
Bannor lifted his head, he saw the school, heard the voices of the new and the brave, realised where he was. Westbridge, his old haunt. He smiled, thoughts flashed "back, I'm back". Bannor tried to stand but the weight on his back held him down. And so began his doom. Divination had revealed the hand of some unknown god, some twisted uber-being with a warped sense of humour had had the last laugh. Bannor's once powerful body was now a wreck, his arms, once brawny and rippling with muscle were now capable of lifting nothing heavier than a dagger or a light staff, his back, once the bearer of great weights was now thin and almost bent double, the signs of a hunch-back evident.. His days as a sword-wielder were over. The only saving grace was a strengthening of mind, a closer affinity to the weave. The real curse was not the decrepitation of body but the undeniable irrefusable inability to commit the acts of his prior life, oh he'd tried, but the resulting pain was intense and so, his life was lived, no joy, no satisfaction, just pain or mediocrity, the only minor satisfaction gained was the improving of his ability to work magics, the only inspiration, reason, to live was the desire to learn the name of the one who had so cursed him.


Bannor woke, his decrepit body screaming in its usual pain, another bad night and another bad day to look forward to. He looked down at his wasted body, a mockery of that which he remembered, a travesty of all that it should be. "Damn the gods" he thought "damn them all for this life they granted me". He thought back to the days spent floating in the void of light, the great Voice, not shouting, but deafening all the same, rang out the same words for eternity. "You have offended Life and now Life shall be your punishment, you preyed on the Weak and now Weakness shall punish you" On and on and on, no respite, no change, no variation, just on and on and on. After an eternity "ENOUGH!" screamed the spirit that was Bannor "NO more" he whimpered. No flash, no noise, just where there was void and Voice now there was noise, real noise, real voices.

Time Passes

Nothingness, blackness, void, emptiness, silence, negation. Death. Light, noise, voice, commandment, vow, return. Life.


Bannor staggered from combat, he'd been jumped by a Sage and a Lich and had barely survived the encounter. Still, he was alive. Scanning around for more danger and detecting nothing he moved from the temple and headed towards the Healing Wound Inn to heal his wounds. "Die Bannor! Die!" the two shouted as they materialised out of thin air, their blows rained down, unrelenting in their hate and Bannor weakened, fell, died.. 

A strange dream

....... There is no sun, no moon, no wind to blow cool my burning flesh, no birds sing, no people work, nor exist, just shadows, and my mind.... The flames die, and the ice melts, An explosion ripples through blinding me, No screams fall upon my ears.... Yet the faceless one screams..... Does he?.... The world rocks about me, yet I know I sleep, Why can I not wake?...... I can feel it, the heat, the intensity of the end, or even the beginning, time has no hold here... ..... I cant breathe, I choke, suddenly I remember I do not breathe, tendrils of darkness, stretch forth, trying to claw at me, claim a peace of my mind, my sanity... I'm strong, I'm true, and ..... I can see..... Not the sun, nor the moon, nor the birds that do not sing, But the future, my future.... Yes, I understand now.... Time has no hold in this place... In the place of dreams.. I see.... Its time for me to wake up now, this plane is no place for me... 

Seline's journal pg 18

Mystra forgive us Danthor heard the story...went and got a bunch of gems and gave them to me. then after he left it seems...from what he told me...I placed them in the sides of this..thing..and now a single ring shows on the top along with the 3 daggers and 3 lightning bolts..it looks just like the thing in my dream. Danthor took me to show it to me..and I tried to pry the gems loose..hoping I could turn it off..but to no avail... Simbul says perhaps this is the reason for my being brought to this world..to find this..so it could be used..but Mystra this thing SCARES me!!! 

Seline's journal pg 17

3rd of Alturiak 1270 (WD) *written in a shaky hand* Journal, has been some time. yet I fear for the next entry if there is even one. I have been having some disturbing dreams recently. Centered around an altar. We..I or so I was told found it..buried in the muck under a waterfall in the clan hall. Simbul and Danthor were with me. and they told me afterwards I was like one possessed, going to the bank, digging it out with my bare hands - left my fingers bloody stumps and then passing out.Fortunately, Simbul had the healers fix my hands shortly after I recovered. What this thing, this altar is for..I don't know. but after whatever that was took control of me like that I don't want anything to do with it. Danthor is bound and determined however to figure it out and Simbul is trying to find out some history on this place, or what it might be.