Divide and Conquer

Throm rubbed the day old growth of stubble upon his chin thoughtfully. Taking the letter back from Jayden, he stood back from the pool glancing upwards in contemplation. 'On one hand, I can understand and respect a person's request for solitude. On the other hand however, this "if I live" part within the note does not sit well with me.' Flicking the letter with his index finger he put it carefully within his inner pocket. 'Usually I could count on my magic to locate those I wish to find, however if Hellstrom does not wish to be found I have no doubt he has taken measures to ensure that divination will not allow him to be followed.' Looking down to the resting man in the pool, he nodded as if in agreement. 'I agree with you Jayden, it would be most unwise of us to attempt to change the path which Emalia has chosen. Forcing our beliefs on her would only serve to drive her away from the Guardians, we have not the right to do so. However she too must be found, especially in light of events of more recent nature. Just because we won't be trying to change her mind, doesn't mean we can't keep an eye out for her whilst she holds the company of Jihad. Meanwhile, perhaps I can persuade you to join me in search of our Hellstrom?'

Murmuring a thanks to Jayden, he drew Taryn eastward into the library. After uttering a small incantation, a small lamp illuminated the darkened room giving both of them, light by which to see. In attempts to lighten the air, Throm allowed a small smile to escape his lips. 'That's it...once we get everyone back together no one is allowed to leave the clan hall.' Shrugging slightly he scratched the back of his head, turning to face his friend. 'Hellstrom has most likely retreated into the forests where he is most comfortable. Though the woods are not necessarily my most comfortable of areas, we shall begin our search for him there. Any words of wisdom as to where would be the best place to start?' Drawing a deep breath, Throm leaned upon the chair next to him.

'And then there is Emalia. Though there are no signs that she is in danger I fear it would be foolish of us not to keep tabs on her for the present time. I care not which deity she should choose to follow, however her safety is of course paramount. Can you find her trail and ensure her safety?'