
Emalia had been in Westbridge for about a week. She had sat in Market Square, she had seen the people go by. She had talked to a few of them, and even come to be smitten by one. Still, her mother was not coming for her, nor her father. "They must really be content in order not even to miss me, she thought. Perhaps I'm just being selfish though. Perhaps I really should just go home and check on them and be certain that everything is ok."

Emalia stared at the fountain in Market Square, watching the spray spatter down into the water below. The sun's rays caught each drop, lighting the droplets in a gem-like brilliance. Maybe she would wait, just a few more moments.

Emalia leaned back on the bench, her eyes shifting from the water to her pack. It had grown heavier with the books given her by Sangraal. She slid one of the leather covered, violet books from the pack and ran a hand over the cover. "'Volume One.' This God must really be an egotist if he needs six volumes."

No one warned her of the power of the books. All she knew, is that once she started reading - she couldn't stop.