Current Character Description - Serenity Kaze

Serenity is a beautiful young woman who has medium length black hair and sky blue eyes. Her hair is tied into a ponytail.Her clothing is tattered and has various red and brown stains, depsite looking freshly cleaned. She is wearing a tattered short sleeve blue shirt. However, on further inspection you realize that the shirt was once long sleeved. The tattered edges vary in length, but some of the edges are a bit long. Her brown adventuring pants are also tattered, with holes and various pieces of the fabric looking snagged and ragged. She has an old battered pack with her. It looks like she has done a lot of traveling at such a young age. There is a golden locket around her neck.The locket does not have any scratches and isn't beaten up like her other posessions. Around her wrist, is a bracelet made of grass and love. The writing on the bracelet says "Always Remember Serenity".

Current Character Description - Reina Sinclair

Dark shoulder length hair matches the colour of her eyes. Her slightly tanned skin is pierced at her brow, nostril and ears by silver loops engraved with some unknown writing. A fitted stark white blouse tucked into a pair of black leather breeches rest well upon her womanly figure. A maroon coloured knee length frock coat decorated in intricate silver threaded embroidery along the neckline and across the opening. The outer layer made of sturdy hemp and its inside of some black silk like material. Black knee high riding boots with a set of riding spurs bare a few marks of wear and tear. A thick brown leather belt around her waist holds the scabbard to a sheathed bastard sword. Its hilt with a leather wrapped handle, in curved guard and egg shaped pommel hints to a rather ordinary weapon. A silver signet ring with a fox insignia decorates her right pinky.

Races overview


Centaurs are woodland beings who shun the company of men. They dwell in remote, secluded glades and pastures. The appearance of a centaur is unmistakable: they have the upper torso, arms, and head of a human being, and the lower body of a large, powerful horse.


The heucuva is an undead spirit similar in appearance to a skeleton, but more dangerous and more difficult to dispel. The heucuva appears to be a humanoid skeleton of normal size. The bones are covered by a robe that is little more than tattered rags.


Giants are the largest of the races, ranging from 9-12 feet in height. They are stronger than any other race, and almost as durable as the dwarves. They aren't too bright, however, and their huge size makes them more clumsy than the other races. Giants make the best warriors of any race, but are ill-suited for any other profession. Giants resist heat and cold with nary a mark, due to their huge mass. However, their slow minds make them extremely vulnerable to mental attacks. Giants, due to their size and stamina, receive the fast healing and bash skills for free.


Titans are dark-skinned humanoids, similar in appearance to the average human, though most often much taller and larger in body mass. Their height varies greatly from a little over 5 feet, to some of the elder titans towering at over 15 feet in height when standing. It is rumored that titan height signifies and is influenced by their social status, though in modern times, it is rare to encounter a titan who stands much taller than 8 feet. Titans traditionally wear loose fitting clothes of earthen colors, tunics and loincloths made of simple materials. Jewelry and elaborate decoration is common among this race, but is less of a symbol of wealth than it is something of beauty that titans admire. The details of the titan exodous to the Great Realms is largely unknown due to the introverted nature of titan society. What is know is that millenia ago, a small group of titans ventured from the outside realms into what we now know as the Great Realms and settled the valley east of the central mountain range, in the area now known as Titan Valley. There, the titan society flourished, though isolated from much of the realms, until the gradual opening of trade with nearby races introduced the Great Realm titans to the general public. Titan culture is rich in tradition, though there is still much that is unknown to modern scholars about the day to day workings of titan society despite the openness to outsiders that the race has shown in latter days.


Minotaurs are either cursed humans or the offspring of minotaurs and humans. They usually dwell in underground labyrinths, for they are not confused in these places, which gives them an advantage over their prey. Minotaurs are huge, well over 7 feet tall, and quite broad and muscular. They have the head of a bull but the body of a human male. Their fur is brown to black while their body colouring varies as would a normal normal human's. Clothing is minimal, usually a loin cloth or skirt.


Gnolls are large, evil, hyena-like humanoids that roam about in loosely organized bands. While the body of a gnoll is shaped like that of a human, the details are those of a hyena. They stand erect on two legs and have greenish grey skin, darker near the muzzle, with a short reddish-grey to dull yellow mane.

Half Elves

Half elves are a cross between a human and an elf, usually due to the fact that human armies sometime make raids on elf lands. Half elves are very nearly human, although they tend to be a bit more thoughtful, and less physically powerful. Unfortunately they are also more bitter, and much more aloof than either the most secretive elf or the most secluded human hermit. They see themselves as unwelcome in either elf or human society and as a result tend to lead solitary lives as wandering adventurers who follow no real creed. A half elf is a natural loner, and most of them are rangers or druids, communing with the nature that they love much as the elves do. They have much better eyesight than humans, due to their elven ancestry, but unlike elves are more inquisitive about the world around them, much as humans are.

Half Orcs

Half orcs are a cross between humans and orcs, dwarves and orcs, or sometimes even giants and orcs. These various combinations are almost always the result of an orc raid on the habitation of one of those other races, and each type of half orc is just as mean and hearty as the other. They are also very agile, and born athletes, however seldom is a half orc found that can even read or speak coherently. They are quite literally dumber than bricks, but there is no more fearsome fighter around. A halforc is a warrior, and if a half orc is not a warrior, then that half orc is useless. They can fight, and when it suits them they can also sleep, eat, and fornicate, but that's it.


Espers, a race that traveled to the Realms Of Balance from a distance plane, and who have lived for centuries. They take the form of humans, but look diffrently underneath. They are a very magical creature, with the powers to see in the dark, see magic and regenerate body parts. They make good spell casters.


Dwarves are short, stocky demi-humans, known for foul temper and great stamina. Dwarves have high strength and constitution, but poor dexterity. They are not as smart as humans, but are usually wiser due to their long lifespans. Dwarves make excellent fighters and priests, but are very poor mages or thieves.


Elves are slightly taller than humans, but have a much lighter build. They lack the strength and stamina of the other races, but are far more agile, both in body and mind. Elves are superb mages and thieves, but have at best fair talent as warriors or priests. Elves resist charm spells most effectively, due to their magical nature. However, they are burned by the touch of iron, and so are barred from the use of iron or steel in their adventuring careers. Elves are notoriously hard to spot, and so elven warriors and thieves recieve the sneak and hiding automatically. They may see in the dark with infravision.

Thri' kreen

Thri'kreen are a race of large, intelligent insects often referred to as "mantis warriors". They roam the deserts and savannahs, where they have marked-out hunting territories. They have no need of sleep and can remain active through the day and night. They always have Haste, they are immune to diseases, charm and mental attacks. They have a resistance against weapons and are very vulnerable to magic. Special skills are Frenzy and berserk.


The draconians are a fearsome race, and almost as secretive as the avians. Like the avians, they can fly, and come from some not-so-well-known place far away. Unlike any other race though, draconians are not mammalian. They more closely resemble lizards, snakes, and especially dragons. They tower over even giants in size, reaching over 12 feet in height, with leathery wings that can stretch to over 30 feet when extended, and can fold up neatly on the back, causing no real hindrance in movement. The sheer size of a draconian DOES, however, cause problems, because most things in the world are built with human size in mind. Draconians are very strong, and tougher even than dwarves. Unlike most races that reach such large proportions, they retain a keen mind, and make good mages as well as warriors. Because of their strange biology, and some degree of reptilian nature, draconians are immune to almost all poisons and plagues.


The avian race is a very secretive and mysterious one. They are the size of giants, towering over any human, but weigh about the same as an elf. Their slight bone structure allows their wings to carry them as they fly from place to place, but it also requires them to rely on mental prowess instead of brawn for survival. Many speculate that they are a people who evolved in the mountains, perhaps magically. However they came to be, they are fiercely religious, and worship a nature diety. Most choose to become druids since that allows them to be closest to their god, however they do well in clerical magicks as well. They have uncanny powers of sight, and it is said that an avian can see everything you do. For this reason many avians are hired as watchkeepers, and they make wonderful explorers and missionaries. Their amazingly unusual bodies, which basically look like emaciated humans with wings, and the fact that they are used to an isolated environment, makes them very susceptible to disease and poison. Many an avian has ventured out of his or her homeland only to fall victim to one of the many plagues that ravage the world at large.


The Podrikev were originally a non-sentient mechanized creation of dwarven miners. Meant to help expedite the minerals of Moria these machines were became worthless and were abandoned when the mines lost all value. Although left to rot for the centuries, the dwarven miners had implanted in each machine the brain and spinal column of a domesticated kobold so as to make them controllable. Many of the Podrikev retained the beasts' instinct of survival and attempted to explore beyond the mines in search of continued existence. In time, their intelligence evolved and adapted itself to the surrounding environments. The Podrikev are very large, very bulky, mechanical beasts that are fashioned from plates of steel, bronze, iron, and granite. All Podrikev run on a system of pullies, levers, grinders, chains, and other contraptions including dry batteries and a fuel converter for changing food into energy. All of the Podrikev walk with an audible clank and expell a nauseating exhaust. They are hardy and when well-oiled become formidable opponents in battle. Podrikev have the affect of sight of invisible, hidden and are able to see creatures in the dark. Magic, Cold or Poison does not affect them but and sometimes Disease and fire. They are though affected by water and wood. These fine creatures make a good warrior.


Also called fauns, satyrs are a pleasure loving race of half-human, half-goat creatures. They symbolize nature's carefree ways. Satyrs have the torso, head, and arms of a man, and the hind legs of a goat. The human head is surmounted by two sharp horns that poke through the satyr's coarse, curly hair. The skin of the upper body ranges from tan to light brown, with rare individuals (1%) with red skin. A satyr's hair is medium reddish, or dark brown. The horns and hooves are black. Satyrs living near centaurs are likely to be friendly with them.


Kenku are bipedal, humanoid birds that use their powers to annoy and convience the humand and demihuman races. The typical kenku resembles a humanoid hawk wearing human clothing. Kenku have both arms and wings. The wings are usually folded across the back and may be mistaken at a distance for a very large backpack. Height ranges from 5 to 7 feet. The feathers are predominantly brown with white underfeathers and face markings. The eyes are a brilliant yellow.


Gnomes are to dwarves what pixies are to elves. That is to say, they are smaller, smarter, less-strong cousins. Where dwarves are known for their mental dullness but great wisdom, gnomes are known for quick minds and a very analytical nature. They are nowhere near as strong or hearty as dwarves are, but are much the same, being creatures of earth who can't swim (and thus drown easily like dwarves) and have eyes attuned to seeing in the dark. Where a dwarf would see a mine shaft and it's glittering jewels, though, a gnome notices the girders and struts and supports within the mine and contemplates ways to make them better. Gnomes love technology, metallurgy, and any other form of science. This makes them natural mages, possessing mental powers that rival elves. They are not, however, a stealthy race like elves, goblins, or halflings. They are engineers, architects, artisans, and sometimes workers of great magicks.


Goblins are almost universally shunned because they are almost all natural criminals, cutthroats, and killers. Every crime boss or thief master is a goblin, with very few exceptions. They are extremely thrifty, known to argue over a single silver piece, and will drop water in the desert before dropping money. Goblins have diabolical minds, and few torture devices can be named which a goblin did not think up. They are extremely smart and also have a knack for survival. Stealth comes naturally to them, and their dusky grey to green, sometimes even blue or black, skin tones make them hard to spot at night. Goblins are not really warlike, and don't really appreciate overt combat. It's not their style. A goblin would much rather satisfy its sadistic needs through thievery or betrayal than through honorable combat.


Halflings are a quiet folk who like to keep to themselves, and are not often seen filling the role of an adventurer. They would much rather sit complacently by a fireplace enjoying a good book, good drink, and good conversation. They are, however, very adept thieves, and have the mental capabilities to be quite powerful mages. They are about half as tall as the average human, thus the name halfling. Because of this small size and the fact that most devices are built to human proportions, halflings are masters at lockpicking, disarming traps, and jewel craft. They also have very easy access to pockets, and there is no door a halfling can not open and slip through with the utmost of silence.


Pixies are very much like the elves...and share with them a vulnerability to iron weapons. They also share the nature-loving attitude and peaceful demeanor, but beyond this pixies reach an extreme. They are extremely magical creatures which, unlike elves, fly everywhere they go. Their wings are fairly redundant, as they don't really use them to fly. It's the sheer magical nature of a pixie that gives it it's special qualities. They are a race of very small size, and because of their inquisitive nature and mental power, tend also to be tinkerers and sometimes pranksters. While a pixie may be thousands of years old, almost all of them act like human children...


Drow are an elven race that live below the surface of the realms. They have evolved to live in total darkness miles below the surface. They live in groups called houses and the female tend to take rule over males. Males are often used as sacrifice to there female goddess Lloth. They have the ability to see creatures in the dark and to see long distances. However they can be harmed with any kind of light. They make good warriors and thieves.


Humans are the most common race in the world, and make up the majority of adventurers. Although they have no special talents like the other races, they are more versatile, being skilled in all four classes. Humans may also train their primary stat higher than any other race, and are able to gain more benefit from magical devices.