A Date?

Sanria lay in her bed staring up at the vaulted ceiling and the comforting twinkle of the crystals. Her hand rested on her stomach, easily rising up and down with each measured breath she took. The sound of the waterfall gave everything within the appearance of a peaceful room, but did little to soothe the torrent that swirled within Sanria.

She hadn't honestly expected to see Throm so soon after his missive had arrived, but as she went out to gather herbs, there he was. Sanria led him to the grove to join her in gathering valerian where they had a wonderful time simply talking. She told him of Lady Kitiara's garden and her wedding there so long ago. She looked over at him so many times part of her hoping once again to see familiar white robes and brown eyes, but they were not there. It was in fact a compliment that she felt so at east with Throm that she could slip into a comfortability much like she had long ago, but her heart still ached. With time, however, she was beginning to see that she had to let go of the past and as the time passed with Throm, and she began to see him for himself, the more she realized that things might end up ok.

At the Prancing Stallion, they had roast, and for the first time - it was different. Though she had been to this place so many times before, it was new. Sitting across from him with the candle between them, she began to discover a deep attraction. She could see herself with this man for the rest of her days. They sat then, side by side on the soft cushion, her head on his shoulder just talking. She felt like a girl again.

They then went to Crystabelle Village - a place where Sanria had never been. They were like children as they laughed and fought with tickling feathers - and the kiss that came as a form of truce nearly melted Sanria. She did attempt to adjust her thinking at that point - it was nothing more than a somewhat playful overture, but she spent the rest of the time in the deep hope that it would happen again. It was not in vain, for as they parted ways, Sanria was given the very thing she desired. Her hands held both sides of Throm's face and for a long moment, she looked up into the green eyes and her heart and mind raced.

Why, then, she was laying here so tormented was beyond her. Why was she still clinging to a marriage that was explicitly ended, when fate (and life it seemed) was offering her a new opportunity at what could be absolutely wonderful? How was it that already she could see herself falling in love with a man she barely knew? Sanria rolled over, putting her face in her bed as she slammed her fist into the covers.

"Damn it, Thasmudyan. Why?"

A Continent Away

Sitting within steamed confines of the Bathing room, Throm had lost himself for perhaps the last hour within the warm waters of the hot tub. For one who always knew himself to predict the turns of future events, he was at a loss. This did not bring him concern however. No, he was far too lost within his thoughts of his own to be worried over trivial things as that. From curious to intrigue. From intrigue to like. From like to attraction. And from attraction affection. These were waters he had thought he could never tread again. Allowing a small shrug to himself, he recounted that this had not been the first time he'd been mistaken. "Snowball drink?"

Snapped out of his reverie he looked at the winged man standing before him, and blinked himself back into reality. "No thank you Sirim, all is well over here."

Nodding the man retreated back into the mists of the steam which concealed the better part of the room. Throm allowed himself to slip back into his thoughts, sinking lower into the water. His sides still hurt from laughing so hard. He could still taste her kiss upon his lips. The morning had begun with a visit to see Sanria for tea as they had both wished in their letters. What what was going to be had turned into an herb gathering escapade within forests in which Sanria was raised. What words had said on parchment, both had confirmed with words at the Prancing Stallion Tavern over one of the best roast dinners Throm had yet to encounter. And then there was the Village. He had always known it to be a magical place, however the magic it would hold now would forever be a different one indeed to him.

Still, there were the questions of his origin. He had managed to dance around them many times in the past. Jokes when referencing his past, would only hold up so long, this he knew. Eventually such a time would come, when he would be forced to make a choice. Either tell all, or carry on as he had these many years. Shaking off such dark feelings, he smiled once again at the thought of the day the both of them had together and gave himself up to the better part of his mood.