Pax Faerunis Meeting [1]

Stumbling down one of Westbridge's many forgotten alleyways, the tip of Krogenar's remaining crutch caught between two cobblestones. His left leg, unsupported for a moment, was shot through with pain. He grimaced, wrenched at the crutch. A cobblestone tore loose from the street. Clutching at his abdomen, the half-orc panted, beads of sweat on his forehead. With each breath, a faint pressure in his gut increased slightly... building. The strider limped into a darkened corner, leaned against the cold walls, slowing his breathing. Licking his dry lips, he mumbled. "... the Focus... Davion... " his fingers flicked out, counting off as he spoke. "... intro new members... shops... " he breathed slowly. He gathered his strength, grabbed his crutch, and pushed off from the wall. Something grabbed his insides. Dropping to his knees, the strider put both hands on the street... ... choked... a reddish-grey mass of pulp crawled up his throat. As it finally flopped to the floor of the alley, he gasped for air. Just in time. He knelt in the alley again, the muscles of his back twisting. Sighing, he wiped the mucous from his mouth, and stood up. The pile he had left in the alley twitched... letting off a light steam - warm in the night air. Disgusted, he exited the alleyway, walking swiftly. Though the thought made him want to retch again, he what it was... It was muscle. Dead muscle.  

At her command chair, Minli watched data appear on her armrests, from time to time. As her agents gathered information, they sent it back to The Sylphe. She watched them all here, like firefly facts. Constellations of information. Watching for patterns in the swarm of unconnected facts, a new data point appeared. '...K-walk' it then floated off to join the other bits of information which danced on her armrests.