The Muse (Part 5)

PAIN ripped through her right shoulder, the demons claws scratching her as it lashed out at her. Calliope twirled letting her large katana slice through the air defensively and let it hang behind her shoulder ready to strike. The shield she bore still levitated in front of her and she watched the demon blink in and out of of the shadows. And lunge at her again. Divine wrath burst from the heavens and burned the demon slamming it to the ground mid air. It screeched and dove into the shadowy alley nearby.

Waterdeep had become a nightmarish town at night. I had become the hunted. Fleeing for my life as the shadows themselves came alive to haunt me and claw at my soul. The shield closed in to her and she held the sword and sheathe as she ran waiting for the next challenge to meet her. Were they all chasing her cause she found the gnome? What other possible explanation could there be? My shoulder burned with demon fire. The simplest scratch from these creatures became the hardest of wounds to heal and she tried casting a simple healing spell as she turned the next corner.

White light flashes in the wounds and I felt relief but it was a perfect time to strike. Something large and blunt crashed down between my neck and shoulder blades and sent me sprawling to the ground. The poisoned weapon burned my skin and sent venom I wasn't able to heal coursing through my veins. The large black armor clad glowing red eye'd demon wielded a large mace laughed as he lifted the mammoth weapon. He raised it and the levitated shield rushed into his blow and was flung useless to the road next to my weapon and body. He raised the giant mace again and I heard metal against metal and a strange mechanical whirring noise and the blow that should have ended the night never came.

Struggling to my feet I saw Quyen's leg plant firmly between the demon knights breast plate and knock him backward into the side of a building. He then held up his hand and meteors flew from his hands chasing the knight down the street, exploding as they missed and erupting and causing the demon to howl in pain as they hit. The poison still burned in my veins, it was too much and I fell to the ground but before I blacked out I felt strong arms lift me from the road and begin running...