Part 4

The sun had just begun to set, and the birds near the coast were loud. The sandy bars eased the ship's landing. I disposed of the helmsman and fastened my armor. I mounted my horse, cut the lashes, and began to ride to Westbridge. My destination was a dark church, north of town. I had recited enough Mother's Embrace to know that I had been chosen. Jenova Cells had encountered me, and has burdened me with this strength. Bhaal, the Lord of Murder has touched me through these Cells and the Mother, the Father, and the Son need my abilities.

Part 3

I've never liked the sea. Never know where you are, hard to keep your footing. A bag of platinum coins bought a large cargo ship to sail across the Sea of Swords. A small crew and myself as the cargo; I brought a large bed and an armor rack. I also had my horse secured topside. We passed the two major land masses, Dark Continent and Paradise Island, over the course of a few nights. Once we reached the western coast, I ordered the ship be run aground south of New Thalos, near the eastern edge of the Sands of Sorrow. Some insubordination later and the last remaining crew member directed the ship as ordered.

Part II

From red to black, and now dim light. My eyes adjusted to the scene before me. All were dead. Everywhere lay torsos, arms, and legs. They were cloven clean through. There was no wailing. Silence. I felt it once again. The genuine pleasure of it. The pain! The pure bloodlust that it creates!  I looked around. I had certainly done this act. First I smiled, and then I roared at the carnage before me. My mind was a haze, and is now sharp and ready. At once, I realized where I must go. I clutched a healing scroll in my hand given to me by Krenaste. A quick recital and I started to move west, destined for Westbridge.

Part I

I am cutting men in half. I am slaying an army. Not many alongside me and plenty against us. I am The Forest That Wails. I am The Mountain That Burns. A ringing raises in my ears. Louder, the sounds of battle becoming background. My vision begins to fade red. Soon, everything is bright red. I cannot discern detail. It is as if the sun exploded in a fiery red death.