Mists of Confusion

It was absolutely silent as Sanria advanced. The mist seemed to come from nowhere and everywhere at once, cool and moist. Sanria could see no farther than an arms-length in front of her, yet something compelled her forward. "Hello?" she called out tentatively, though there was no answer. The mists continued to grow thicker until Sanria stood where not even her hands were visible.

Suddenly, from the mists, a man stepped into her path. As though willing the mists to bend around him, he stood clearly - his skin dazzling gold, the same color of his armor. His eyes burned brightly and locked onto Sanria.

Absolute fear flooded her body. The last time she had seen a being with golden skin like this, it was Velentham, and he wanted to take her from the material plane. A celestial... and this one was huge. Her breathing suddenly increased and sweat broke on her forehead even though a chill hung in the air.

She couldn't scream. She couldn't speak. She spun around but could see nothing in the mists as the man began striding toward her. In a panic, bolted. She knew from past experience that the minute a celestial touched you, they could alter your mind. She had to find her way home, she had to get the hell out of here, she had-

Sanria's mind ceased wandering as she collided with the thick trunk of the tree before her. She collapsed onto the ground, the mists swirling around her body as the golden man arrived and looked down at her unconscious form.