Current Character Description - Celiara Wolldon

Looking about six, perhaps  seven, Celiara is a good  esper child. Her features are slight, a small mouth pulled into a frown most of the time, her eyes - dark purple so as to almost appear black - are aswirl with curiosity and some deep seated sadness that should not be in the eyes of a child her age.  Her hair hangs to her shoulders, black and straight, and her skin swirls like a stormy night, a mix of purple and red, appearing maroonish-black.  She is quiet with a pensive silence, she is reluctant with a halting hesitation, as if she is not quite sure she is supposed to be here at all...

Return of the Shadows

It had been years since she had left her homeland, Kozakura. For the last few winters she had been a resident of Baulders Gate, that was until Her lover had left her for dead, in favour of another woman who was more inclined to believe him capable of elevating himself to godhood, Tamoko however just thought him mad.

It didn't pain her anymore to think back over it, she was disciplined, focused and determined. Sitting in the dimly lit room she had rented in some run down Inn called the Yawning Portal, she looked down at her crossed legs, the silk pants she wore clinging to her small legs as she exhaled deeply and closed her eyes in meditation.

The moon outside now had risen to the center of the sky, high over head, a shining beam of light filtering in between the barely parted curtain in the window. No candle light illuminated the room, the only noise to be heard the quiet shallow breathing of Tamoko.

Tamoko felt the approach before she saw it, a heavy shadow falling across her back and shoulder, its presence bearing down on her conciousness and disrupted her meditation. Flinging out with her arms Tamoko grabbed out to grab the being and her fingers trailed through it, grabbing hold of the beings cloak she flung it over her shoulders to crash into the wall in front of her and watched it disspear in what appeared to be a puff of smoke.The shadows had returned for her.

Standing from the bed, Tamako landed to the floor with deft silence and crossed to the other side of the small room, lighting a single candle, it doing little to cast away the shadows. She knew she would never be free of the death he had cast her into all those years ago and since the change of the realms and the disbanding of most of the churches and clans that used to run the cities, Tamoko was not sure where she would now find an ally.

Stomping the Flames

Sanria  found Kaliadra in  the small bed, fast asleep, her diary open. She walked  to the small table and read the entry, "Good. Bitch," she spat.  Then went  to the bed and woke Kaliadra with a stinging slap to the face.  The elf  flew away with  a start  and readied her hands for casting... then lowered them. 
"End it.  Make this stop," Sanria said.
"End what?"
"End us, you  silly tramp.  You said you wanted the pain to stop, well I do too.  So do something about  it.  End it.  Let's  stop this while we still can."

Kaliadra  slid to the edge of the bed, her hands on her knees, staring at the floor. Sanria  wanted to grab her by the  hair and pull it out handful  by handful.  She stayed her hands.  "I can't," Kaliadra said.
"What lies!"
"The spell still stands, Sanria. It has not worn off.  Not only that," the elf looked up, "you  have affairs to manage and a family to tend."
"I'm NOT a slave!  Not to YOU, not to ANYONE!"

Sanria watched the elf get up and turn to her.  Kaliadra took Sanria's shoulders in her hands  and stared at her, blue eyes piercing into her own brown ones.  "I do not love him, Sanria.  I did what I thought was right.  I  was wrong.  I'm sorry.  I shouldn't have done that.  I took advantage of him... and you."
"Damage is done," Sanria said nearly snarling.
"You are right.  And  I can feel it as though the hell is my own twice over. Not only do I feel my own disgust in myself, but I feel it rolling from  you in waves.  Please... don't do what you are trying to do. This is my fault alone, and I shall live with it and feel the pain."
"I hate you."
"I know.  And  I would  rather deal with the self-sacrifice of feeling it, the  punishment I willingly will bear for what I've done.  I won't try to escape  it. I will bear it... as an elf, because I did both you and Colin wrong."

Sanria took a couple of steps back, staring at the face which now bore a red outline of her fingers and palm. There was nothing more she could say... she had to go home... to Gilean. How she would explain the rage in her heart without crushing him under  it all, she didn't know.  She would have  to think of  something fast, for  at the end of her spell, she found herself in the cottage, looking into his concerned face.

Stomping the Fire

Sanria stared at the books in front of her.  She hadn't been back to the cottage  yet.  She knew Gilean  would probably be  wondering where she'd gone.  No, she  couldn't go back yet.  She  had something she had to do. In a hasty utterance  of spell, she appeared beside Colin and before the man could look up, laid a smack across his face that left her hand stinging.  "You could have fucked anyone in the whole of the realms..."

He didn't beg. He didn't plead. He barely said more than 'Yes' and 'No.'
"You win," she said, walking to the door.
", not me."
"Yes.  You.  This is what you wanted.  If not, you wouldn't have stuffed yourself inside my friend when she prostituted her body to you.  Though, I suppose she's not my friend anymore.  And neither are you."
"I'm sorry.  And I understand."

His  absolute agreement with  her words made her furious and the well of pain that much deeper.  "Anyone... and you chose her."
"And you chose Gilean."
"You KNOW why," she said, storming back to meet him eye to eye.
"Yes.  I do.  And, unfortunately, those reasons are right."
"But you came back to  us, and if you had given me time to sort out how,  I..."  She stopped, her agony  getting the  better of her.  What she was admitting... was so devious to the man she had wed.
"No, I'm  sorry Sanria.  There wasn't a way.  But you and Gilean will be happy. You have  Matinus and  Nioma and your baby.  Yours and his.  You will be happy."
"No.  We  won't be, Colin...  I  don't trust  anyone... and I never will again. I suppose it's just what I deserve after how I've lived my life."

"No Sanria... don't do that.  He hasn't done anything to wrong you."
"The  people closest to me... and  one who keeps me alive... have run me into the ground.  If the people closest to you can hurt you to the point of agony... who else is left to trust?"

Sanria  left and walked into the  forest.  She followed the stream until she dropped  to her knees and  poured her soul  onto the  boulder at her side in the form of tears. She sat there for a long time, long after she had stopped crying.  She never  once  looked up.  She had finally reaped what she'd sewn... but no... she wasn't yet done.  Not yet.

Stealing Fire

Kaliadra  vanished into  her old room, her chest filled with a crushing sensation.  No one roamed these  halls,  here, in  Sir  Throm's  home; she would be safe in her rented room. She could barely breathe as she  dropped onto her bed, sending up a tuft of curling dust. The pain she felt inside was unbearable, and she growled out a curse.  There, on her table was her old diary... writing always helped.

A new diary entry left open upon a small white table:

I feel filthy.  The deed I have  committed is vile and reprehensible and it coats me like the stench of death, lingering on my body.  I laid down with  Sir Colin in  the hopes of driving Sanria to stay with Sir Gilean. When I heard Sir Colin say that he couldn't give her up, I had to be the one to drive the wedge.  What could I have done otherwise?!

I tire  of feeling Sanria's  indecisiveness, even  when I fold myself in lycanthropic skin, I can feel it.  But I question myself now, because in my efforts  to force the  situation, I had  discovered that her love for this  man has  driven her to despair.  I knew she would hurt, I was prepared for that... but  not this.  Not this  soul freezing, soul crushing  pain... pain so intense it is everywhere at once.  Damn Sanria!

For my own part - yes.  I wanted the experience.  I had not given myself to any until that moment.  I find myself wishing it could have been with one  I loved,  but... that one  is long past  gone.  I've only ever felt  affections for him... but  he did not  feel them for me.  It is all most definitely for the best- given this inexorable  pain marching on my soul, I want not for this again.

I have done something wrong. I had full hopes it would make my the small pains of Sanria's choices end. I have never been so terribly mistaken in all my time.  Lady Sune, were she anywhere to hear of this, would likely be disappointed.  Yet another entity that has abandoned us.  Between the two of them  and Velentham for his part... it is only the children of my life-mate that stays my hand against myself.

Damn Lithanus! Damn Sanria!  Damn Sune!  Damn Velentham!  Damn them all!

Of Dousing Flames and Fire

Sanria stared at Kaliadra, her mouth hanging open, her eyes beginning to water.  She quickly tried to cover the horrified shock that stretched over her face, succeeding only in further bunching it up.  She was on the verge of breaking into sobs.  A fine  pebble of pain seemed to embed itself in the center of her heart as her vision swam in tears.  They stood in  the library, the rest  of the cottage fast asleep.  "Are you in love with him then?" she choked.
"No," Kaliadra said.  "Carnal lust, that is all."

Sanria groped for the chair behind her and sat heavily.  Her friend, her life link, the only wizard left in her life she could trust had just returned, freshly  anointed, from  sex with  Colin.  Sanria knew  Kaliadra could feel everything she felt, and knew the elf knew. "Why?" she asked, leaning forward  to counter the steady rise of anguish.  Anyone else but her... anyone else.
"Because I'm tired of you not keeping your word."
"What do you mean?" Sanria asked in a helplessly small voice. "You would have  gone back, it was only a matter of time.  You'd mess up this family, these lives.  But now you know. All it takes is a nude body pressed against his... anyone's will do... even a friend's."

The breath was  sucked from Sanria with the last statement, and whatever held her up left her spine; she bent forward into her lap and sobbed. She had no right, she knew.  She was married, expecting, a mother... but Kaliadra was right.  As always. She would have gone back... she would have made a  mess of everything.  "But... you  were my  friend," she managed. "I needed you to see. I needed you to stop."  Kaliadra knelt in front of her, looking up into her face, whispering: "Sanria, I can't take it anymore."

Sanria could do nothing but shake her head. She looked back to her hands and burst into renewed sobs. This display, these emotions, told her everything  she needed  to know in regards  to her situation.  She would have messed it  up.  All of it.  Now... "You don't have  to," Kaliadra  said, knowing her thoughts. "If he only wanted you, he would have made me stop.  But, he  didn't.  Please.  Stop  wanting him and honor  your word  for a change."
Sanria looked up slowly, pain making it an effort.  "Please go."
"I did this for your own good."
"I have nothing more to say to you."
"... or... to him."
"Then I go knowing I've saved a family and spared myself."

Kaliadra vanished and the weight of the anguish dropped onto Sanria. She cried  until her heart numbed.  Then she stood  up, her face vacant, and teleported to the  castle to drown  herself in work, knowing sleep would not come to her that night.

Of Fighting Flames and Fire

Sanria smiled as Matinus read aloud.  Since she'd been back, she'd spent little time  with the boy.  In fact, she'd spent little time with either of the children.  Somehow, though, even with everything now back to normal, she felt a gulf of a distance, and it  was growing.  She had Nioma, from whom  she felt a tad disjointed; Matinus, who  adored her but still left Sanria feeling separate; and a baby on the way for yet a third time. The baby.  How  many times had  she lost a child now?  She did the quick math in her mind... five.  Death seemed to be a companion of Sanria's.

She held Nioma in her lap now - the girl having squirmed up to listen to Matinus read - and  thought over her  relationship  with Gilean.  Enmach warned her against getting married so fast, yet she'd done it anyway, and had found a measure of happiness.  She loved Gilean, she tried to remind herself, but the truth was... he'd been perfectly what she'd needed. Had Colin gone on as he was, no memories, she'd have continued to grow in her love  with Gilean.  Now, however, she felt  Colin's  gravity pulling and she didn't want to fight it.  She wanted to go home where everything was right... but was it?

A sigh escaped her and Matinus paused. The boy seemed alert to any passing  emotion, as though he knew how to tread softly the minefield of the heart to best protect  himself and others.  She smiled, and he smiled in return, then resumed reading. Sanria shook her head.  She loved Matinus.She loved Nioma.  She  loved Gilean.  This was her  home, now.  This was her life.  No matter what  she thought or felt about Colin, she couldn't go back to him. She would have to find a way to stop her heart from wishing itself everywhere but here.

Sanria made up  her mind in that moment, for better or worse.  She would push the emotions she felt  for Colin onto Gilean.  The bittersweet love would have to shift. As if on cue, Gilean entered the room and she caught his expression  of bliss.  He, right now, had everything he wanted.  She was part of  his greatest joy.  He  looked over at  her, his face a warm smile.  This was something she had to do.  She  looked at him and smiled in return.