Creation of a Gift [Part 1]

"Well, now we get to work." /Sure, AFTER you dally around for hours and sleep til noon.../ Icehawk glanced over his shoulder at Tundra, his displacer beast. Tundra was nonchalantly following him as he headed for his lab, intent to start work on his newest creation. The blue-white crystal on Tundra's collar blinked as he thought-spoke again. /Its a wonder you get anything done.../ "All this criticism of laziness coming from a cat?" /Ill have you know cats are very active./ "When theyre hungry?" Tundra paused. /Shut up!/ Icehawk chuckled as he waved a hand over the sensor-crystal near the entrance to the lab, activating the magical light globes placed about the rooms ceiling. He sighed, smiling, as he looked about. Lab tables were scattered about, all kinds of equipment upon them. A lot of the work on his lab being done himself. The satisfied smirk he wore spoke of his pleasure with it. "You gonna assist me then?" Tundra held up a paw, the crystal blinking. /Does it look like I'm cut out to assist?/ "Excuses, excuses..." /Bah!/ Tundra turned gracefully and stalked back into the rest of the ship. Icehawk donned his gloves and goggles, placing his spell book upon the table next to his scientific journal. His exposed fingers danced in the air as he started his first incantation, calling the first half of the telepathy spell. He drew from a draw a small, round sapphire. Placing it on a holder, he donned a larger glove and walked to a large storage container on the wall. He carefully opened the door and reached in, withdrawing a small, glowing green crystal. He pulled his goggles down to protect his eyes from the harsh waves emanating from the crystal. Cautiously placing the crystal upon the same holder as the sapphire, he turned the page on his journal and placed the holder inside a small, transparent case, hardened for just this purpose. Reading again from the journal, he spoke the spidery words of magic and weaved the air about the container. A harsh light flashed from the two objects, blinding to the naked eye, and sweat was visible upon Icehawks brow as he forcefully wove them together. The brilliant forms merged into a round ball, then quite suddenly spiked outward, making sharp points of a crystal. When the light faded, Icehawk removed his goggles and was rewarded with the sight of a blue-white crystal much like the one apparent on his collar. He grinned and took it from the container, taking a magnifying device to it. He smiled even broader, obviously successful. The first leg of the creation was complete, now for the next...