myself and my search

My name is Mystikal Dra. I was once a wanderer that was all alone in the realms. All i knew of where i came from was alittle bit of an inscription on the relic i wear around my neck. The relic i have has been identified as a relic written in drow, so i began to search out the great drow elders of the realms. Finding them after a couple years they read the relic to me. Once they told me what it said i knew my journey has began, it told me some of where i came from and said i had a brother. After some training i ventured out from the elders. On my journeys i made some friends in a clan called DHPk. Now wearing the grand symbol of the hoard i search for the brother i never knew i had. If anyone has any information that will help me find him please let me know. I wont finish my quest until i am reunited with him once again.