The Return

Walking through the forest, Ror placed his hand on a tree every few feet. As he closed his eyes, he concentrated. Where was it?  It had been a long time, and the forest was a living thing. Living things
changed. Ror tapped into his memories and compared them to that of the trees. Gradually he came closer to what he was looking for.

Ror looked up at the wall of plants before him that blocked his path. "It's here."

With a single step, he stepped forward and pushed himself through the plants. The greenery swallowed him, and before he knew it, he was at the other side. He placed his foot on one of the many small rocks
in his vicinity and looked up at the giant tree that still grew here. Ror pressed on, climbing the rocks up towards the tree trunk.

He smiled as he noticed a weathered, wooden sign. The letters had faded, but he knew what they had said, once, they had spelled out "Welcome". 

"I'm home."