know the whole story and you're in there acting as if you can take him.  As if he's never dealt with kid-napping her multiple times!"
"She shouldn't be living with that! You saw how he was with her!  What more is there to the story?" Orn said.
"Orn, damn it.  Did YOU think about the children?  Did you see she has four and one on the way? Gods only know what he's in there doing to her because you worked him up!"
"But, I mean, he was terrible..."
"You've effectively  made it  so we  will NEVER come back here without force." 

"I was just.  I  mean if  nobody stands  up to him.  Claire can't even speak up for herself."

They looked  up just to hear Ruthivan's shouting from the opened door. Leandra, Askari, and Heiyu walked out- Leandra looking defiant, Askari looking cowed, and  Heiyu as scared  as a child  could be, clinging to his father.  "Are you  guys okay?" Orn asked, and Leandra glared.  She walked to Sanria.
"We need a place to live so I hope you have somewhere we can go because hot head over there got in a tangle with Mr. Asshole," she spat.
"Leandra... that guy.  Come on.  He's unbelievable."
"Shut up, Orn.  You just got us kicked out of our house.  Idiot."
"Why would  you want  to be anywhere  around him?  Do you know what he called Heiyu?"

"Of COURSE I know.  But at least here we had a place away from you and your do-good self!  We stayed out of his way and kept Heiyu out of the way too!  But you couldn't just keep your stupid self home!"

Sanria let out a sigh and put a hand up, asking  for peace.  "I... Leandra, let's not fight. You, Askari, and Heiyu can live at the cottage.   No one is there now."
"Someone has to stand up to him," Orn said.  "Let him know he can't be  like that... right?  It's just not right."

"Yeah," Leandra  snarked.  "We all knew  that.  Sorry you were late to the party.

Sanria sent  Leandra, Askari, and Heiyu to the cottage and walked over to Orn. Comforting him for a moment before they returned to the cavern. She knew he was only doing his best, they all were only trying to help. Now, the possibilities of what Claire was enduring made her feel  sick to her  stomach.  That  she'd have  to tell Gilean made  her feel even worse... She  sighed deeply.  There had to be  a solution to  Claire's situation.  Sanria  had finally  seen for  herself... the woman was in  trouble.

Expulsion (3/3)

Sanria  found a  way  to take Orn out of the tent and Ruthivan, back to his  esper form, wheeled on her.  "Go get that human and  your spawn.  Now."

Obediently, Claire  went and returned leading the small family behind her.  Ruthivan approached and pointed a finger into Leandra's chest.  "Get out, all of you, and don't come back."

"Dad, don't do that to her," Askari said, stepping forward.  Ruthivan let forth a scathing slap. "GET OUT!"  "Ruthivan," Claire said, rushing forward, gripping Ruthivan's arm.  "Please, don't do this, stop, he is our son!"

Ruthivan  gripped Claire's robes and snatched her to his face.  "These are not pure, and I'll purge them  from our presence."  He shoved her away and stepped to the door as Leandra, Askari, and Heiyu filed past. "Please!! Ruthivan!! Stop!!" Claire sobbed openly. "GET OUT! And if you dare come back here, so help me, I will destroy you."

Once  the three  were  gone, Ruthivan slammed the door behind  them.  He glared  about the room and the other children fled his sight. He strode over and lifted Claire from the ground by her arm. "If you have anything to do with those misborn mongrels again, I'll  have to  take more drastic measures.  Do  you  hear me, Claire?" He  shook her, and she  nodded, sobbing. "Now, get in the bedroom and clean  yourself  up for Gods sakes.  You should be happy  I've purged us of impurities.  Stop your crying."

Claire stumbled into the bedroom, numb. She collapsed onto the bed and sobbed harder than she had ever before.

Expulsion (2/3)

Claire could sense Ruthivan's vibrations and knew that the situation was  growing perilous.  Still, there was  nothing she could  do.  He gripped her arm and shook her, the first time he had ever put a hand on her.  She had to admit  to them she was under house arrest, that she wasn't allowed, like a child, wasn't allowed to have visitors.  Still, Orn and Sanria weren't leaving, not fast enough.

Sanria  seemed to get it, and  Claire found a bit of relief.  "I believe we've been asked to leave,  so we  should in order to not cause any trouble." 

"Do as your  mother bids, boy.  You can take your  sister and her mongrel with you." 
"I'm sorry?  What?" Orn asked.

No, not this... Claire felt frantic energy as she watched  Ruthivan take a  step toward Orn.  "Your  sister and her mongrel that she made with the boy  that was intended to be my son. Do I need to speak  slower for your comprehension?"

Things were spinning and spiraling out of control and didn't stop until in a flash of light, Ruthivan was in  his battle form.  He  looked  like Ifrit, with slight differences, and was stooped into the living  room being to tall for its space.  Claire knew in a  moment, Orn might have a battle to the death on his hands.

Claire found herself shoved roughly out of the way, shocked that  Ruthivan had suddenly chosen to get physical. The fear went through her again and she found herself disgusted by  her cowardice and the shame that sat on her features.

Expulsion (1/3)

he boy was at it again.  Heiyu this time had gone into the cups and glasses in the kitchen, gathered them  all into  his arms, and  went squealing into  the living  room.  As much as she wanted Askari or Leandra  to take responsibility  for  the boy, she adored the time she got to spend with her grandson. It was only this small space of time, when Ruthivan took  the other  children to  the esper camp to be  with -their- grandparents.  And since Ruthivan had made her a capitive in her own home with the wards, she had no where else to-

Claire stopped short.  There, standing in her living room, was  Sanria and Orn.  It  couldn't be.  This was  not  a good  thing, unexpected  visitors when  Ruthivan would  be coming  home...  She would be a good hostess, she would say hello then send them on their way before Ruthivan came home.

They'd come to check on her. The fear went through her.  There was  no time for answering  questions, no time for -

Before Claire  could think of a way to get them to stop, to get them  to leave, the front door opened and Ruthivan stood shocked, then evenly angered at the- "There are humans in here, Dad!!!" "Children, go out and play."

Claire looked  down, her guts heavy with icy fear. "Claire, why are  these people  in  my  house?" he asked.   "This  is Leandra's mother and brother," she said, rounding the room to rest a hand on Ruthivan's arm. "Orn Stone.  Nice to meet you Mr. Wolldon." The handshake was ignored, and Claire's fears grew by the moment. "Claire, did  you not  understand my desire to not  have guests of this kind in my house?" "Ruthivan, it's only for a moment. They came to see  Leandra and Heiyu and Askari.  That's all."

Discoveries in Seas of Emotion ( 2 of 2)

The plans were made to leave the next day.  Gilean hadn't wanted Sanria to go with the chance she'd run into Ruthivan, and she had obliged, but changed her mind when Orn chose to come along.  She watched Orn go back up the stairs to pack a bag of his own, and left Gilean and Sandorin to return her pack to the bedroom.  She heard a soft shuffle and turned to see Matinus standing in the doorway.

"Hello  dear one," she said with a smile.  "Something you needed?"  She looked at the boy's face and frowned ever so slightly.  There was something wrong.  "What is it?" she said with a voice of concern.
"My dad is guilty."
"Wh.. what?  What do you mean?" She sat on the bed and patted the space beside her.  "Come in, sit." Matinus entered and sat looking at his lap.  "I don't know what he did,
but he's been feeling guilty about it."

"Well I'm sure it's nothing."

The boy  looked up at her and Sanria could see fear and pain written on his features.  "I don't  want him to mess up and make us leave and make you leave us.  I don't want to lose you as my mom."
"Matinus..." Sanria reached over, putting her arm around his shoulders. "I promise you, no matter what this is, I won't go anywhere.  You're my son now and everyone here is your family." "It's just that my Dad and Colin are angry with each other a lot, and now my dad  did something wrong  and feels guilty.  Like when you're trying not to get in trouble, and I don't know why."
"Well, it's  your dad.  Whatever it is, I'm sure it's nothing as bad as it seems."
"You promise you won't go anywhere or make us leave?"
"Oh, Matinus.  I won't go anywhere.  And  you're staying right here for as long as it takes til you grow up and leave on your own."
"What if I don't want to go when I get older?"

Sanria  chuckled and kissed Matinus on the top of the head.  She felt a deep connection to  the boy, as though he were a miniature Orn all over again.  She  squeezed him lightly.  "Then  you  can live here just like  Orn and Mirin.  Now, stop being worried and go play." 

She  watched the lopsided and shy smile come onto Matinus's face and he walked out.  Then, and  only then, did Sanria's smile fade.  Guilty for what?

Discoveries in Seas of Emotion ( 1 of 2 )

"Mom, you really shouldn't come.  The guy is an asshole."  Leandra was not known for holding back, and Sanria sighed.
"I'd like to see her for myself and possibly..."
"Well, I know we haven't exactly talked since... since you left, but-"
"Gods mom, what did you do now.  Or should I say, who?"
"Leandra, that's... nevermind.  I'm back  together with  your father."
"Well that's great!"
"No... hang on..."
"I'm with Gilean, too."  Silence.  Then:
"You're married to two guys?"
"Holy hells, mom.  I mean...  what is wrong with you?"
"Leandra, I'm  doing the best I can under the circumstances, so if you
don't mind keeping your demeaning opinion to yourself-"
"Fine.  Fine... I'm... glad you're at least kinda back with Dad."
"Thank you," Sanria telepathed.  "When can I come to visit Claire?"
"Soon. Mr. Bitch takes their kids to visit the other Espers daily. You
need  to come about  noon.  If he finds you there, he's probably going
to be in a mood."
"Thank you, Leandra.  I love you."
"Yeah, I know."

Sanria broke the  connection with  her daughter and sighed.  She still  didn't  know  she had a  brand new half brother, but  that  would be a discussion for  another time.  She got up and packed a few supplies in her pack.  She would go to  Claire,  figure out  how to get her out of her  situation, and bring her  back for Gilean.  It would be as simple as that.  She  had nearly reached the  door when Gilean  appeared from the library.

He guessed immediately where she was going and why, and spent the next moments trying to convince her that it was not what he wanted.  "But," she began, "don't you love Claire more than you love me?  If you could  be with her, wouldn't you?" "I do love Claire.  I do care about what she's going through and I hate  to see it. She doesn't deserve it. But to say I love her more than you?" Gilean shook his head.  "That's not true, Sanria."

Sanria's heart skipped and she reached out, taking both Gilean and her baby son, Sandorin, into an embrace. As strange was it was, she had to admit to herself  that she was  deeply in love with Gilean, and though  it was different than the  deep love she  had for Colin, the truth was that she felt her heart more entwined with the man in her arms now.

She pulled back just as Orn came down the stairs. "Oh, hey guys. You...  going somewhere, Mom?"
"Ah, I don't think so now.  I was just going to go visit Claire and Leandra.  I was thinking of helping Claire if she wanted help."
"Oh.  Well, is there something I can do to help?"