Glade of Stars

Sanria spent long enough hiding in the Illuminati Clan Hall, and she knew this fact in that the words on the pages of her book were starting to move of their own accord against the eggshell-colored pages. She slammed the book closed, after all, she really did know all there was to know about herbs, and grabbed her pack.

Using all the magic of her clan, she arrived in Market Square unnoticed and headed south. She could already see the bench in Festival Square and Tony's pizza stand. It was familiar, even for all the idiotic rantings Tony spouted, doubly amplified by the raging, bible-thumping prophet. They were at odds, those two, forever locked in a battle of indulgence and piety. Sin of gluttony, and sin of... of... ungluttony.

Sanria walked to the bench, her mind flashing back to a time long past and friends long gone. Sitting upon it, she ran a hand on the white wash and tears sprang to her eyes. Here was where she realized what she had to do to change the course of her life. Here, they had all realized just how much Sanria loved Thasmudyan. Here, she understood that she would never be happy unless she were given fully to the man dressed in white. Here, on this bench, she stopped lying. "Damn, whore, buy somma my fuckin' pizza!" Tony Jr. yelled. "You come here every day - buy some-a goddamned pizza! You think you're-a too good for my-a pizza?"

The words meant nothing to her as Sanria's eyes connected to the fountain. She was losing herself to her past, seeing it as though she were still there, when a familiar voice pulled her to the loveless place she currently resided. Green eyes and a kind smile greeted her, as Throm invited her to his home. It was a tour for tour, and though part of Sanria's heart ached to leave the square, she wouldn't deny someone else happiness at giving back.

Throm's home was massive and absolutely beautiful. Everything about the home was stunning, right down to the indoor stars. He had fountains, balconies, fireplaces, and a ballroom that put almost everything she had seen to shame. The music filled the room and she wanted nothing more than to dance - but it was a desire that would not be spoken of - not here.

They ended their tour (after so much by way of enjoyable chatting, a quick snack of chicken... or was it dinner...), in the one place Sanria had already drawn into her heart. The Glade. The magic took the sound from the city away and in the heart of the trees and the blanket of sky above, her very soul was soothed. They both lay there, looking up at the sky (occasionally Sanria would steal a glance at Throm, her eyes lingering a hair too long before she would remind herself that it was rude), until at last - Sanria knew she had to go. With a peck on the cheek in way of thanks, she went back to her clan hall.

Sanria stared now at the table, not aware that she didn't even have a book in front of her, and thought of the paths life can take, and how sometimes, things really are a matter of black and white.

My Own Worst Enemy

“Not again." Colin thought to himself.  Here he stood in a stairwell of the temple.  Alone. Emalia had just stormed off, obviously angry with him for how he had acted when he found her talking to a very shady looking character by the name of Xarkuss.

"Just what exactly am I doing here anyway?" Colin asked himself; but he knew the answer. When they were alone together, things were so much better. The time in her cabin on the sailing vessel which brought them here. The other night in Emalia's chamber in the temple. Ah, that night. It had remained in the forefront of his mind ever since. They had been so close, and how Colin had wanted to take that step. To just lean down and draw her lips to his. To take her fully into his arms and become one. Yet he couldn't. What if she rejected him? He did not want to jeopardize the closeness that had just begin to grow between them.

Yet here he was, standing by himself in the cold stone stairwell. It was just when they were around these "believers" that seemed to be popping out of nowhere. He just didn't trust them. The way that they sucked Emalia in. She was too vulnerable, they could hurt her too easily. And then the fact that each of them seemed to be trying to turn her away from him, looking upon him like an intruding outsider. His behavior was only pushing Emalia away but he just couldn't help himself. Apparently thoughts of distrust and jealousy still had a place within him. "Damn Sandorin, who qualified you to decide..." Colin's thoughts immediately ricocheted off in another direction, "I'm going to have to talk to her, and I'm going to have to change this. Otherwise  I'm going to lose her."

Colin took a deep breath, straightened himself, and moved on.


Sanria walked had just left Throm's company when she ran into Kaz. She was still elated with herself, having made it through showing her home to someone that she barely knew and that she had hardly even been back to even clean since Thasmudyan's departure. At this point, she was enjoying with her whole soul, a pot pie from Tom's Bakery. Throm, as it turned out, had been absolutely right – the pies were extraordinary.

She was walking back to Market Square when she spotted Kaz on the bench. Of course she felt the need to offer the silver-haired wizard her new found treat, and lead him to Tom's. Eventually, she felt her elation leaving - how was she to know Kaz didn't like meat?

As they spoke longer, Kaz made mention of his distinct lack of friends. Taking a moment to introduce Rakasha to him, the three found themselves being stared at by a very impatient Tom. hey relocated to Annie's and spoke at length of names and homelands until Rakasha found herself called away on clan business.

Once alone, Kaz and Sanria spoke even more about life, age, and Emalia's ability to heal while lacking the many years of study that most priests endure. They talked about pasts, mainly Sanria's, since kaz still couldn't account for time from his last visit to Westbridge.

When things got onto the topic of Emalia's father – all Sanria could think to do was leave. Thasmudyan was always there - as was the fact that he wouldn't be there for her, or, more importantly - their daughter - the very one that needed him the most in order to truly understand herself.

Star Catching

A page from the journal of Throm uth Bannon...

1st Day of Hammer
The Year 1274

I can't help but smile as I write the latest entry into my journal as this morning I awoke within the Glade beside my house. Reminiscent of days when I was far younger (minus the influence of a strong drink) it has been ages since I last awoke in a strange place.

Returning from the Market Square Pub yesterday, I ran across a friend of which I have met many times within the course of the past month. Again it seems I was to meet Sanria Haverland in Festival Square as I was walking home. I wonder if Festival Square holds a special meaning for Sanria, or if perhaps it is just chance that I have run into her twice there. The first time I thought she meant to kill an ex-Guardian named Kaz. This last time the way she sat alone in the Square I wouldn't have been able to picture her even holding a sword, much less wielding it against someone. Once again we found ourselves caught in a tide of conversation. I find that words seem to come easier these days, whilst she is around. This leads me to reflect that for one who speaks little, do I now make an ass of myself. Again I'm forced a smile, as I couldn't care less whether I appear an ass or not in this sense. The conversations we hold peak my interest (apparently hers as well as we've had many now), and this is enough.

As just the other day, she allowed me a peek of her world by inviting me to her home, I wished to show the same this time. Often times as I meet others I have been told I am loathe to open up. Perhaps in revealing the place in which I live...each room containing a piece of my core being...I may have been able to compensate for this shortcoming. Though the sound of another voice within the Manor is rare indeed, I am happy to write that hers was a welcomed voice in every sense. She was kind enough to allow me to tour the greater part of the Manor with her, indulging me even by allowing me to keep bantering on as we went. Sanria seemed especially drawn to the Forest Glade just outside. I suppose for one who follows the path of nature, the indoors hold very little in the way of comfort.

(*The next paragraph has been scratched out in pen beyond legibility*)

At the end of the evening we parted ways within the Glade once more, as she returned to the city. I remained however, watching the stars above, until I finally could stay awake no longer. It was there I awakened this very morn. Covered in the dew of the morning, and still filled with the recent memories of the previous day, I left a Glade which now strangely felt more of a home than any building.