Waiting for a Wizard, Introduction.

Maya had been sitting silently for the past four days outside the mages guild in Westbridge, barely moving, eating or drinking, there was no sleeping for her eyes were glued to the building.  Novices, the lot of them, that wont do at all.  Maya needed a Wizard, one who didn't know her and wouldnt ask questions, She needed a wizard of immense power, one who understood their art and all she saw here were beginners, magicians, skinny folk good at hand tricks and a few light shows, not the being of manipulation she needed.  She growled low in her throat and pushed herself to her feet calmly, smoothing down her robes, what little there was, and wandered into the Market square.  Taking a sip of water from the fountain and buying the paper from the skinny kid shouting its headlines, Maya uttered a small quiet phrase, grasping at something by her throat and vanished.  Reappearing across the street from the Mages guild in New Thalos Maya found a quiet and recluse spot where she wouldnt be noticed obviously and sat down to watch.