A Bloody Tale with a Grusome End

Maya Entered the square under the cover of her illusions her cloak scraping along the cobblestone ground of the Market place, though two knew she was there. Lateralus looked up slightly from under the hood of his cloak and uttered the words "She's here" While not far away leaning against the fountain a Lupine also sensed her Vampyric essence. Leaving the Market place Maya walked a bit.... Wandering the town, occupied by her thoughts, When she came to face Lateralus. Shimmering into View she looked at Lateralus and then to the Lupine that had also appeared from nowhere. Lateralus stepped towards Maya, his eyes narrow, as a Beam of light shoots out towards Maya, Grabbing her head she dropped to her knees in agony, the light rocking her body to the core, sending waves of pain into her being. Maya knelt down on her knees, the Beam still having her dissorientated, staggering to get her wits about her she attempts to stand, and call upon her defences, but Lateralus kept coming, glaring at her, trying to cause maya to drop her defences. Maya for an instant gets her bearings, her Head snaps back, and her instincts take over, Black skeletal wings ripped from her back, and she jumps into the Air, Lateralus is quick on his reactions, though and soon had her by the throat. Maya looks down at Lateralus from where he holds her, The usual Milky white orbs becoming an inner inferno of flames as her rage takes her and the beast within graps its hold on her, Claws extend from her feet and fingers, and her body transformed Into its demonic form, Screaming Maya lunged, and wrapped her clawed arms and legs about Lateralus, and begun to attack, refusing to let go, The rage consumed her. Lateralus parried with a series off attacks, his spear going in to her back, sending her realling as another blast of light Sent her sprawling back, Maya Managed to remove the spear from her back, before coliding with a building, and nearly impali ng herself. Just at that time she Charged Lateralus, and out of the corner of his eye, saw her coming, giving him the time he needed to jump as Maya went flying underneeth him to again, take a jab of the spear. Maya screamed the agony to much to bear, the constant balls of pure energy and light, the series of attacks but she didn't back down, and never gave up, Maya summoned a globe of darkness favoured by her race, and retreated to collect her bearings, Then she heard the words as she stepped from the globe of darkness "He dosn't love you he hates you, thats what he tells you to get you to follow to become his slave!" Maya shook her head, and fell to her knees in surprise, Then it came, the blanket of darkness, and she fell. The last words on her lips "My Lord!". Lateralus then sacrificed her body to the gods and walked away, knowing his job was done. 

Answering a call

After replacing his journal, Samoth sighs. "Not now.." he thought, but the incessant call is something you can't just shrug off. He eyes another book waringly, yet he has to heed it. Picking it up, he sets it in wrong of him and opens it to the first blank page and begins to write responses to messages that he see's appear of their own accord. "So far, you've failed me." began it all, the handwriting a sweeping cursive style...something akin to a wedding invitation. "This isn't going to be as easy as you think," was his reply. His blocky print a symbol of him placing more an emphasis on training and warfare rather than fancy writing. "As I think? You mean as you thought. You thought this was going to be easy, I told you otherwise." "Well, it's going better than we..I could have imagined, givin the new circumstances." "We know, a damn Chosen. It would have been easier for us to just have given up, but you surprised us. Always were you one who could change a hopeless situation into a better one." "Yeah, well intrigue and deceit was always something I excelled at. Lies within lies, weaving little webs. Things are well on their way, If you wanna reach...you certainly know how to." "Yeah, well...we're always with you, always watching. Nothing slips by...you know that. Do not fail." He growls away some frustration at that last comment. Looking at the page, he sighs, for like always only his responses are evident know. Storming out of his room, he pauses long enough to re-arm the various traps and wards on his door. Yes, one never could be too safe.

Speaking with an old friend

Alone in his room Samoth sits in front of a very old book, the pages yellow and weathered, pen in hand. He flips to a page marked by a bended corner, he writes for the first time in many, many years. Things are going good, better than I expected. I don't have the key...nor did I think it would be that easy. I mean, who would give up an item that powerful. Yet...Mirage...did exactly that, why? Must be all that passion them sunites are known for. All that must cloud better judgement. All in all though, I think it's turned out better because of that. Mirage I don't think would've let me in on this little charade from the get go. Seline on the other hand, a chosen at that, has. Played into my hands, with a little coaching. To her now, I'm the lesser of 2 evils...on one hand, I wish the destruction of the key...on the other, of course people are gonna want her dead. Men who already are established, that thing can ruin it for them...and then there's the one who want power at whatever the cost. Items of that nature tend to draw many out of the woodwork you would never had heard of before. Now, I'm closer than nearly everyone...and a chosen has put me into that very position. I hope to be writing more to you, you've helped me over the years to solve complex issues and problems, just by letting my hand and mind flow. But, much work still to be done. Time to turn lies to truth, and truth to lies as they say...till next time. With that, he scans the page and nods. Uttering a simple arcane syllable, he waves his hand over the fresh ink and watches it slowly vanish to nothing. Folding the next page's corner, he places the small journal into another book with the pages cut it, it fitting nicely. Placing it back on the bookcase in his room, he heaves a sigh. One can never be too careful in this world. 


I write this today to say I have decided not to join the order of the Knights of the Rose. I feel that my personal emotions are far too great to do this group anything but harm. I wish you luck in your endeavors, Knights. If you ever need a smiling face to see, you can be sure to find me easily.