Current Character Description - Heiyu Wolldon

This young boy wears a flare of blond hair on his head that sticks out in all directions.  His eyes are a deep ruby, almost black in color.  His skin is pinkish, as though he has a light sunburn.  He looks a lot like his father, Askari, and acts a lot like his mother, Leandra.  It seems the only name this boy was given was "Hey, You!," and given his neglect, the only path unfolding for him is that of the thief...

Current Character Description - Dinin

Before you stands a figure with a muscular build cloaked in what would have been, without the ware, the finest cloaks and clothes of the drow society.  A drawn back hood reveals a face which has been hardened with the trials of a life that comes with the experiences of conflict and difficulty.  A bone white pony tail which contrasts his ebony skin adorns his head.  Red eyes set within a masculine face peer at you with interest as a smirk appears upon his lips and you get the sense that this drow knows more about the workings of society and life than you could imagine.

Current Character Description - Dimitri

Wearing the robes of a wizard this elf seems very natural and at ease in his surroundings. His face bears no distinguishing characteristics. No scars, tattoos, birthmarks, anything of the kind. In fact, everything about him is generic. Forgettable. Invisible in plain view. Another face in the crowd.

Current Character Description - Askari Wolldon

This young man appears to be about seventeen years old, but it can be hard to tell with his kind. He is obviously an esper, with slightly irridescent deep red skin that appears purplish at times. He wears a seemingly permanent sullen expression on his lean face and his dark lips are almost always pursed in a half frown. This young man's chin and cheekbomes are somehow angular yet rounded and smooth at the same time, handsome and strong yet delicate. The irises of his eyes are so deep red as to appear almost black, matching the short cropped black hair upon his head. He wears a long sleeved black button up shirt and well-worn tan leather pants. His shirt remains untucked and he often stands with his shoulders slumped and his hands crammed deep into his pockets. A long bow slung across his shoulders and quiver of arrows at his hip complete the ensemble.

Current Character Description - Akihiro

Your eyes find their way to a curious creature.  With a heavy, scarred shell and thick, wrinkled feet, a large turtle is here.  He is very large and is 3 feet tall when walking on all four legs and 6 feet when standing on his hind legs.  The dark green skin that protudes from underneath the shell wrinkled and scarred.  Due to his age, it is difficult to tell the difference between the two.  Although he wears armor over his shell, small bits of barnacles can be seen, suggesting he is an ancient creature of the sea.

The End... But a new Beginning

The month of the Hammer, Mason Stonehammer was walking the plains of Torregiano thinking of the future of TriPower.  "What shall the future hold for TriPower with Vector slowing emerging from nothing?"  Mason said to himself out loud.  He paced back and forth with his head down counting his footsteps.  Mason looked into the distance because he heard a woman screaming.  He focused his eyes and noticed that the woman was being attacked by Vector soldiers about three miles away.  He threw his cloak around his body and vanished.  A few seconds later he appeared in front of the woman just in time to parry an attack from one of the Vector soldiers.  "It's Mason of TriPower, run!"  Yelled the soldier.  The soldiers run the other direction, dropping their weapons.  Mason turns towards the woman smiles and says,"You are safe young lady."  She looks towards Mason with a blank stare and doesn't say anything.  Mason slowly moves towards her.  He slowly puts his hand toward her face and when he touches it, her body shatters.  "Decoy!"  Yells Mason,"A damn decoy!"  Hundreds of Vectorian soldiers surround Mason.  "You have options Mason, dead or alive, you choose!"  The soldier demands.  Mason grins and disappears.  He quickly appears behind the soldier that addressed him and digs his teeth into his neck and drains his blood dry.  All the soldiers surround Mason and knock him unconscious and tie him up.  "Let's behead him and leave his corpse hear to rot!"  One of the soldiers yells.  "No....  We must bring him back.  There is something they want to do to him."  The other soldier yells. 

To Be Continued.....


Velentham let out a scream of agony as the trident ripped through  his thigh, spearing him to the ground.  The huge Mezzoloth clicked its pinchers together in its humming, buzzing speech, which  Velentham could not understand.  "Hnnzzzz'nkot Hnzzz'k'nat!"  He reached down, his hand shaking, gripping the trident weakly.  His vision was white, though the Mezzoloth stood in black contrast. It was how he saw this world.  It drained him.

There had been a battle between Velentham, left standing on a rock, gaping at his new home, and the myriad of Mezzoloths that flew to him on the attack.  He had blasted a few of them into oblivion, his Celestial nature kicking in, slaying them until he began to wear down.  Then, in the awkward gravity, Velentham lost his footing.  He had rolled "down" a flat piece of land, unable to stop until he gripped a stone that jutted from the ground.  Then... this.

He looked up, seeing the Mezzoloths flutter down from the skies like a plague of locusts, their thick, squat bodies buzzing as they hit the ground.  "Mmmmzakt Nninnzzz'tok," said one.  And another lifted his trident high, aiming for Velentham's skull.  His end at the hands of insect demons.

Velentham closed his eyes and heard the sizzle of super heated air and the crackle of splitting carapaces.  He opened his eyes again and saw a man of his height, cloaked heavily beneath a brown robe, shooting magic in beams so wide the insects burst, spreading green ropy goop on the rocky ground. "Get up," came the raspy voice.  "Now."

Velentham rose and the man nodded.  He grabbed Velentham by the arm as the Mezzoloths began to swarm in the skies for another attack.  He tossed down a vial, smashing it to release a swirl of purple smoke.  Velentham could barely hear the man chanting a spell over the din of hundreds of buzzing curses.  He felt himself sucked through a vortex, and in the cool air of wherever he was, Velentham blacked out

Moving Out

Dear Diary,

I feel pretty bad.  I think I really hurt my dad's feelings and I wasn't trying to, but he just won't listen to reason.  I found him writing a song for my mom, trying to play a lyre, and sounding like a dying animal.  He said he'd done it before but my mom made  him go home.  I guess that's when I called her and Gilean a jerk and everything kinda went downhill. I tried to be nice, honest.  I just felt that feeling again.

Like a cold chill in my stomach that rises up and out to my hands while my face gets hot.  It's like I can hear myself saying the words but I can't stop them from coming out.  I reminded him how she slept with Ror AND Thasmudyan while he was out, in addition to Gilean. I mean, if she really loved any of them, she wouldn't have done that, right?

Well, he got moody and sad and I just realized that no matter what I said, he was always going to be upset for me saying it.  Sucks, but I have to realize that a) I'll never have my parents together and devoted to each other, b)My mom is a whore, c)My dad has been duped, and d)No one will listen to me to hear the truth. So, I'm leaving.  I already told Askari to start packing.

We're going to take Heiyu and move near the esper camp where Askari's racist dad used to live.  I know we're leaving my dad by himself in  this big house, but... I can't see him like this anymore and not be able to speak out.  Maybe the space will help me to not be so angry. Who knows.

I love my dad, I wish he could feel it.  I wish he would listen to me.  If my mom would have only come back to him, committed, and apologized for her mistakes... maybe I could have loved her, too. The only thing left for me to do now is just walk away from both of them and let them sink or swim alone.

Leandra Stone

Silencing Bards

Sanria  opened the front door of the cottage to see Colin standing in front of the  house, flanked on each side  by bards holding a lute, a recorder, and a tambor.  She  rushed out, tears  burning in her eyes, waving her  hands in an attempt to  get them  to stop.  "Enough!" she shouted.  "Enough!  Colin, make them stop."
He smiled at her and joined in the singing with a voice much more suited to shouts of battle than song.  "I just want to live my life with-"   Sanria clapped her hands over his mouth, though the bards finished the  sentence with a resoundingly loud, "Thou!"
"By  the gods what  is wrong with you?" she hissed.  Colin dropped his hands and frowned.
"You didn't like it?  I wrote it and asked them to sing it."
"No... Colin... you're not supposed to be here."
"Gilean isn't here, I know, I checked."
"That... isn't the point!"
"Tough luck, buddy," said  the tambor  player, clapping  Colin on the shoulder as he walked away.
"Go home," Sanria said, and turned to walk into the cottage.

She  heard Colin's heavy  footsteps behind  her, following her to the front door and she sighed.  "Colin..."
"Please, Sanria... I just want to spend some time with you."
"Gilean is not here, when he comes home, we can spend time together."
"I don't want to see him right now," came the clipped reply.

Sanria knew there wouldn't be any turning away Colin. With a sigh, she opened the door and led him into the living room. He sat beside her on the couch, looking into her eyes while clasping her hand. "The song is true, Sanria."
"I'm sorry, Colin.  I'm married  to a man who is good to me, who loves
me, who cares for me-"

"I know, but what about Gilean?"

It was just too much. "You should go home, Colin. If Gilean comes back
he isn't going to be happy to see you here."

"Come with me."
"This is my home."
"No.  This is *his* home."
"It is our home, his and mine. Colin... I'm sorry. I've chosen Gilean."
"But I'm back... it's me... everything  we'd been  fighting for is now fixed.  This isn't fair... this isn't how it's supposed to be." 

"But it's how it is," she replied quietly, looking at him with earnest. Colin finally got up, a deep frown on his face as he looked at her. "I will go... but I'll be back."
"I'll be back."

There was  nothing more  she could say as the gladiator walked out the  door.  The one thing above all  else that was  certain, was that Colin didn't give up.  Ever.


"We are proud to count you two amongst us as brothers, and I cannot stress enough how appropriate is your timing."

Relic stood in the middle of a hallway on the second floor in the Eastern Wing of the great stone Keep of which he was now a leader. The idea, although several months old, had still not completely taken root in his mind; though he had been doing all he felt he could lately despite the hard times upon him and his brothers.

Before him was a collaboration of two others with whom he shared leadership as well as two recently initiated into the brotherhood. Though they were new, they were very old acquaintances of his, and he counted himself  lucky to share a common vision with them once again. It was to these  inidividuals, Akihiro and Maezura, to which he now spoke.

"Do not think I mean to speak lightly of the honor we recieve your presence with, however understand that you've come during trying times. There is much going on, much to be done... And we musn't waste any time."

Maezura, an elf, lithe of figure, yet taller than Relic raised an eyebrow.  "Waste time? Doing what?"

"I do not wish to rush traditions, yet we must find out where you are to be placed amongst the ranks. You, Maezura, we have been talking about long before you came to us, and certainly long before we knew you would. We have a place we think you would fit well. As for you, Akihiro, we are still undecided, however, over the next few days I do not doubt we will be able to decide. We have already witness some of what you can do."

Akihiro nodded his large head, not saying a word.

"I know you have questions, but all will become clear soon enough. First  we must proceed with our sectioning." Relic nodded to Akihiro and Maezura  in turn. "If you don't mind, however, I would now have words with my  peers." 

As they two turned to leave, Vandalandius, a monstrous Titan of a priest spoke up, "By the way... Welcome to the oranization" and let them depart, a grin on his face.

Dimitri, a tall elf wearing a simple robe who nonetheless exuded a demeanor  of power, turned to Relic as the other two departed, a look of amusement  in his eyes. "We've found something."

The Titan nodded his head in agreement. "You're gonna like this too..."  Relic raised an eyebrow. "Well, I'm interested now... What've you got?" Vandalandius was the first to answer. "A junkyard."

Eyebrow still cocked Relic responded critically, "A... Junkyard? Of what sorts? Doesn't sound too promising..."

Smirking, Vandalandius said, "A Dwarven junkyard. An ancient... Dwarven  junkyard." Though Relic could tell this was not the full story. "And what did you find there?"

Vandalandius looked to Dimitri who responded in a serious tone, "Shells... Podrikev shells."

Relic was startled; this was indeed a rare find. "Does anyone else know?  Can you use them?"

The Titan nodded his head while the other shook his. This was all the information Relic needed. "We need to get to work..."

Death's Grasp

Maezura sat under the cover of darkness, staring into the distance. The streets of  Makou  City is deserted  as dusk set in. A platinum coin rolled across the shade's knuckles as he mused about the events in recent days. He knew The Order would come for him. He had spotted three of their acolytes today amongst the crowd.

When the night was darkest, the shade moved quickly through the city's alleyways before reaching a stone pathway barred off by a large wooden door reinforced by mithril. Ravens perched along the walls, staring quietly in the dead of the night. The door opened without resistance and Maezura stepped deeper into the darkness of the keep. 

The tunnels ran deep with both ends flanked  by portcullises that would drop, trapping invaders. Maezura banked to the west at the end of the tunnel. The walls in the foyer  reached skyward with a large silk banner displayed across the back wall of the room.

"Skulls everywhere I go. Heh."

Maezura reached into his pocket, retrieving a platinum coin branded with a skull and hourglass on each side. The opposite end of the room stood an elf wearing plain robes.  Maezura tossed the coin at the elf, catching with ease. A quick glance of the coin, and  the elf nodded at the shade.

The occupants of the keep appeared from the corners of the room, blocking the entrance. Maezura recognized the two that flanked the plainly robed elf. Relic and Dinin showed a relaxed composure as they stood by. The room was silent as a single word was uttered:
