Night Thoughts

Emalia heard the door close as Colin left. She let out a small huff and pulled the covers up to her chin. She stared upward into the darkness, coming to several conclusions and wondering many things.

Colin had been by her side this whole time – even when she didn't want him there - he was. Part of her was quite irritated at his lack of trust in her - the way he followed her anyway even when she asked him not to - but still, he had come to save her.

The boat rocked in slow motion, lurching upward to rise over a swell, then dipping downward ever so slightly as it slipped to the other side. Soon they would be in Port Llast, the journey to begin, and both Colin and Tamilyn would be with her.

Perhaps it was time to realize who her true friends were - those that didn't hate her, or her choices... but those that stood by her even when they didn't agree (and didn't tell her not to talk about it), and those that continued standing by her while she followed foolish impulses in manners of love.

Already, the trip had proved to be enlightening. She had found a friend that respected her even with her choice, and discovered someone that had been right in front of her all along. Hopefully, the trip to Lathander would start her along to the Temple of Light.

With that thought, Emalia wondered about Grobnak and how he was doing. She sighed and closed her eyes, her thoughts melding into her dreams as she fell asleep.