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Part 4

The sun had just begun to set, and the birds near the coast were loud. The sandy bars eased the ship's landing. I disposed of the helmsman and fastened my armor. I mounted my horse, cut the lashes, and began to ride to Westbridge. My destination was a dark church, north of town. I had recited enough Mother's Embrace to know that I had been chosen. Jenova Cells had encountered me, and has burdened me with this strength. Bhaal, the Lord of Murder has touched me through these Cells and the Mother, the Father, and the Son need my abilities.

Part 3

I've never liked the sea. Never know where you are, hard to keep your footing. A bag of platinum coins bought a large cargo ship to sail across the Sea of Swords. A small crew and myself as the cargo; I brought a large bed and an armor rack. I also had my horse secured topside. We passed the two major land masses, Dark Continent and Paradise Island, over the course of a few nights. Once we reached the western coast, I ordered the ship be run aground south of New Thalos, near the eastern edge of the Sands of Sorrow. Some insubordination later and the last remaining crew member directed the ship as ordered.

Part II

From red to black, and now dim light. My eyes adjusted to the scene before me. All were dead. Everywhere lay torsos, arms, and legs. They were cloven clean through. There was no wailing. Silence. I felt it once again. The genuine pleasure of it. The pain! The pure bloodlust that it creates!  I looked around. I had certainly done this act. First I smiled, and then I roared at the carnage before me. My mind was a haze, and is now sharp and ready. At once, I realized where I must go. I clutched a healing scroll in my hand given to me by Krenaste. A quick recital and I started to move west, destined for Westbridge.

Part I

I am cutting men in half. I am slaying an army. Not many alongside me and plenty against us. I am The Forest That Wails. I am The Mountain That Burns. A ringing raises in my ears. Louder, the sounds of battle becoming background. My vision begins to fade red. Soon, everything is bright red. I cannot discern detail. It is as if the sun exploded in a fiery red death.

Final Far Wandering [2]

Roughly piled atop each other, the stones formed a simple pyramid. Eyeing it, the man found a spot to insert the stone, and strengthen the pile. He placed it close to the base, with great care. To the drow, it seemed as though he were loathe to see the pile fall apart. "Why do you do this?"

"For luck." he replied. "Not many make the trip. Not today. But I'm cautious - I'd like his help if I'm lost." She nodded, and looked up into the tree. She had planted it some four centuries ago.

At it's base she had buried the curled, grey-haired body of a half-orc who didn't know her. Some miles off, the dim lights of a logging camp could be seen. The young strider explained that this same tree would soon be logged, as had the rest of the forest. "They have new machines now, that take the trees down quickly."

The young strider looked up into the branches reverently, searching. But he saw nothing. After a brief prayer, he left, whistling, with the wind at his back - bound for parts unknown.

When he was safely gone, she pulled down a nearby branch, and examined the stems. Each terminated in a small green leaf, all but one. Replacing her leaf at the end of one stem, it fused there, and the silver lining its edge faded.

A wind pushed at the limbs then, and a rustling shurring surrounded her. Climbing up onto a branch, she rested against the trunk of the great tree, and rested her old bones. Before long the branches shook again with the wind, and a rustling worked its way down from the upper-most branches.

"How goes it, Laish?"

Leaning sideways against the trunk of the tree, the voice of her old friend echoed in her soul. She could see him, crouched down as was his way, his head cocked, eyes searching her.

"I'm tired Krog." She felt a sympathetic nod.

"Then rest for a while here, with me."

Her friend surveyed the land, and lingered in the direction of the camp.

"I can't stay here much longer, I don't think. It's time I go." Her heart sank.

Alone, without even the ghost of an old friend for comfort.. She nodded, and grinned, remembering her half-orc friend's vision of his afterlife, his eternal reward.

"I'll wander through every land unknown to men, places that no longer exist, and places that never will."

It made her glad to imagine her old friend cresting peaks, and looking down at some new discovery, his eyes young.

"Maybe you'd like to come with me?" She nodded sleepily, and a smile appeared on her thinning lips. "Let me rest first, Krog, then we'll go." He was always in a rush to get moving!

The trunk of the tree supported her, until her breathing stopped. A rush of wind crept through the tall grass, crouched up against the tree, sprang up into the branches, and then out into the cool night air.

Final Far Wandering [1]

NOTE: This appeared in August of 2002, as my vision of how Krog's story might end, and as a general musing of what happens to old adventurers who outlive their enemies, and their friends. This never 'happened' but it was fun to write.


A doglike creature reared its head in the darkness, four tentacles dangling from just above its mouth. Lowering its head again, the tentacles dug back into the brain of the duergar dwarf's body. They writhed and slithered, trying to get further into the braincase. With a moist crunch, the small corpse's head shattered, and the brain slid out into the creature's waiting mouth.

Gobbling madly at the pale white flesh, it was soon joined by the rest of the pack, drawn psionically to the feast. All but one. The leader of the pack paced, its primitive but sensitive mind scanning for a hidden presence. Sensing a sentient being, it bounded off into the eternal darkness.

It followed the stray thought as a shark would follow a drop of blood.

The pack followed, splitting off through the honeycomb passageways, mentally linked to each other. Working in perfect unison, as one mind, they closed in on their prey. Broadcasting confusion, entrapment and hopelessness, their pack-mind spread out to encircle the newcomer.

A tall, thin figure raised a hand as the leader lept, feeder tentacles reaching.

Thick webbing enfolded the creature, and it fell to the floor.

The others paced at a distance. More webs sprang from an outstretched hand, filling the cavern. The figure walked off, leaving the pack trapped. Waving a hand non-chalantly at them, the ceiling of the cavern began descending.

Pulling her hood back, the drow wizardress watched the creatures race into the webs to escape. The ceiling continued to fall, until only their heads snapped at her from the narrow space left.

Cessarids," she muttered under her breath, as she watched the last of them perish. The illithid were becoming increasingly lax in their control of their hunting beasts. Her face was deeply lined. Once thick, luxurious white hair was now so thin that it floated about her in a frayed nimbus. The weight of six hundred winters weighed heavily upon her, but she was not hunch-backed, as some old women become. As the years had progressed, she had descended lower and lower into the warm earth, so that the heat could ease the growing pain in her joints.

Now, she ascended to the sunlit world again. To visit family.


Under the stars she traveled. When her aging body failed her, her Art did not. Entering into The Weave, she felt the sensation of flower petals being drawn over her closed eyelids. It was impractical to travel so boldly in The Underdark, where it was all too possible to emerge into a wall of solid rock.

Instead she emerged into a green, moonlit field, hundreds of leagues away, and let out a great sigh. Reaching into her cloak, her sharp fingernail sliced at the hem of a hidden pocket.

Her hand withdrew a tiny green leaf, silvered at the edges, overladen with lost memories. Leaning heavily on her staff, she let the leaf guide her.

After a time, she became aware of another walking in the tall grass. A tall, lanky man, emerged from the dark greenery, his dagger held aloft in plain sight. "No harm to you, old mother." Scowling slightly, she returned, "And none to _you_, greenleaf." They walked together, but he eyed her suspiciously.

"Are you here for a blessing of good travel?" he asked. She shook her head. "Where are you headed?" she asked. The young man grinned, and it was a familiar grin. But not quite the same. He shrugged, and maintained his roguish smile.

"I've no idea. That's why I'm here. I'll follow the wind, most likely." A great bloom of leaves rose before them, like a dark-green dawn. The main trunk of the tree rose up like a column, and then branches exploded in every direction. As they approached, the young man reached down to the grass and pulled a stone from the ground.


I have torn through countless villages. I have single-handed brought down militias. I have defeated armies. I have killed a king. All of this, terrible. I had never before stayed behind after a battle. I like home. It is easy, it is simple. I do not know why this time I remained camped with the army. I beared witness The One Who Endures, Lord on the Rack, the Crying God Ilmater manifested in a bleeding body. His wounds never closed. They simply drained the blood from his hairy body wearing only

a breechcloth. The Suffering -- the clergy of his faith -- took notice of this man. No matter their efforts, they could not stop his bleeding.

A few chanted spells of healing, others mixing herbs together to clot the blood. They started to amass. A man appeared on the hill. Those gathered started to speak of the Exalted Sufferer. This was the leader of their religion. Truly it was a sight to behold. The Exalted Sufferer descended to the bleeding man, and held out his hand. Though it obviously bore the bleeding man great pain, he stood and walked with the Exalted Sufferer. Horses were brought. The man was mounted, and had begun to wail in pain. They started to strike out at our army in camp. The bleeding man used his hands like shortswords. I took notice and secured my chainmail to the boiled leather underbody. The bleeding man was an efficient machine. No one noticed me while the bleeding man obliterated. I motioned for my squire to mount my fullplate mail. I grabbed my great helm, fastened it, and made for my horse. I rode away quickly. I knew this bleeding man would endure anything I could sustain against him.

As I left camp, a Sufferer waved for me to halt. I reached to my side and readied my greatsword. I meant to cut him down, but something stopped  me. I slowed my horse. "Haven't you heard?" he asked. "Ilmater has blessed us with his presence. His avatar defeats those who caused this suffering!" I had to ride on. This was Ilmater incarnated. He was there for me. My long time of service, of rape, of murder, of shame. I know now I must  repent for what I have done, so the Crying God may once again manifest himself.

Diary of a mad man

Entering the room Rosso knew what this meeting was about, his life and death in the clan Long Death.  In the room there was Rahvin, pheniox,Darxal and Mortis the head masters of the clan.  Only Pheniox spoke, with such a loud tone it couldn't be forgotten you must surrender your soul to death.  Show us you have what it takes to be one of us.  Rosso begin to speak about his clan symbol then stopped.  He nodded in approval and with that he was off to Market square. 

Day 1
There sat Devout, Stephy,Dimitri and another person I didn't recognize. I knew I must get their attention somehow so I asked the paperboy for a quest,  hoping that they would follow. But I was too fast for them. I had to come back and fight my way to death. So It happened the first kill, so powerful  it crashed his heart and soul to remove his clan symbol. When I came back into reality my life force was down and devout of the hoard had healed me to my death, so his friend hit me once again I was faced with another trial do  I go back and fulfill my destiny or do I sit idly by and watch it go to waste.

Day 2
I arrived back at market square some hours later the dust had settled no one was there, and then came a halforc gladiator by the name of Zekai a few pokes of him to me got him furious to hit me. This trial was to watch my life  before my eyes. To not attack just to watch. Zekai fell flat at least a dozen times but in the end I lay flat from his blade.

day 3
 I awoke quickly with a start the next trial being friendship, I found Xeptimus sitting on the bench questioning what I was doing there why I was hitting him. He gave into temptation and attacked and once again I fell to a blade.

day 4
The next trial was a gang bang. Die to as many people as possible: I ran to market square as fast as I could gassed the room and five of them pop out of the smoke and are all on me. I try to fight back it's to much I fall to Dimitri.

day 5
The next trial, die to a priest to come back wealthy in the afterlife. I didn't heal for this one. I know priests are the worse. I found the target. It was Devout the devoted hoard member, I sent a rock his way and one hit of his weapon I fell once again

day 6
Trial 6 die to your own kind: looking for another spell caster like myself I found the lonely vonrak sitting there sipping on a Lipton ice tea I attacked him first but his friends sipping on juice boxes hit me too but in the end I fell to a rock.

day 7
Day of reckoning get help to fight a known enemy, then die by him:  I found 3 buddies and attempted to kill variable the invariable but the weapon was to strong it was my weakness. In seconds I died.

day 8
The day of rebirth: Die to be a born again clansmen. I rushed to market square so fast knowing this was the end of the trial. Found my target then died to Variable the invariable.

Signed, Rosso deh Aposso

The Exiled Soul -I-

What dreams I've had of late, and yet not a single nightmare. There wasn't any reason tonight would be different than the hundreds previous. The God I once knew had abandoned me. Tossed aside like a plaything that  was no longer amusing. The night sky in the hills this time of year was  actually very pretty, but there was no solace in it. I had once drew  power from the God of Nightmares, but the haze of such a time was fading as it it were only a Nightmare.

Often I'd think about how easily we'd been swept aside in the end. The armies of Vector were strong enough to force a foothold and scare the  Tripower into submission for years. Even with Kefka dead, they were perhaps  now even more dangerous. Might is right. There's no denying it. The events  of the last 10 years had hardened my heart. Not that I was weak before,  I'd delighted in being the Nightmare of Magic, the Exile, the bringer  of death. But there was nothing left to persue along those lives. The  person who had championed the night may as well be dead. Even my own  magical aura seemed to pulse with energy that was not of the Gods.

There was no more sleep left for tonight and I stood up from my small camp and began packing my things. I thought how strange it was that I should wait all this time before making this journey. It seemed unbelieveable that the old "hell hath no fury" line didn't quite apply. There were reasons far beyond the obvious for finding her place again. Perhaps, there were those who would take her in. It could just be that she would wind up the Exile once more. Searching for meaning in life.

But then again...

Perhaps, It was time to find some old "friends"...

prayers for a dying monk

The Order had clashed with the warriors of Shar protecting Belldandy's escape. Their defensive position had entrenched them within the body of the confrontation. The warriors of Shar were fierce creatures with the head of a dragon the body of a lizard and the temperament of a caged weasel. The Order fought them back but Belldandy's action must have triggered their anger; after her escape the warrior engraved. We had been on the Fields of Shar previously and the dragomen where never like this before. The fight had drained a lot of effort; yet The Order had successfully withstood the attack and had suppressed the warriors aggression. What ever she had done she was keen to have hidden the body of the unbinding ritual from the Order.

Since the battle The order had been trying to play catchup, a game they were not used to playing. The group had gathered at the temple every night in numbers for the past week. They had become stuck with something that seemed so simple. Restore the dying monk.

The dying monk would likely help them with the unbinding ritual. The Nexus Monk himself had proven less than helpful. But the dying monk fought for the words to speak to the group. The group felt the task of freeing the gods slipping from their gasp. Psycho sensed the growing tension within the group and so he ventured to Material Plane and within The Temple of Mask and knelt before Mask's statue and began to pray.

'Oh Mask, Lord of the Shadows savior of The Nexus Temple and the City of Shade please hear my prayers. When we last spoke I asked about the unbinding ritual. I have had significant difficulties preforming the ritual and my men are growing weary. I implore you to again speak with us and help us to reach the Nexus Library. We have fallen behind and without guidance I fear that our resources may not hold, and we will be forced to remove our camp within the Shadow Temple. We still maintain our pledge to free the god and restore Magic and Order to the realms again.'

An Intriguing Study (Part 2)

As Azeroth continues watching the line of Hordies entering the tent where moans and mumbles can be heard, one of the Horde members stood out because of the uncanny size of his asshole, that can be seen from a distance.

"Let's call this one Ass..." said Azeroth to himself.

Ass was naked, body glistening in sweat under the hot summer sun. It was his turn as he enter the Leader of the Horde's tent. Sounds of groans can be heard, follow by loud screams and moans of pleasure.

Exits Ass from the tent, suddenly decked out in gear...his lips sore, driping with white fluid and saliva.

"What the fuck?" thought Azeroth to himself as he packs his shit and heads back to MagiTek Fortress to report his findings...

An Intriguing Study (Part 1)

One day, Azeroth was walking along when he saw some individuals from the clan called the Horde. They were fully geared. As Azeroth takes a closer look, he realizes that they were all lining up one by one...entering a tent...which Azeroth believes, resides the Leader of the Horde.

Everytime someone enters the tent, weird noises can be weird, of moans and lust, and out came them, fatigued, but well equiped.

Azeroth wonders what is happening in this tent as every single person of the Horde enters in and comes out with gear.

One day, we will find out...

Magical Disturbance

A disturbance in the weave snapped Vorcet back to reality, with a dizzying rush the world came back into focus. How long had he been out this time? Vorcet lookad at his hands which had been frozen in a pose of meditation for gods knew how long. Dust covered the backs of his hands and a spider web hung from the sleeve of his robe. Vorcet stretched his arms and legs out gingerly, getting the long dead muscles back into working order. Finally he stood and slipped into trance to search for the disturbance that had brought him out of his restorative meditation.

To the west of his house in torregiano something was different. Vorcet knew what it was. Izuna had been found and neutralized, the book of evil that had corrupted his psyche taken from him. The curse on that forsaken island had fed from that book and had protected it from Vorcet's attempts to retrieve it. Vorcet could feel the book leaving the island. Vorcet slipped out of trance for a moment and openned a scrying window to the location of the book. The window openned to the Market Square pub in westbridge and a few adventurers gathered around a table sharing drinks.

Vorcet focused in on the one the book in question now sat in front of. He was a tall human wearing the robes common among those that trained in the newly established Monk guilds in New Thalos. Well worn sandals peek out from beneath the hem of his robes. The man's focus apears to only be partly on the celebratory mood of his companions as it continually slips back to the book now in his posession.

Sentient objects rarely make good companions as they tend to have goals of their own in mind for their owners, Vorcet needed to warn that monk about what he now found himself the owner of.

Vorcet shook teh dust from his robe which was wrinkled from being in the same position for so long. He sighed and walked through the house to his personal suite of rooms and pulled a new robe from the wardrobe in the corner. He shrugged out of the old one and slipped the new one on and fastened his belt about his waist. Whips in place, and spell components stored about his person he felt almost human again. He called in the doorway to his magically created pocket of reality where he stored his important objects. He stepped into the small work room and pulled a key off the chain around his neck. He unlocked a cabinet and pulled the small gem out and inspected it closely. The dull glow of the facets was enough to tell him that he had stored enough energy to remain concious for a good amount of time. Vorcet carefully placed the phylactery back on the shelf and closed the cabinet doors. After locking the cabinet and replacing the key around his neck, Vorcet exited his room and made the door dissapear once more.

Vorcet stepepd out into the garden behind the house and to the circle of runes and chanted the words that would take him to a secluded location jsut outside the town of westbridge. After the lurch of shifting location was over, Vorcet pulled his hood up over his head and set about hunting down the new owner of that cursed spellbook.

The Book of Lore - The Shadow Temples

[Chapter1] First Scroll of Lore [1268 - History]
[Chapter2] Second Scroll of Lore [1262 - The Binding]
[Chapter3] Third Scroll of Lore [1258 - The Ruins]
[Chapter4] Fourth Scroll of Lore [1260 - Traversing the Planes]
[Chapter5] Fifth Scroll of Lore [1261 - The Monks]
[Chapter6] Sixth Scroll of Lore [1259 - The Creatures]
[Chapter7] Seventh Scroll of Lore [1264 - The Dark Archway]
[Chapter8] Eighth Scroll of Lore [1265 - The Sacred Nexus Temple]
[Chapter9] Ninth Scroll of Lore [1263 The City of Shade]
[Chapter10] Tenth Scroll of Lore [1266 - The Apprentice, Lord Shadow]
[Chapter11] Eleventh Scroll of Lore [1267 - The Netheril Magicks]
[Chapter12] Twelfth Scroll of Lore [1269 - Greater Youth Magic]

[Chapter1] First Scroll of Lore [1268 - History]

History - 1268

Little is known about the Shadow Temples aside from what I've documented in the past twelve years. There is more to the temples than simply reaching the shadow realm. The Nexus Temple is full of mystique and mysteries and serves as not only the gateway to the shadow realm but the gateway to all planes of existence.

When the Archway was first created it was a portal to the Nexus which is the center of all planes of existence. The Netherese would use this portal to explore and reach scapes that many thought to be non existent. During the time of Karsus and the destruction of the weave the flying city called Shade was moved to the Shadow Realm to protect its citizens from Karsus's spell. This of course moved the only known portal to the Nexus into the shadow realm as well.

The portal was guarded by the Warriors of Shar for many years, up until Mask made the Nexus his home and used his magic to remake the Nexus into a Temple giving it the appearance it now has. Furthermore, Mask stole the Archway portal and turned it into what is now known as the Shadow Temples. These shadow temples would be the only access to the Nexus Temple for the world of Faeurn, and in turn would be the only way to reach the City of Shade or any other plane of existence although the Shadow Realm is what is most commonly visited.

Mask hid the temples within a Dark Cloud that hovers above the realms. It's location is not so easily found and it is possible that the clouds move freely in the sky. A tome granted me some hint as to where to look:

"The cloud part, the sky breathes, the streams flow freely over these....nestled tightly a child weeps."

[Chapter2] Second Scroll of Lore [1262 - The Binding]

The Binding - 1262

The Binding ritual is known only to the Shade Knights and the Nexus Monk, the highest Priest of Mask. To perform the ritual one must possess all the virtues of Mask, shade magic, and a nexus stone. The process is as follows:

To begin you must wear an item and bear the stone. State the words of unbinding and stand with a statue as a statue. A knights sacrifice must then be made, although a spirit or elemental aura make be substituted during this part. The remnance of the primary virtue, followed by a display of it, althought not exceeded, followed by the remnance of the old "magics". Lastly ask to be sent to "the ruins".

This process is long and drawn out and only those who have the health to sustain the stress should attempt the ritual. Also, any imbalance or change in surroundings can throw up the precision of the ritual. I once saw a beetle fly into the binding archway during a ritual and two Shade Knights were disintegrated.

[Chapter3] Third Scroll of Lore [1258 - The Ruins]

The Ruins in the Sky - 1258

12th day of Tarsakh, 1258

I have dedicated a great majority of my time and life to mapping the realms of Waterdeep, and just when I felt I had completely finished I have stumbled across a new uncharted piece of land. It is a strange place and appears to be the ruins of an ancient temple. What makes this an even stranger find is that it is a piece of land floating in mid air, as if a mountain top had be cut and turned upside down. I still have yet to figure out how it remains floating in the air but what I do know is that it is a surrounded by a cloud that hides it from view which makes it extremely difficult to find, I think I was lucky to have even stumbled across it.

0th day of Flamerule, 1258

I have spent the past two months completely baffled by these ruins. There is a small child who after much coaxing has come to tell me that he is a child of shade, kidnapped, seperated from his twin brother and placed in the ruins as a protector? It struck me as very odd, but oh well. He also told me that there is a ghost on the loose, he refered to it as the ghost of Temperance but chasing it seems to be hopeless, he also said something about a ghost of Fortitude that haunts the Mask's Great Temple and the monks that reside within to the south. I was confused by his words since there are only ruins to the south, maybe there is more than what meets the eye.

10th day of Nightal, 1258

For five months I've studied and read lore about the City of Shade and the Shadow realm now. These ruins seem to be directly linked to the shadow realm some how and the pillars are the key to getting there. I'm not sure what awaits me beyond these ruins, but my curiousity has always gotten the better of me. I noticed one of the pillars was loose, perhaps on purpose since after greater inspection all the pillars were loose. This is the first step in my new quest to find the lost City of Shade and the Shadow Realm.

[Chapter4] Fourth Scroll of Lore [1260 - Traversing the Planes]

Traversing the Temples - 1260

Traversing is the key to reaching the Nexus Temple, but it is no simple task and is definitely not for the weak of mind. When traversing, opening your eyes is the last thing you want to do. When in doubt, resting your eyes always pays off.

0th day of Hammer, 1260

I've finally learned the uses of the pillars, and how they are alive and respond to shifts left and right. In correct sequence you can traverse. I find myself within what seems to be a parrallel existence of the temple ruins. Everything has come to life and the ruins are no longer ruins but have been replaced or restored to their original or restored states. The carvings on the wall were a great help in figuring out the secrets to the pillars. I stole a book from the head Monk here titled "The Four Pillars", unfortunately I was attacked by a Veserab who after spitting acid at me burned the book. What I did manage to read was that there are actually three planes of existence all that make up the Shadow Temple or Temples. The entire area is a giant portal to the Nexus Temple, which is where you can assumingly just walk into the Shadow Realm. The difficulties lie in the fact that each plane requires you to traverse to the next plane through the uses of Shade magic. The pillars are essential because they are made out of pure shade essences of Shade magic and thus have to be used in the traversal of the planes.

27 day of Uktar, 1260

I've spent the last few months in an utter bind trying to figure out the magic of the four pillars within what I've now named the Material Plane. These pillars unlike the ones in Ruins Plane respond everytime you walk into the room. It's not something noticeable, but something definitely happens each time you step into the room. I've found myself completely dumbfounded by what to do next and my plan is to infilrate the Monk society to perhaps get a better grasp on what is needed to be done.

[Chapter5] Fifth Scroll of Lore [1261 - The Monks]

The Monks - 1261

5th day of Hammer, 1261

After a month of carefully watching the monks of the Material Plane I've learned that the monks rest their minds to return to the ruins. Simply put, if you sleep you may find your path back to the ruins in your dreams. These monks also recruit apprentices from all over the realms, but more specifically they kidnap children from the City of Waterdeep, Daggerford, and Port Llast. They carefully bring them back to the temple through the traversal of the Ruins Plane and into the temple. Each child is then traversed by force into the next plane. Although I'm not sure how it is accomplished, some of these children return within minutes as adults and at that point each that returns stands before the Head Monk and he then decides who is worthy and who is not worthy of starting their training. I've decided to lay down my arms and approach the Head Monk in an attempt to start training as a monk.

2nd day of Ches, 1261

After two months of presenting myself to the Head Monk he has finally accepted me as an apprentice. After listening to him speak I've learned it might be harder than I thought to become a monk. I must kneel before him while having in my possession three bracers, and a piece of wisdom. Then and only then can I enter and leave the temple freely and be called a Monk. Also, I noted that the head monk has two staffs, not just one. One he leaves lying around precariously while the other he never lets out of his sight. It's an item I have set my sights on and I will attain before leaving this temple.

1st day of Nightal, 1261

The year has come to an end and I'm barely accomplishing my Monk training. I was disappointed that after so much hard work, so little was granted to me. Like a pawn I was instructed to stand outside the temple doors and guard the Temple with my life, of course that is not a life for an elder such as myself, so I devoted my time to studying the ancient language of the Netherese which has been adopted by the Nexus Monk.

[Chapter6] Sixth Scroll of Lore [1259 - The Creatures]

The Creatures - 1259
6th day of Hammer, 1259

I've decided to document all the creatures I've come to see here. So far there is one unique breed that I've noticed. Small cat-like creatures refered to as Puemars by the temple monks are very protective of their young. Also, they have Crimson Ruby gems embedded in their foreheads. The gems on the hatch lings and on the mothers are undeveloped and of no use, but those on the Puemar Father can be used for different purposes if extracted properly. The gnomes of longsaddle would definitely be interested in their uses, and the weeping child mentioned something about restoration stones.

11th day of Marpenoth, 1259

Within in the strange temple of Mask, it seems there is much talk of a creature referred to as a Veserab. A long worm like flying creature with wings. Although most of the monks are fearless of these creatures, there are rumors that a large Mythical Veserab existed in the plane and that it was three times the size of a regular Veserab. Every monk would cower at just the talk of it, but they also said that killing a legendary Veserab would bring a warrior great fortune as their bellies are lined with rarestone gases that compress upon death to form gems.

[Chapter7] Seventh Scroll of Lore [1264 - The Dark Archway]

The Archway - 1264

The Archway is heavily guarded but not as inpassible as its defenses suggest. Luckily I was more than well informed before attempting to pass the guards. There are five questions one must answer in order to be allowed entry into the Archway and I'm certain any historian who has heard of read of the lore of the Nethereese can easily make it past the guards.

[Chapter8] Eighth Scroll of Lore [1265 - The Sacred Nexus Temple]

The Sacred Nexus Temple - 1265

The Nexus Temple is actually the entrace to the City of Shade, Netheril itself. It is also a way of reaching any part of the realm and any plane of existence. Travellers must be wary though it seems almost impossible to control the path you wish to take when you step into the portals of the planes.

There are many spirits that roam the Nexus Temple as well, and I believe I've even been lucky to see Mask himself in his grand chambers although it could have easily just been a shadow.

[Chapter9] Ninth Scroll of Lore [1263 The City of Shade]

The City of Shade - 1263

The city of Shade, Netheril is a great and fascinating place. I have drawn out
a map of where I've been, but to fully document this city would take many many

Nexus Temple

    ^^        #   F   F-F-F     F-F     F-F-F     

    ||        |   |   | | |     |       |         

    ""        +   F-F-F # F-F-F-F-#   F-F         

    ""        |   |               |   |           

     \        +   F-F             F-F-F           

      \       |   | |             |               

       \      +-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F               

        \    /    |                              

         *==X     F                               



                  | |                           


                  | |   |                       

                  + #   #

[Chapter10] Tenth Scroll of Lore [1266 - The Apprentice, Lord Shadow]

Lord Shadow - 1266

Lord Shadow, also known as High Prince Telamont was Karsus' apprentice. Prior to Karsus' folly, Telamont casted a spell that placed the floating city Shade of the Netheril in the shadow realm, protecting it from the undoing of the magic of Shade and the people known as the Shadovar. The Telamont Family line is construed of nothing but the most adept and knowledgable Archwizards, Lord Shadow being one of the most Powerful beings in existence. weave. High Prince tealmont and the 12 Princes of Shade now rule over the city.

[Chapter11] Eleventh Scroll of Lore [1267 - The Netheril Magicks]

Karsus's Magic - 1267

Karsus was the most powerful wizard who ever walked on Faerun. He is the only wizard to have cast a 12th level spell (although only done once which brought about his demise). In an attempt to become Mystryl (now known as Mystra) Karsus destroyed the weave and brought about the demise of the once magnificent magrocracy that was Netheril.

[Chapter12] Twelfth Scroll of Lore [1269 - Greater Youth Magic]

Notes on the Greater Spell - 1269

Since Karsus' folly, all 11th level or greater spells were banned from the realms. Now, the Shadovar focus their studies on the mastery of 10th level arcane magic. One such spell is that of eternal youth and life. To be able to regain control of your youth and all your physical capabilities with the knowledge you possess now is a feat of extrodinary proportions. Such a spell require an Archwizard who fully understands the magics of the shadow plane as well as time and space. It would be unwise for anyone who is not an arcanist to attempt, thus no one other than a wizard would have any luck completing this spell.

Log: 24122013 - DAQ, Ror and Aneh

OOC commentary: Three session roleplay between Aneh, Ror and DAQ. How DAQ awoke and joined the ranks of Tripower.


There's no art of Lina Inverse.


The girl that stands before you is remarkably short for a Titan. Her fiery red hair is hardly held out of her face by a black headband inset by a blood red jewel which matches her eyes. The same smooth blood red jewels are set into a necklace and two matching platinum bracelets. They also are matched by two larger orbs of the same color that are set into her black shoulderguards with gold filligree. All the rest of her armor is cloth but of the same black and gold. Everything, that is, except for her gloves and boots which are comfortable white leather. Trinkets adorn her belt accentuating the idea that all of her armor is meant to amplify her magic.

A runed shortsword is hung at her waist but this is more for show as her magical powers are almost tangible. A cloak that's completely pitch black and seems to absorb the light around it is lined with blood red runes and an inscription of an extremely powerful spell. The inscription reads in common: Darkness beyond twilight, Crimson beyond blood that flows, Buried in the stream of time is where your power grows, I pledge myself to conquer all the foes who stand, Before the gift bestowed in my unworthy hand. Let the fools who stand before me be destroyed by the power you and I possess...

Roleplay Notes

January 2014
December 2013

Bandit Slayer (Chapter 2)

past hour and still I was insatiable. Perhaps it was just another side effect from the spell. My hair had turned snow white and my fingertips still burned where raw magic had coursed through them. I hid under my cloak to avoid notice and in the rain the only odd thing to be seen was  how much I was eating. Even conjuring mana biscuits wasn't enough, and it hurt me to do so as the spell left me weakened. It wasn't far till the borders of Amn I told myself. It wouldn't mean safety but at least I could stop and rest and eat and figure out what to do from there. But mostly eat.

The City of Coin was one I'd rather not have left. Haggling over deals  was so familiar to me. Mom and Dad had been good merchants but I'd learned so much from selling everything from trinkets of power to magical images of my sister bathing. Ok, so maybe I did have some of her punishments coming but give me a break, I have a whole world to explore and that doesn't come cheap!

"That's far enough little girl," The group of bandits were cleverly  hidden but showed themselves quickly enough. Who were they calling a little girl! I could turn them inside out and purple at the same time. It's not like I was all that under developed for my age, and even being a Titan, well I was young and would grow and who knows, I could get taller... One day. And what kind of asshole robs a little girl anyway!

"Well, you know what we want, drop the packs and cloaks and you won't  get hurt." The same idiot spoke again. This one was getting turned inside  out, purple or not depended on what color he was on the inside.

"Leave her alone!" A tall knight in blue armor wielding a very long  claymore walked toward the group of bandits undaunted. His long golden locks almost covered his face but I could make out blue eyes and a white smile. "You're not going to touch her!"

"And who's gonna stop us pretty boy? You?!?! Bahahahaaa" The rest of the bandits chimed in and he assumed the pose of a very experienced fighter.  Oh my god, I thought to myself with almost utter delight, I'M the damsel in distress, me! Who would have thought! This was too good, I'll have to see where this leads. No magic, don't want to let prince knight guy feel like he didn't rescue me! This is too cool!

They circled around him but he kept his calm, one jumped from behind but he caught the blow and redirected it back on his attacker. There was a quick scuffle and but within minutes the bandits were fleeing for their lives. There he was... My hero... The long sword hung over his shoulder smiling. As he walked toward me his smile faded.

"Oh, hey little girl, you know it's dangerous for you to be out here..." He stooped over a little to speak to me at my height. Ok so he was a lil weird.

"Oh well, sorry mister, thanks for saving me!" I squeaked trying to look cute.

"Is your mom or dad around here?"
He stood up and started looking up and down the road. "Here I think I'm saving a mega hot babe and it turns out she's some little kid with white hair..."

What... The... Hell!!!! As I heard it something snapped in me and was replace by a mushroom cloud going off. Here I am acting all cute and you treat me like some kid! I could have blown those guys sky high, and you let them get away. What a jerk! And now he's leaving. Leaving! No forget that, he's buying me dinner to make up for this. I ran after him.