A book entitled: "Mastering Tea"

Herbal Infusions, Perfect Blends, and Beyond
Written by: Sanria Stone

Welcome to the world of tea!  I'm so pleased you are taking the time to read this tome, for within its pages, you will find not only how to make a perfect cup of tea, but the joy that can be had by sharing the pure essence of plants with those around you.

Since I was first brought to the Druid's Grove to learn the ways of the Sage, tea was an essential staple from rituals, to social gatherings. 

In my life, it has brought me closer to those I love, and has seen me through myriads of trying times by settling my soul and giving me the eyes of the plants to better see my troubles and heal them.

Welcome. May you find tea blending as comforting a hobby as I. Thank you for allowing me to be your guide.


What is Tea?
Many are confused by the differences in tea and are, in fact, rather shocked when they discover that favorites such as chamomile, spearmint, peppermint, rooibos and cinnamon are not teas at all! 

Tea comes from the plant, camellia sinensis, and is found in very few places within the realms. True tea comes from this plant only, and ALL tea comes from this plant.

White tea is the very tops of the plant, the young leaves, and has the lowest caffeine content.  Green tea comes from the middle to lower section of the plant, the mature leaves, and has a middling caffeine content.  Black tea comes from the oldest leaves and is often aged just a bit before it is brewed. Black tea has the most caffeine content of all teas.

Other types of teas are Oolong - a tea sun oxidized and lightly fermented before being brewed. Oolong as a wonderful  roasted and rich, "chewy" flavor. Pu-erh Tea is tea that is truly fermented and aged before being brewed. Contrary to what is out there, true Pu-erh is some of THE most expensive tea in the world and can be aged up to thirty years for a deeply complex flavor.

All others made from herbs, while colloquially considered "tea" are actually herbal infusions. Don't let this stop you from considering your herbs teas - for they have the power to heal, calm, soothe, and invigorate.

Keeping Tea
While you may decide to use magic to continually keep your tea fresh, followers of unadulterated methods will find that tea is not forever. With the exception of pu-erh, black tea will stay freshest the longest in the dark and in an air-tight container for two years, green for a year, and white for even less. Herbals should be used within a year for maximum potency.

While herbals and teas will not go bad, they are perfectly willing to lose flavor and their charm.  It is considered a very large affront to serve guests anything but the highest quality teas and herbal infusions.

Cool, dark, and dry are the three mantras when storing tea.

Brewing Tea
Just add hot water, right?  Oh so wrong!  The beauty of tea is that it, just like people, have the right temperatures as well as the right times that they enjoy. While there is  always room to adjust a cup of tea to your own tastes - making them stronger or weaker - it is good form to know the true nature of your tea and what it likes most.

Of note: One should NEVER pour boiling water on their tea! Always remove your water from the heat source BEFORE using it, allowing the water to be at the appropriate temperature while still. Boiling water leads to rapid leeching and a rather tart taste to your teas as it pulls the tannins directly out.

Secondly: To lower the caffeine content of any tea, pour hot water onto your tea and allow it 30 seconds to steep. Pour off that water and add water again for a second steeping - timing this one appropriately.  Caffeine leeches out within the first thirty seconds of steeping and gathers in the water - remember this for night time pots of bliss.

Here are the general rules of thumb:

Black tea:    210F / 95-100C for 2-3 minutes.
Oolong tea: 180F / 80-85C   for 2-3 minutes.
Green tea:   170F / 75-80C   for 1-2 minutes.
White tea:   150F / 65-70C   for 1-2 minutes.
Herbal:       210F  up to 6 minutes depending on whether you are steeping roots or leaves.

Some Blends
While blending can be a highly personal affair, I will include a few of my favorites here for you to try for both pleasure and healing. If you and/or your patient/guest can tolerate mint - I find spearmint makes a very versatile base for any herbal tea. In general, flowers or spices added to true tea will make nice additions and an array of flavors.

Personal note: Please use these recipes with respect and reverence. Each tea should be made with kindness and care in order to get the most benefit. When drinking your tea, be sure to take in the flavors and the smells - and take your time - since that is how the best healing occurs.

  • Sleepy Tea: With a slight, but bearable bitterness, this tea is meant to relax the muscles and send one off to peaceful slumbers.

    1/2 tsp Chamomile
    1/2 tsp Cramp Bark
    1/2 tsp Hops
    1 tsp   Skullcap
    1 tsp   Spearmint
    1/2 tsp Valerian

    Steep for 10 minutes in 250ml (1 cup) of hot water. Sugar to taste.

  •  Truth Serum: Very soothing, smooth, and relaxing, this tea seems to
    stimulate conversation.

    1 tsp   Chamomile
    1/2 tsp St. John's Wort
    1/2 tsp Skullcap
    3 tsp   Spearmint
    1 tsp   Mistletoe
    1/2 stk Cinammon

    Steep until water is deep brown.  Makes 4 cups.

  • Flu Tea: Warm and good, this tea helps reduce some of the nausea and soreness of the flu.

    2 tsp   Peppermint
    2 tsp   Echinacea
    1 tsp   Elder Berry
    1 tsp   Valerian
    1 tsp   Meadowsweet

    Crush the berries first.  Steep until the water is deep brown. Sugar to taste

  • Nerve Tonic: Chock full of warm and minty goodness to whisk the jitters away!

    3 tsp   Peppermint
    2 tsp   Skullcap
    1 tsp   Valerian
    1 tsp   St. John's Wort

    Steep in 250ml of water until it is deep brown. Sugar to taste.

  • No More Nausea: This tea is warm, tasty, and leaves a tiny hint of mint. It gets rid of nausea!

    2 tsp   Meadowsweet
    2 1/4tspSpearmint
    1/2 tsp Marshmallow
    1 tsp   Chamomile

    Steep for 3 minutes.  Add more water if too strong.
End Notes
These are just some of the healing blends you can make with herbal teas.  Personally, I prefer true teas unadulterated with flavorings - but it does not stop me from enjoying a nice orange zest in a black tea from time to time.

I thank you for taking the time to read this tome and  encourage you to strike out on your own to learn even more by trying.

May you have peace, joy, and healing!


A book entitled: "Understanding Trees"

Understanding Trees: The Varies Personalities of the Forests
Written by: Sanria Stone

Welcome to the wisdom of the wood! I am Sanria, a long time sage of the realms, and I am here to lend to you my knowledge and  understanding of trees, how they can be helpful to your studies, and how they may lend aid to those in trouble.

It is useful to note that those without sage-like abilities may find that this book is not very useful. While it will give you deeper understanding into the world of the sage, you may need to ask a sage if you are interested in speaking to the trees yourself.

First, and most importantly, trees are individuals, but work as a collective. That means that there are times you may request help from the trees and their vast networks covering the globe will be able to triangulate a location for a given person. Of course, this will only happen provided the person is in an area with trees. Some will be happy to help, others will not.

"Sage" wisdom will be found within the leaves of not only this book, but the trees themselves.

-Sanria Stone

Types of Forests
Boreal forests are filled with trees that are much less likely to help. These trees, crusted with the chill of the north, primarily keep to themselves. It is best, when working exclusively with them, to keep your questions short and to the point, but still respectful. 

Temperate forests yeild the most varied attitudes, and it all depends on where in the realms you are. Some of the trees in  this forest you will find are very open, with personalities that bubble forth, some are filled with stiff wisdom, some are cynical, while others shed jokes as frequently as their leaves in the fall.

Tropical and  subtropical forests are quite laid back and very unrushed. Their unhurried attitudes require you to be prepared to stay a while when speaking with them and in some cases, bring offerings of herbs and earth from other places in the realms.

Types of Trees
In general, coniferous trees are much more conservative than deciduous trees. Broad leaves are more wise than those with narrow leaves, and as always, the older the tree, the more wise it will be. This is not always the case - as sometimes you will find a tree that is a child at heart!

Here is a list of some of the more populous trees and their general attitudes. Remember, that these are loose guidelines, as you may find a redwood embittered by a lightning strike, an oak irritated by bark beetles, and even a pine that thinks riddles are foolish. 

No matter what, always approach the trees with nothing less than respect.

Deciduous Trees
  • Oak: A tree venerable and wise, they tend to speak in parables, or in long vernacular with a penchant for minor condescention.  It is best to approach an oak with humble patience. 
  • Birch: Grumpy and cynical, a birch will not speak to you if it feels you are beneath its notice. They tend to enjoy jokes at the expense of others, pointing out the obvious, and making things difficult.
  • Maples: All very good natured and humble, these trees tend to have a simple attitude toward life and do not seem to delve deeply into lifes' mysteries - preferring to take each day as a span of moment in which they dwell.
  • Magnolias: Rather selfish, these trees prefer to spend their time doting on their own concerns - squirrels in the branches, deer eating bark - than yours. They are difficult to communicate with, and often will send you on your way before sharing any information.
  • Elm: A seeming cross between the oak and the maple, these trees feel almost like a young oak but with a much greater appreciation for humor and good spirits.
Coniferous Trees
  • Pine: A name encompassing a myriad of types, pines in general have a  wary disposition, preferring to keep to themselves and speak in riddles when interacting with any not of their species.
  • Cedar: One of the most irascible trees I've ever encountered, a cedar is just as likely to tell you the truth as it is to tell a falsehood. They are very condescending, and tend to believe that any tree that isn't a cedar isn't worth its roots.
  • Fir: Quirky and curious, a fir is a relatively friendly tree, and will help in many instances provided you return the favor with information and sate its curious demeanor.
  • Redwood: Very noble and knightly, these trees will always give advice along a virtuous path. Ever ready to help, they will always side with those of good intentions.
  • Juniper: A thoughtful type of tree, a Juniper tends to take a lot of time mulling over facts before giving a reply. Be ready to spend hours on a single question, for a Juniper does take pride in relating how facts relate to every single aspect of life. They are philosophers on a millenious time scale.

Speaking Tree
Speaking to a tree is an exercise in superior listening. Their speech is not like ours, audible and created by  a voice box, but deep within the wood of the tree - a vibration in the ether of magic itself. Time and training will teach you to tune in to the various vibrations, and slowly learn what each vibration means. 

In time, you will learn how to return those vibrations into the wood of the tree, "speaking" to the tree and allowing it to learn from you as well. 

Again, not  every magic user has this skill set, and, indeed, it seems the skill is very particular to the druid and sage sect. Never be afraid to seek out a sage when you are in need of help in speaking to trees.

End Notes
If you would like to learn more, you may direct a missive to me, Sanria, and I will assist as best I can. Take heart  in knowing that  all around you, the forest is alive and is taking in everything that goes on. Rumor abounds that some sages, elders and wise, have found ways to even coax memories of trees from the very pages of books. I've found none that can do this, but it has not stopped me from trying.

Enjoy your  walks, breathe deep, and don't forget to not only stop to smell the roses, but ask a tree how it's doing!

-Sanria Stone

A Brochure for New Visitors of Heifong III

Welcome to Heifong III

The nation of Heifong has shared a diverse past, as diverse as the hundreds of thousands of visitors it attracts each year. Less than a hundred years ago, Heifong III was nothing more than a settlement, one of many which were founded in this valley surrounded by mountains. As the settlements grew in size, it was becoming clear to the wise and perceptive leaders that room was quickly running short, and so a pact was made to combine their resources into the glorious nation of Heifong. The city you are visiting today came from this pact and is ruled by the honorable Xavier Vector, who at this moment is watching over his city with the help of his competent advisors. Here you will find adventure, and if your fate serves you, wealth and happiness. Take care not to go against the will of Xavier for doing so serves to sign away your own life. With that, enjoy your stay in our humble city.

*paid for by the ad council of public relations*

Valmikis' Poembook

Valmikis' Book of Poems IV, written by Valmikis of Daggerford.

Roses are red...violets are blue,
wait one moment...violets are not blue.
Violets are violet,
who woulda knew?

How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a
wood chuck could chuck wood?

Depends on how much wood, a wood chuck should
chuck I suppose...
Who the hell would ask a question like that

There once was a man from Nantucket...
(The rest of this page has been smeared beyond recognition.)

Jack be nimble, Jack be quick...
Jack jumped over the River Styx.
Jack should have had a running start...
He fell in, memory and mind pulled apart.

The Tome of the Circle of the Attuned

Circle of the Attuned

Within the Keepers we have three sects each covering certain aspects of life that need to be watched.  The mind, the physical, and the arcane.  We, the Circle of the Attuned,  monitor and correct imbalances in the arcane aspects of life.  

Those of the circle are comprised of wizards, priests, and sages, though we accept all who wish to assist in our watching  as all skills are important when watching those who would abuse  the weave or their divine powers. 

Part of watching balance with the arcane is keeping records of past mistakes.  Events like the destruction of Cormanthor at the hands of the demons may have been prevented had the correct knowledge existed at the time.  It is our job to watch for signs that magics are in the works that could cause similar destruction.

We of the circle also rely heavily upon the Sphere of the Mind and the Order of the Sword in our work.  The Sphere are the record keepers of the realms, they collect intelligence and document it in the libraries of the Keepers.  The Order of the Sword is the strong arm of the Keepers.  They are the enforcers of the will of the clan, acting on imbalances when necessary.

This structure is very similar to that of the Rilmani who have been our partners in this undertaking.  The jobs within the Rilmani are separated according to the different types of Rilmani in their social structure.  The difference lying in that all sects within the Keepers are equal with none above the other, thus as we watch the world, so do we watch each other. 


These are the in-game books, tomes, note and similar held in Ror's possession. If there is no link to the book, there is no in-game content. This list was made to expose the contents to a wider audience for roleplay purposes. If you want the book in-game, you will have to go look for it yourself as this overview does not reveal where in the game these books can be found!

High roleplay value
 Low roleplay value 
  • Map of North Heifong
  • Map of South Heifong