Categories of Crimson

"Please, come in." Sanria gestured to the seat before her desk and the silver man took the proffered spot.   "Thank you.  I'll get right to it since the hour is late.  We checked on your hus-  Colin and we can only determine that the damage you've done by visiting him might not be permanent."
"Might not..."
"Without being able  to go into his mind, we can only give our best estimate. However, we are advising you to stay clear of him. At this time it is best if he is able to let this go."
"This..." Sanria asked softly.
"Your  relationship  with him,  or, lack thereof.  Basically, Lady Sanria, he  needs time to heal and how long that takes will depend on how much strain he's placed under."
"I'll stay away from him."
"Completely, m'lady."
"... completely."
"Good then.  Ah, and your daughter, Nioma has endured a growth spurt.  Do you have any knowledge of-"
"I know how it happens.  It's a long story."
"Ah... well she is also well, though it threw Enmach off entirely. But, I can see you're tired.  I'll take my leave."

The office was once  more thrown into silence when Sanria reached out to Orn. She met him in the meeting room and gave him the news of his father. It pained her to see him so upset when he discovered he couldn't approach Colin even though he was right here  in the castle, and it made him even more upset when she told him where she was staying.  "You're staying with who?" "It's... well... it's a little complicated that one, he was just a friend but  now he's a little more than a friend I guess. He's offered me a place to stay  so I can be away from here  and the cavern and the whole mess I'm creating in  both places..."
"Wait Mom.  But Dad's here, he's back... what  are you talking about?  You're  staying with some man that's 'more than a friend'?"
"Orn... honey... I... your father and I aren't... we're..."
"What about Dad?"
"He doesn't remember me at all, Orn. And he never will. There's just too much  past to bring back on your father. Far too much. He's finally free of all the  baggage, all our past that held us down and was so heavy, he's free.  I don't  want to saddle him again with everything, especially now that he doesn't even  remember it.  He doesn't have to worry about Nioma, or any of that."
"Is it him who you want to be able to leave that behind... or you?"
"Orn... sweetheart... he's already left it behind... and me with it..."
"It seems like you're making this decision for him."
"Because  your father is  a stubborn man, Orn.  If I let him have the choice,  then I have no choice."
"Yeah... I guess he's not the only one."

She spent  a bit  longer, her discussion with Orn mainly centered on soothing  him.  Though he appeared much older, she still had to  remind herself that he was young.  And when he told her that he and Mirin were expecting, she had to remind herself he wasn't.  It  only pained her that Colin would never know he was a grandfather.  It would have made him delighted.

After gathering her things together, ensuring Enmach knew were to find her if she was needed, Sanria and Nioma returned to the Ancient Tree.  It was nearly dawn when she finally walked into the guest room and saw the little note laying on her bed. "You were not here when I returned from the library, so I left  you this note instead.  There is a gift for you on the third floor. I suspect  you'll both like it.  May it make for a pleasant stay. Kind regards and love, Ror"

Sanria laid the sleeping child on the bed and slipped through the house to the third floor.  She opened the  door of what  was only the day prior a training  room and revealed it had been entirely cleaned out.  Sitting in the middle of the floor was a tiny chair meant for a child.  Sanria's mouth fell open.  Ror had not only thought of her, but her daughter, too. A small smile came to her tired face as she returned to her room and fell into an exhausted sleep.