Searching for Success only to Fail

Tenchi had visited many different apothecaries, and all of them had seen his legs, yet none of them could figure out what was happening to his legs. They all concurred that it indeed seemed to be a poison, eating his legs away slowly, and if it were not for his natural racial regenerative abilities, it would have spread much quicker. Instead, his abilities only slowed it down,  it was still spreading.

One apothecary mentioned, as a joke, that because Tenchi was an esper he could afford to lose his legs as they would eventually regenerate. Tenchi  started to seriously consider this, his ability to walk becoming increasingly more difficult, relying more and more on the cane he now carried. Soon he may not be able to walk at all, at least it was a chance even if it was risky, after all what did he have left to lose?

Tenchi began to think who he could ask to perform such a task, he had to be very careful in choosing if he did take this path. There were benefits to this choice, after his legs were removed he could give them to be researched, to find out how this poison was made, or even what this poisons purpose was.

He began putting a plan together in his mind.