. . .

'What's this? ', quoth I. As I reached in my bag, a straw figurine caught my. Looking around to see if anyone saw what I was doing, I brushed the dust off of the doll. Turning the doll over, I could barely make out the letters " E ts". 'I wonder who's doll this is...' I thought to my self. 'Let's find out!', I said aloud.. quite stupidly because people turned to look. Quickly I hid the doll. Sure it was safe again, I uncovered the doll. Unsheathing my sword, I stopped thinking: "I could kill...' Oh well, I had made up my mind, and Sheathed my sword again. My curiosity building constantly, I couldn't contain it anymore. I had to find out who's it was. I found a rather large needle and held it close to the doll. On the count of three I ran the needle through where the heart would be of a person. The next sound I heard made my blood curdle. "AAARRRRRRRRGGGGHHHHHHHHhhHHkKKk"It came from a little east of me and I froze. Deciding this was a bad place to be, I prayed for transportation. While inside my hall, I burnt the doll so it wouldn't be touched again.

The Damned and the eternal. Another whisper on the wind.

The room seems never ending a circular chamber that pushes from the earth from nowhere, just appearing as it seems, The ceiling constantly climbs, the room forever cold. In the shadows, a pair of eyes glitter down in anticipation from the belcony, down half the length of the circular room, still many feet from the belcony a string of nets and ropes. Slowly the eyes turn, to gaze at the figure restrained before them, burning heat as they gaze, intently boring into the young womans soul. She knows that the thoughts coming from those eyes are wrong. The only reward in the poion of this existence is death, eternal death, complete distruction..... But still she accepts it, it burns her throat, numbs her libs. She falls. She stops........ Far to soon. The girl is blown from the balcony by a new gust of wynd, and topples over the sides, falling far below, falling into the ropes and nets, suspended a moment in time. A noose for every limb, for neck, for waist -puppet on a string, on threads... High above, naked, gleaming, skeletal hands twitch, play among the ropes... Dancing strings... Dancing the girl... The girl in the nets clears her head and grabs at the cords, pulls herself up, climbs to the cross piece. Now the hands have an attached body, a figure lost in the shadows of this place. Good girl.... Keep moving. The hands stop, the eyes stoop forward to peer down at their plaything, As she stares the face and being Vanish, and a new figure appears, appearing as herself, her own chilling smile, as the hands reach out. This may be the end, and I can not help her.... She falls again in a shower of blood, lands broken in her harness. The eyes begin again, carefuly dancing the ropes, carefully dancing the girl, Time passes perhaps. In exhaustion she sees things she cant remember... The wall is the floor. Planks to pale for wood line the darkness. The crimson splashes change colour, dancing with her. She closes her eyes in futile defence, but even blind her vision clouds.... Then the fog becomes flames.. And the flames become words. If you give up now..... We stay here. Slowly the words come from the fire and from the mist that stand before her: A girl. Her body is awake...... Her spirit has left..... She will live, be reborn... She wipes off the blood from her dress.... But her hands won't come clean, she laughs bitterly from a dry throat No angel would be coming for me.... The girl feels the eyes turn to her, her body lifting over the belcony, to rest down before the figure that once again stands before her. But now you don't need one.... came the voice, and she knew the figure was right.

The damned hand the eternal

The shadows seem to drift up the street post like a whisp of smoke from an extinguished candle, and soon it is joined by another shadow, dancing around, writhing in silent prayer to the darkness. Silently the figure in the bushes watches, watches as the whisps of shadow entwine around the post, circle each other almost as if the shadows comunicate, a whisper carried on the wind. He is the one....... The figure in the bushes closes their eyes listening to the two hissing voices that float from no where. Envisioning the picture that floods their mind. A charity ball, rich and decadent, the last bastion of the waltz.... The gentleman dances slowly to the antiquated tune with his target. Other couples surrounding them. Jewled clockwork. Even tha dancers are machines now.  The gentlemans every move, every action betrays his lust toward the woman his is to assasinate, A vacant smile, a deliberate blush, and the woman shall follow him.... None ever going to see... Skillfull, but this gentleman has a heart of steel... His eyes are empty... The gentleman watches the window, tracks his ladies reflection, Then he sees his own, his gloves, his cloak-floating, It hides the stileto he holds close to him, he crosses across from the window and draws close the curtain.. Style... Grace... A gift well given whisper the voices together in unison, the shadows still whisping about in their own private darkness. He turns to face her, his cloak coming off, while she struggles with remaining behaving proper. He slips the long knife from its place on his waist, gliding closer.... Attacks, The motion so smooth and swift, she never sees the blade. He is our chosen.... whisper the voices again, and slowly drift a part and vanish, leaving the street cold and empty, slowly, confused and bewildered at what they had witnessed the figure emerges from the bushes but its to late, he never saw the the third shadow, eyes wide, and mouth held in that silent horrfied scream, the meat falls to the dirt, the third shadow following after the others. 

Searching [Part: II]

Suddenly waking up from some sound Kronos stood up from the chair he had slept on. The night before he spent most of his time thinking and trying to remember everything about his past, before the Crimson Guardians. But as hard as he could look back he couldn't find anything. He looked around his room trying to find the object or thing that might have cause him to wake up but he didn't find anything. Nothing in his room was out of place. To get his head clear, Kronos decided to go take a bath in the Guardian pools and have some breakfast. As he was about to leave his room, he heard like a faint voice calling to him. He turned around to see who it was but noone in the room was there. "What's happening to me..." He told him self leaving his room and walking down the hall to the Guardian pools. After a good breakfast and a nice bath, Kronos felt regenerated and ready for a long day of searching. His first task was to go and see Elminster and talk with him about the scrolls of rememberance. He knew that those scrolls were the records of all the past members and the current ones. He maybe could find some information about his own past before his coming to the Clan. As Kronos approached Elminster's chambers he knocked 3 times and waited for a responce. None came. He knocked again and waited, still none came. He then remembered that Elminster had left for a couple of days to help some sick people in the northern parts of Faerun. Kronos was about to walk back to his own chambers when a sudden flash of pain and blinding light flooded his mind. It was a kind of pain that can't be described with words but only with the feeling of it. It lasted only seconds, but in his mind it felt like hours. Kronos woke up again but this time he wasn't in his room. He could feel something cold under his body. As he looked around he realized that he was in the Guardians healing room. He was lying on the Marble table. Sitting on a chair next to the door was Dieppe, he had fallen asleep. A wet cloth had been placed on his forehead. As he removed it, Dieppe suddenly woke up. "Ahh Kronos your finaly awake." said Dieppe. And as he said those words, Taryn entered the room. "Sleep well?" said Taryn. Kronos was still confused on what he was doing in the Healing room, but he thought that he would have enough time to ask questions on how he got there.


It was a cloudless night and the stars could be clearly seen with all the different constellations. The Moon was shining all around and many shadows could be seen being casted by the different trees. A cold breeze could be felt, winter was coming and all the trees had already lost their leaves. Most birds had flown south and mostly the sound of crows could be heard during the day and night. Kronos was meditating on the balcony of his chambers when someone knocked on his door, it was Dieppe. He entered the room in silence, placed a package he held under his arm on the oak table that was in the middle of Kronos' room. As he turned around to leave he almost toppled one of Kronos' glass vials that was placed on the shelf close to his door. Two hours after Dieppe had entered Kronos' room, Kronos came out of his meditating. As he looked around he felt a slight disorientation but quickly regained it. He looked on the table and he saw a long wooden box almost as long as he was tall. Sitting on the side of the box was a note written on a parchement. He unrolled the parchement and it read: "To my only son, I leave my most praised possession." Kronos read the parchement again and again trying to understand what it ment. He could not understand the meaning because of his past wich he couldn't remember. He had never known his parents or anyone else before the Crimson Guardians. He turned the parchement and looked for something that would lead him to who wrote this message. All he found was a crest pressed in candle wax. Kronos stumbled back and pulled a chair out and sat. He sat there looking at the wodden box with the parchement in one hand and the crest in the other. He was in deep denial. The only family he had ever know was the Crimson Guardians. But now that he's recieved this package he is unsure...

Altared beginning 6

"Should never have left her alone", the witch muttered to herself, as she passed through the waterfall. They had spoken briefly as Seline had woken, after first discovering this altar. The young wizard remembered nothing of her actions, yet was troubled by another dream while she worked furiously below. A strange woman, some sort of ceremony. 'Why me?' 'What is it?" Seline lay frightened on the bed asking questions neither of us could answer. Danthor had run off looking for his own explanations, and I needed my own. "One for me, one for you and one for eternity" she mumbled repeatedly as she sank back to sleep. Tracings I needed tracings of this thing, its peculiar symbols, that's why I'd left her in the first place. There was more to the altar now, the little pockmarks across its surface was filled with gems, the results of my leaving Seline alone. She'd come back and activated this altar, a bright ring of light now visible in one corner. The lightning bolts and daggers, 3 of each I copied, the rest having to draw myself, not one of my better skills. Danthor and Seline sat together in the healing chamber as I returned, Seline still visibly shaken from her ordeal and desperately in need of proper sleep. "Stay with her Danthor, she needs rest." I asked him quietly, "I have a meeting to attend, we shall know more soon."

The Watcher

Someone is watching over me; I can feel it. This unseen ghostie follows me around sometimes... He is not always there except when I am in danger. He is not my savior from fate, he only observes silently. My earliest memories of him were of the shadow puppets that amused me within the baby creche of my Strife protector while he engaged in battle. The sounds of clashing blades a violent lullaby amidst the screams of the fallen. He was there when I fell drained of my life, a cool hand upon my brow bidding me to sleep to escape the pain. I could not speak in my delerium but only whisper of the horrors I saw in the square. A massacre too horrible to put onto paper. Poor innocent moppets, headless in the square, 1 head, 2 heads, 3 heads, 4 heads, 5 heads, 6 heads... The dark lady could not cleanse the place of evil with fire nor secrecy. He knows, he showed me and though their bodies are but dust, the earth knows and will not forget.

The Apostles of the Crypt

The black clouds slowly covered the sky as the sun set to the west of town, blanketing the sky in darkness, Maya Do'Urden recived a message, the same that Azarot and Burnx would be recieving this night. Bowing her head low Maya grins to herself, and draws the hood of her cloak low over her face and flits through the shadows as the suns rays vanish. Maya walks through the back alleys of town, darting here and there, and then stops near the deserted end of town, A few undead walk toward her, realising she is as them, Vanish back into the night. At this point two other men arrive into the shaddowed alley way, and approach Maya together the three of them step into the darkness and through a well hidden door. The three now stood in a cold and dark room, turning to each other they stand quiet a moment, observing each other soon Azarot breaks the silence "So we are to guide the Apostles now.... To restore to fix, to birth those who call the crypt home ?" He looks to the other two smiling slightly, Maya grins sickly to herself a moment "I guess that is to be so, Survival of the fittest from this point on.. " Maya snickers to herself caught up on her own private joke. The others look to Maya curiously a moment and shrug slightly, The three nod to themselves, and again look to each other, "Now I belive it is time to welcome our family home? Burnx asks before bowing low and Vanishing from sight. Maya turns to Azarot and curtseys lightly, as she watches Azarot depart, Maya walks to the doorway and whispers to herself "It begins... " and vanishes into the shadows. 

Altared Beginning 4

As Danthor walked back through the streets of Westbridge, he looked around, absorbing all the sights and smells of the bustling tradetown. His hand strayed down to his waist, where a gempouch was firmly tied to his belt. He turned east at Market Square and followed the all-too-familiar route back to the Isle of Mystra's Dance. Once there, he sought out Seline, thinking to share his finds with her, and ask her opinion on some aspects of their new finding. "Seline," Danthor greeted his friend and colleague. "I've got some things for you." Seline watched intently as Danthor disentangled the gempouch from his belt and poured its contents out before her. Seline swiped the gems up in one hand and dumped them back into the pouch, tucking them away somewhere on her person. Danthor smiled, shrugged, assumed that Seline had a use for them, or just liked treasure, and made his way off to his study. A short while later, Danthor returned to the infirmary to check on Seline. He found her dreaming, tossing furiously in her sleep, muttering strange words. Deciding to let her sleep her supposed fever off (she seemed to be suffering from no physical ailments), Danthor made his way back down to the altar, deep beneath their place of residence. As he rounded the final corner in the tunnel leading down to the lake, Danthor noticed a strange, soft, glowing light emanating from the area around the waterfall. Danthor increased his pace, hustling furiously toward the altar.. And what is THIS?!" A circle of white light{s flickered and beamed forth from the previously empty corner on the top of the altar, and where there were once pockmarks lay the nine most rare of the gems he had given to Seline. "It seems this thing has been activated by Seline.. at least in some manner. This must not be allowed to continue until its purpose is made clear. But, the mystery of this thing is killing me. I must know its purpose .. I must know how our Church can use it to our advantage, if there is one. I thirst for this knowledge more than any other. 'Tis a great mystery, this .. and I intend to solve it."

Altared Beginning 3

Danthor made a quick stop at the bank on his way to the Westbridge jeweller. He had an eye out for any stones, jewels, rocks.. any sort of gem that had a strange cut. Danthor turned north as he left the bank, making his way up Main Street. As he drew nearer to Market Square, the smells of Tom's Bakery wafted towards him. He turned his thoughts and his face back toward the jeweller's store, and stepped through the door. He approached the counter, and looked to the rather fragile man behind it. "I'd like to buy all the rare gems you have, good sir." The jeweller snorted in derision as he reached down below the counter. "Aye, and I'd like to be king. I've got some gems for ya, but how'm I to be sure you've got the coin, eh?" Danthor swiftly pulled a large coin pouch from his belt. It was bulging with the shapes of various coins from around the Realm. The jeweller's eyes grew as big as saucers as he reached eagerly for the pouch. "All.. every last gem you have, sir, and this pouch is yours." Danthor leaned in, blocking the dim light, making himself seem larger than normal.

Altared Beginning 2

As Seline's body fell back, what came into view was something like Danthor had never seen before; a three-sided altar, standing at about four feet high and two feet wide at the largest section. Its stone edges were rough from ages of weathering, with three large pockmarks on each side; various other, smaller, pockmarks, obviously causd by time covered its rough surface . Recessed in the top was a large bowl. Around the bowl were inscribed three daggers and three lightning bolts pointing toward it, with a small hole in the center of the bowl. Upon inspecting it closer, Danthor found a hole at the top of each cluster of pockmarks leading in towards the basin. Danthor slowly sat back in amazement at what he saw. "What in the name of Mystra IS it?" Danthor asked of no-one and everyone. Simbul was not so easily distracted from the matter at hand. She took one look down at the unconscious bleeding Seline, and lifted her in the air with a word and a motion and placed her body on a floating disc. Simbul's eyes grew large as she realized she had just cast a spell she had never recited before. Danthor turned his head and very slowly a little smile crawled across his face, and then, just as suddenly was gone. As Danthor and Simbul made their way quickly back to Mystra's priestess, Danthor had but a few moments to sort all of this out. 'This could be some rare artifact, something with which the Keepers could preserve their findings. Or it could also be the destruction that we seek so heartily to prevent. We must be cautious in our advances with this .. thing. Yet, I cannot just ignore it. Those pockmarks seemed to have many different shapes; Some almost looked like stones. I shall see what I can find in the Realms that come close to those shapes, and seek knowledge of this thing from my fellow Keepers. Nothing further must I do until more is known about this thing and its origin.'

Altared Beginning 1

The lights played off the shimmering waterfall as Danthor, Simbul and Seline made their way through the tunnel. As the three approached the edge of the lake, they turned and silently followed it toward the waterfall. The three walked in a single-file line, Danthor in the middle. As Seline stooped to duck under a few loose, crawling vines, she turned her head slightly towards Danthor, a trancelike look upon her face. This was not the serene half-elf that he had come to know so well. This was the face of someone in distress. As Seline rigidly approached the waterfall, Danthor and Simbul turned to exchange a silent glance. Once there, Danthor stood back from the other two, wondering what could possibly be found so deep in the recesses of Mystra's Isle. Danthor leaned in a bit closer, lowering his voice .. "Do you know why she has brought us here?" "I must admit, I am not sure. Though it seems she is about to reveal her purpose," replied Simbul. Danthor nodded, slowly, eyes squinched shut against the moist, almost saturated, air. "Aye, but she does not seem herself." As the two slowly turned their gazes back to Seline, they noticed that she had already made her way through the waterfall and out into a hidden cavern on the other side. The two colleagues strode forward intently, moving as one, curious as to this area previously unknown to Mystra's Chosen. As Danthor stepped quickly after Simbul through the rushing water, he was taken aback at what he saw there. Seline, on all fours, was digging frantically, almost mechanically, at the ground, clawing and ripping up chunks of earth and wood. Her hands had become bloody ribbons by this point, but the distraught half-elf seemed determined to unearth something in this dark, damp place. All the while, Seline continuously muttered "One for you, one for me, and one for Eternity. One for you, one for me, and one for eternity" in a deep feverish voice. Simbul stood passively aside, awaiting the completion of Seline's mysterious task. Shocked, Danthor knelt beside Seline, thinking to aid her in her efforts, until ..looking into her eyes, Danthor senses another's emotions, thoughts and, most of all, fear. Danthor leapt back to Simbul's side, frantically moving towards Seline, then away, towards, then away. Before Danthor could decide on what action to take, Seline sat back, obviously exhausted and bleeding profusely from her hands, and fainted.

Time of Ages

Journal Entry 507 With the passing of my wife, and the coming and going or people around me. I've lost my sense of time again while in stupor. Twenty years have now past since I've walked among the living. Long has it been since I've seen the rising and setting of the sun. The fresh air on my face, the gentle breeze, the city of Westbridge below the beautiful visage from my castle in the clouds. Hidden up above Westbridge I feel safe as I watch the day to day goings on of the citizens below. The hunger for blood a faint tickle in the back of my head. The emptiness and loneliness of my soul more tearing at my sanity. The loss of my wife and friends there after has left me barren inside. The only reason I exist now is to guard my great treasure hoard and fend of the attacks of minor liches try to upsurp my power. The power of my ancient blood attracks them like moths to the flame. My adopted children off in another world with their uncle, I contemplate going back ito stupor until they return. The calmness around almost frightning, no clan squabbling, hardly any murders or rival clan killings. The cleanliness and sereness of the city, the almost dead quietness of Market Square make the hairs on the back of my neck rise. Something is amiss, rising from my bench I cast an invisibility spell on myself taught to me by my old friend Kineada. Pulling the sacred Tchazzar sword from its hiding place that maoi gave me i strap it on my back and prepare for the flight down to the city. Casting a fly spell I descending quietly down to market square without the cityguards noticing. Quietly I walk down many familiar rodes looking at the changes that have overcome the city. The entrance to the Hall of Sune's temple before me, shivers run down my back. Many memories flash in my head, a sadness over comes me causing a tear of my precious blood to form a small tear. Many friends lie within the hall I can feel their presence. A great urge to rush in almost overwhelms me. Using all my will I turn away. Casting a dimesion spell I form a portal to Healing Wound Inn. I step through the portal the smell of blood rekindles the urge to feed. Quickly running down many alleys i make it to the guildhall of Vampires. I preform the secret rituals quickly and procure a bottle of blood to quench my thirst. With a great sigh I realize my earlier thoughts we correct. I must sleep again... this existence bores me until the children return I have no reason to be awake. Casting another dimesions spell I return to my sacred castle in the clouds. Opening my casket, a great sadnes washes over me as i bid this existence ado until I wake again. Slowly i climb in and close the casket enter the sweet stupor and loosing almost all awareness. A peacefull smile comes to my lips, I close my eyes and sleep.


Bannor lifted his head, he saw the school, heard the voices of the new and the brave, realised where he was. Westbridge, his old haunt. He smiled, thoughts flashed "back, I'm back". Bannor tried to stand but the weight on his back held him down. And so began his doom. Divination had revealed the hand of some unknown god, some twisted uber-being with a warped sense of humour had had the last laugh. Bannor's once powerful body was now a wreck, his arms, once brawny and rippling with muscle were now capable of lifting nothing heavier than a dagger or a light staff, his back, once the bearer of great weights was now thin and almost bent double, the signs of a hunch-back evident.. His days as a sword-wielder were over. The only saving grace was a strengthening of mind, a closer affinity to the weave. The real curse was not the decrepitation of body but the undeniable irrefusable inability to commit the acts of his prior life, oh he'd tried, but the resulting pain was intense and so, his life was lived, no joy, no satisfaction, just pain or mediocrity, the only minor satisfaction gained was the improving of his ability to work magics, the only inspiration, reason, to live was the desire to learn the name of the one who had so cursed him.


Bannor woke, his decrepit body screaming in its usual pain, another bad night and another bad day to look forward to. He looked down at his wasted body, a mockery of that which he remembered, a travesty of all that it should be. "Damn the gods" he thought "damn them all for this life they granted me". He thought back to the days spent floating in the void of light, the great Voice, not shouting, but deafening all the same, rang out the same words for eternity. "You have offended Life and now Life shall be your punishment, you preyed on the Weak and now Weakness shall punish you" On and on and on, no respite, no change, no variation, just on and on and on. After an eternity "ENOUGH!" screamed the spirit that was Bannor "NO more" he whimpered. No flash, no noise, just where there was void and Voice now there was noise, real noise, real voices.

Time Passes

Nothingness, blackness, void, emptiness, silence, negation. Death. Light, noise, voice, commandment, vow, return. Life.


Bannor staggered from combat, he'd been jumped by a Sage and a Lich and had barely survived the encounter. Still, he was alive. Scanning around for more danger and detecting nothing he moved from the temple and headed towards the Healing Wound Inn to heal his wounds. "Die Bannor! Die!" the two shouted as they materialised out of thin air, their blows rained down, unrelenting in their hate and Bannor weakened, fell, died.. 

A strange dream

....... There is no sun, no moon, no wind to blow cool my burning flesh, no birds sing, no people work, nor exist, just shadows, and my mind.... The flames die, and the ice melts, An explosion ripples through blinding me, No screams fall upon my ears.... Yet the faceless one screams..... Does he?.... The world rocks about me, yet I know I sleep, Why can I not wake?...... I can feel it, the heat, the intensity of the end, or even the beginning, time has no hold here... ..... I cant breathe, I choke, suddenly I remember I do not breathe, tendrils of darkness, stretch forth, trying to claw at me, claim a peace of my mind, my sanity... I'm strong, I'm true, and ..... I can see..... Not the sun, nor the moon, nor the birds that do not sing, But the future, my future.... Yes, I understand now.... Time has no hold in this place... In the place of dreams.. I see.... Its time for me to wake up now, this plane is no place for me... 

Seline's journal pg 18

Mystra forgive us Danthor heard the story...went and got a bunch of gems and gave them to me. then after he left it seems...from what he told me...I placed them in the sides of this..thing..and now a single ring shows on the top along with the 3 daggers and 3 lightning bolts..it looks just like the thing in my dream. Danthor took me to show it to me..and I tried to pry the gems loose..hoping I could turn it off..but to no avail... Simbul says perhaps this is the reason for my being brought to this world..to find this..so it could be used..but Mystra this thing SCARES me!!! 

Seline's journal pg 17

3rd of Alturiak 1270 (WD) *written in a shaky hand* Journal, has been some time. yet I fear for the next entry if there is even one. I have been having some disturbing dreams recently. Centered around an altar. We..I or so I was told found it..buried in the muck under a waterfall in the clan hall. Simbul and Danthor were with me. and they told me afterwards I was like one possessed, going to the bank, digging it out with my bare hands - left my fingers bloody stumps and then passing out.Fortunately, Simbul had the healers fix my hands shortly after I recovered. What this thing, this altar is for..I don't know. but after whatever that was took control of me like that I don't want anything to do with it. Danthor is bound and determined however to figure it out and Simbul is trying to find out some history on this place, or what it might be.

Seline's dream continued

An annual celebration of some religious sort at a simple shrine - church by a lake A wooden pedestal basin is the Main attraction (curious, fresh yellow wood for such an ..old altar/ basin) A young 20-30ish lady in a plain robe approaches the "altar" (her?) and (hears) "It is an old alter and has been covered to prevent the old worshippers from finding it" (Did someone say this, or is it her mind telling this?) The woman touches the leading edge of the basin and somehow the boards come loose easily in her hands, others standing by curiously yet neither helping or stopping her until she has revealed a stone pillar about 4' in height with a shallow depression in the top of it. The lady reaches in her pocket and pulls out a handful of pebbles, each one different. "They have to be placed in the support, someone find some other stones to hold them in place' she says. 3 daggers are eteched one third of the way around, 3 lightning bolts the next third, and the center of the third furthest away she doesn't notice anything but feels 3 circles are somehow involved. Then all goes dark again Seline awakes wondering "What does this all mean"? 

*A dream*

*Detached she watches the young girl (herself??) Sitting by the side of a river at the edge of a vast lake in a lush forest glade. * "The time is coming for much change Ea.." She hears a young man mention a name (is he talking to her?) "All is a cycle, but know this, I will always love you." The young girl turns and sees him, wondering "What is he talking about ?" In, his hand are a number of different stones, he separates 3 and puts them in his other hand, then closes it When he opens it there is a plain silver ring in it. Bemused, she watches as this is done again,then one more time. 'One for you, one for me, and one for Eternity" he says as he give her one of the rings. She doesn't see what he does with the other rings but somehow feels he has pushed one into the riverbank. "What do you mean Mae"..(His name she speaks yet she has no feelings for him) He sighs and turns to the river again. The sky grows dark till all she can see is him or the river. She knows the wind has risen to a storm like fury, the river now churns, washing branches from (?) the lake. A woman's body washes up, momentarily, swollen with child, silently she gives birth to a bleach white pillow shaped object, then her body continues down the river trailing blood.. She turns to look alongside the man. The young girl (her) is gone now. But a large female baby is sitting there, with the remnants of the casing at its feet. (Is the baby overly large, or just the center of her focus??) Dimly she realizes the man is gone too. Then all goes dark.

A Sacred Quest

A lone figure leans against one of the beams at the docks, it's features hidden by it's cloaks hood as it gazed over the sea at the rising sun. Thoughtfully, it replayed a eariler conversation repeatably, barely noticing the change in heat. "We believe the artifact to be destroyed, and if not destroyed... we believe it is better left where it lays." "Then you shall not help?" The woman inside his mind shaked her head. "Are you expecting me to just give up?" "We of course, would not stop you if decided to continue following it." As the sun began to set over the beautiful sea waters the figure finally rose. He tucked away a parchment he had written as many thoughts travelled his mind, and sighed through grit teeth. Feelings of sadness washed over him as he turned and began walking down the dockway, these feelings not new to him Simple human emotions, most common those of missing. As he finally reached the end and replaced his footing onto solid ground he wore a slender smile, his hood falling back. "Both good and bad exist within one at any given time". Was a saying common to him, his fathers saying. `If this shall be my final performance, then let me make it a grand show, never to be forgotten by the heavens.' He thought.

The Destruction of the key

Mirage lay in her bed after talking to Ryel, The key was taking its toll on her. The sickness in her body was worsening, her bones ached, her head pounded, her stomach uneasy, and each cough brought up blood. All of the things that she had endured recently, including this in particular had made her change her views on things. Many of the people she had thought would never be there for her have been, and those she thought that would, weren't. The reevaluation was harrowing but had given her a more clear understanding of what she needed to do. She didn't want to die, she had to continue to be here, for her children, for her love Sylus, and for her friends that were dear and near to her heart. As she thought of these things, all of these things, how her life had affected so many, she sta rted to feel drained, so she drifted off into a deep sleep. When Ryel arrived to wake her, the time had come yet, she was too weak to move, her bones were afire, her body was without strength, her coughs spilling blood on everything near, her skin, clammy and cool, soaked in sweat. Ryel seeing this leaned down and placed Mirage's arm over his shoulders and across his neck, and then picked her up. It was time to go, he had come back as promised, she would not die, but time was running out. He wrapped a blanket around her, and recited a spell of transportation. They appeared in the forest not far from the cabin. Maya was sitting on a stump and looked as they appeared. "What took you so long?" Mirage barely looked up. Ryel sat Mirage down on the stump next to Maya. Mirage turned to Maya "I was .. Asleep.. I am sorry." Mirage's sunken in eyes told Maya volumes of what she was going through. She leaned to her close against her. This would soon be over. Not only had the key's magic almost killed Mirage but it also was killing Maya. Tenchi who had been standing quietly looked at Ryel and nodded. Ryel took the key out of the air seemingly and held it tight in his hand, he was not letting go of it. Tenchi. Taking care not to go to quickly. The first to go was Mirage, she held out her hand, and touched the key, and with a violent scream the power was purged from her. She dropped to the ground heaving. Maya looked at Mirage, as she touched the key the same happened. Although her screams were a little more stifled. The last was Tenchi. He placed his hand on the key and released what he had inside of him. He let out a loud groan, and clenched his fist tight. The key again hummed now with a brilliance of blue light. Ryel, walked over to stand behind the eastern wind, then disappeared, to destroy the key.

(ooc) This is being posted to clarify the ending of this section of RP. Thank you for participating to all those involved.

Tasks & Travels [Black Rose][3/3]

The quests from Turiya were all items he had to get across the Realms. Some of them he knew about, others he didn't. By using magical spells, and by visiting merchants, taverns and bars he obtained the information. These quests brought him all over the Realms, from the icy plains of Mahn'Tor to the city of Meznoberranzan. After two months of traveling he had what he wanted, and returned to Westbridge to prepare for the coming travels. Sitting on a table in a corner of Nisstyre's Tavern he opened up the letter from Zeros. "Riddles" he muttered, "not my strongest point". He decided to take a room at the Yawning Portal Inn to study the riddles given to him by Zeros. After a week of studying them he decided it was time to travel. He knew the first two targets, but still had problems with the third. Hopefull he would think of the solution during his travels. The moment he understood the riddle came. While he was fighting Githyanki halberdiers guarding their keep the thought back about his travels on the Forgotten Realms continent. When he was finished at the keep, he traveled to New Thalos and shipped in to the City of Waterdeep. From there he traveled to the Plains of the Death, and back to New Thalos via the docks of the City of Waterdeep. Finally, after four and a half months he was back in Westbridge. He kept in his mind that he had still like fifteen days.. Sitting in Nisstyre's Tavern he thought about his travels and about the coming days.. He looked up becouse he felt someone moved the empty chair at his table. In front of him was sitting Turiya. Near the exit stood Zeros, keeping an eye on the street outside. "You are finished?" spoke Turiya, "Give me the bag". Sefkar, still too surprised to say anything, silently handed over the bag containing the items he found all over the Realms, and prayed they were the right ones. It took Turiya only ten seconds to look in the bag, and back to Sefkar. He grinned and nodded... "All right.."

Changes [Black Rose][2/3]

On a normal day Sefkar went to the meeting point to meet up with Amanar, the first meeting since like two months. Amanar wasn't there. Instead of Amanar, Zeros stepped back from the shadows of a tree, and above him was Turiya sitting on a branch. "Where is Amanar?" asked Sefkar. Zeros reply was short: "gone.... me and Turiya are taking over". Sefkar looked at Zeros, then at Turiya, and back at Zeros. "Gone??" he spoke. Turiya jumped from the tree and nodded "Now leave, and continue to develop yourself as you did when Amanar was still around.. you are the only druid left now." For months he was alone now. Traveling, fighting, practicing, learning. He didn't see Killian or Sularin during these times, and he made a long journey by ship across the sea of swords to get to know the Forgotten Realms continent. After about half a year he returned back to the vicinity of Westbridge to meet up with Zeros and Turiya again for instructions. They both seemed to have changed a bit. The thick armor of Zeros showed his changed position, as did some of Turiya's equipment. "It's now time to show what you learned and can" spoke Turiya. "We both have some quests for you. If you complete them, you will be our new druid. If you fail you will be banished and will face death when you meet us again". Sefkar nodded as a sign that he understood it. Both Zeros and Turiya gave him a small letter. "First open Turiya's, once you completed them open mine." said Zeros, "We will meet again here in five months. Not showing up then means banishment". Sefkar nodded and left the scene.

Introduction [Black Rose][1/3]

How long ago was it? Ten years? Twenty years? He remembers it as it happend yesterday. Leaving your place of birth, your home, your everything.. the Underdark. The drow, known becouse of the vendetta's between the independent houses which populate the Underdark again took arms against each other. Instead of joining their sublime forces against orcs and otherlow races they slaughtered each other, 'just like the humans' he thought. House il'Gatha was on the wrong side, at least if they wanted to survive it. That didn't happen, an ambush by two other houses who joined forces (and fought over the loot afterwards) made an end of the elite force the house had. Sefkar survived this. Although he wished he could've been there to assist his family, a wound from a previous battle kept him home, while the matron and the other drow went out to search battle, they found it, just not at the place they expected. As Sefkar heard the news he knew he had only two options, stay and die, or leave and die later on. He chose the latter option. He left the Underdark and stayed in caves and mazes less deep underground as the Underdark for years. Eventually he went out during the night to gather food and steal new equipment, and accustomed himself with the little light from the moon. More and more years passed, and Sefkar stayed out of the caves longer and longer, sometimes even when the sun already started with his journey along the skies. His eyes and skin adapted themselves at the sunlight and made it possible for him to travel during daylight now. A long period of traveling and building up knowledge about the outside world started. Totally unknown about what happened on the surface he started to travel. Those travels strengthen him, he had to fight animals he never knew about to survive. Sefkar started to love the forests as he loved the Underdark, and started to become one with nature, like the pure elves are. As a druid, his knowledge based on experience, he traveled along the realms. He did not just fight animals to survive, but also other races to obtain tools and money. Slowly but steadily he got his strength back his body once had. Then, on one of his rare trips to an urban area he met Amanar. This human was a druid, just like Sefkar, but he also was the leading force behind the Black Rose, a fear spreading cult. Amanar helped Sefkar developing himself for years. He gave advice and training, but also made sure Sefkar kept improving himself on his own. He got to know other people who were much further in their training. One of them was a Strider, sublime in combat in the forests and a master of tracking going by the name of Turiya. The other was a master of combat, wherever this combat was. His power in combat was not just his speed, but also his intelligence. The name of this gladiator was Zeros. The training continued, and Sefkar kept improving himself. He noticed that he wasn't alone anymore.. there were other Initiates who got their training too, fled from the Underdark, or left at their own will, they were now trained in the art of surface battle. One of the was named Killian, the other Sularin. Sularin was more a sort of lone wolf in his task, as he left the Underdark at a low age and lived in the forests for almost twenty years. Killian though was more a co-operative person, and soon Sefkar and Killian went out to fight side by side, developing a friendship.

The Paladins Sword

Bethia awoke in a stream of sweat her eyes darting about her room as her eyes struggled to focus in the dark. Brushing her hair from her eyes she leans to her bed side to draw her mothers Sword , drawing it in her hand she gripped the hilt tightly and sprang to her toes to crouch in a fighting stance on her bed, Her eyes opening wide in alarm as she heard a stranger gutteral sound. "Bethia, Patron of the rose, your known to us, and its your time to sleep" A demon stepped from the shadows into her view, Its disfigured form hidious and bloody. Bethia sprang from the bed to lunge into a fighting stance on the floor, her face set into a firm expression, as she grips the swords hilt with her free hand. "Fiend! You have no place in this realm, and I will not let you enter it, Leave this place! " Bethia lunges forward with her sword, and spins around slightly, coming in close to the Demon with her sword in an upward arc, as it clashes against its broad arm the demon brings in his other taloned arm, his claws strinking Bethia in the face sending her reeling into the night stand, Bethia staggers, and pulls herself to her feet, but with in minutes the demon is upon her his decayed breath upon her face. "I thought you were a smart girl? We will start with you, and then we will destroy the rest, Their is no time or place for peace now, I'll destroy you, and return back to the gates of the Abyss, where I shall call my brethren" Bethia Growls and wrenches her sword upwards impaling the Demonic beast upon her sword and wrenches up, showering herself in blood as the beast twitches on the end of the blade. Bethia, disgusted pushes the demon off her sword, and watches it topple backwards onto the floor, leaning back against the fallen over night stand, she looks to the beastly corpse. "I am Bethia Knight of the rose, you will not harm innocents on my watch. You have to see me destroyed first! " Breathing heavily she closes her eyes and leans her head back. "Sylus, as you look over your Knights this night, take this demonic fiend into the spirit realm, and take his body as a sacrifice towards the act of peace, and assure his no return" opening her eyes, Bethia breathes in deeply, and pushes herself to her feet, setting down her sword, she sets to cleaning the mess.

A summoning of flame

Maya walked into Market square today, and all she saw was heads, heads of people, displayed about the fountain and summoned a cone of flame, burning them all. eliminating the open and obvious statement of war, before to many more could see. 

Sheena's desire for war

As the moons light cascades upon the city of Westbridge. And all its citizens are asleep. A cloaked figure leaps from rooftop to rooftop. The red glare of her eyes give her away as she enters citizens homes. Going to several homes the cloak figure feeds off of several families. Decapitating them she then places their heads in a bag. Snarling with rage she takes the lives of 30 men, women and children. Placing all of their heads in a large bag. Watching the Market Square until all is clear she leaps down from a building. The cloaked figure pulls out a trophy at a time and carves the word "WAR" on each forehead, laying them side by side around the fountain that adorns the area. After she is done she steps back and grins. A low growl escapes her lips as she whispers "Lets see them avoid it now" The cloaked figure leaps to the nearby roof to watch any reactions before the sun rears its ugly head.

A note pinned to the board in Market Square

A note lays here fluttering in the wind, the parchments edges are tatterred and a cursive scripts has been written across it. The Darkness is something of the heart, Those who possess faith have no fear of falling subject to it, But some of us have. We want not war, we want not Hostility, or open feuds in The town, Its unnessicary, we Simply wish to be. But let me say this. Its time to lay down the sword, both sides, for feuds will leave the world with none. May what ever good looks over you guide your days.... Maya Do'Urden.

Part 2

Maya and Sheena both trying to fend off Firehawk and his axe and Eleni with her dagger and stake. Both trying to protect one another. But another entered into the fray. While pinned down by Firehawk, Maya watched in horror as Eleni and the stranger pound a stake into Sheena's heart. Maya tried to heal the wounds, but before she got to Sheena.. A blade came down, severing Sheena's head from her body. Both Maya and Keres screamed at the same time. "Nooooooo!" "MOTHER!!!!!" The undead stood there.. stunned. As the mortals spoke amongst each other. They had decided to burn Sheena with fire or sunlight. Lead by Eleni they chose sunlight. The sun enveloped the area and the undead moved away as they watched the body and head disolve into ash. A single plume of black smoke lifted from the ashes and surrounded Maya and then Keres. Disappearing into Keres. The soul of Sheena was graping onto her daughters soul. Sheena's soul speaking to Keres' "Find Maya! Quick! She will know what to do. I do not know how long I can hold on" Crying.. Keres ran to find Maya and they rushed off to a cabin. Taking days they worked hard to bring Sheena's soul back into a form.. Sheena is now once again back. And craving vengence. She hears about Maya and her force and vows to aide them. Sheena is back. And this time.. she's not playing by the rules. 

(OOC: Was a ton of fun.. well until you buttheads killed me off ;) Look forward to more rp.) 

The trials of Sheena

It was a new day. A new life. Sheena's daughter, Keres had been returned to her from the clutches of Samoth. She knew Trenin had a part in both her taking and release. But that did not matter now. She had Keres. All was well. She will train her in the proper ways of the kindred. Teach her how to avoid insane mortals with their sense of "righteousness". Ahh yes. Things will be joyous again. Sheena cuddled Keres and spoke gently to her in Market Square. Keres mentioned her hunger and Sheena smirked. Looking about the area she saw mortals everywhere. Her eyes flashed as she saw a gentleman by the name of Firehawk. Approaching him she asked if he may be a willing small meal for Keres. He declined and though disappointed she let it go. Reminding Keres in town we use only willing donors. Out of town.. heh they were free game to hunt. That meddling Eleni and a few of her friends took to arms at the comment. Before Sheena could grasp how dangerous the situation was. She and Keres.. the only two kindred in the area were being approached by quite a few og those annoying live flesh beings. Keres spoke into Sheena's mind "There are too many of them" Sheena nodded, biting her lip then sweeping Keres into her arms and leaping to a nearby roof to watch the holier than thous. Shouting out with her vampiric voice she called out to the other undead. Her brethren. All be damned if they would be forced away by these fleshy pests. Soon she saw Paladins and that damned dragron, Ryel stand in force with the fleshy ones. Sheena sighed and took Keres hand as she spoke out loud "Take that Eleni wench. She is weak. I will handle as many as I can. Damn them if they think they can run us out" As we entered the area.. Maya appeared beside Sheena, speaking to her mind "I felt your call. On this I am at your side" Sheena did not let the relief she felt show. Next appeared Samoth in all his rotting flesh glory. She saw Keres smile at him but this time he was there to fight beside her. not with her. Sheena knew we were still outnumbered.. but we would put up an excellent fight. Another appeared, one she had seen around a few times and he came to aide them also. "Let the battle begin" Sheena growled. Bodies flew and sword clashed. Whips cracked and screams echoed as the two factions.. undead and flesh fought bravely. That pesty dragon took Keres into his massive claw and Samother and the stranger attacked him. Fighting with vigor and malice. Maya and Sheena both rushed to aide the other when trouble arose.. But something horrible occured... to be continued...

The Knights and What I must do

Bethia walked about her lodgings this particular day thinking to herself as she watches the red haze slowly take the sky and stain it the color of blood. "I cant stand back and watch anymore, the world is going to ruin, To many people I love dying or threatened" Bethia sighs in sorrow. "This day it will stop" Bethia yells to herself suddenly "No more, will I stand back" Jumps up, and walks to her Chest, and opens the lid, and begins to fraw out an ancient Armor, beutiful engravings and regal imprints of hapiness and purity. "I'll take care of you realms, I will bring the people of good together to fight this on comming evil, I will join the Knights, and create the dream our lord and true Sylus once saw" "With Tanaka travelling the roads soon, I'll hold the Knights firm and take charge.... Evil will not prevail!" Taking her mothers Holy paladins sword Bethia, leaves her room to depart, and leaves to lead the Knights to Victory, to show them her dreams. 

The musings of the Divine

Long had he stood at the window. Watching the rain fall. How many times old foe. How many times have we danced this battle? Long have our battles been lord pure. But rest your mind, they soon will be over. solomon came easier now. No screaming and agony, simply speak and he is there. What will you do with them? Will you plunge the world into another everlasting winter of destruction? *cackling laughter* of course I will! He sighs and stares out the window. How did it come to this? How did I let it get so out of hand. Was lateralus right? Am I a monster that must die? Do not be so hard on yourself you old relic, Its just your time. Your rest is comming. And my son. Why do you attack my son? Seraphim? *laughter* I dont attack him anylonger. He has Joined me! .... Wh-what? his heart sinks... so that was the plan. The big secret that had been kept from him. And what next you vile creature? Next is your daughter old man. Then your knights. THEN THIS WORLD! WHy should I beleive anything you say? Because Im going to make you forget I told you. So I can watch them burn. Sylus leans wearily against the wall. He thinks back over his life. He has so many good memories. His children. His goddess. His love. How many of these things will be lost in the comming turmoil? Do not fret Sylus. I will let you watch. And in the end, your soul will know peace. And I will be free. What about this key Seline is so worried about? he whispers.. trying to distract the groggy solomon before he notices what he is doing. What about it? I dont care about the key. It would have been nice to consume its power, but oh well. Maya has it. And Her having it is the same as I having it. *laughs* You really think she loves you? My god solomon... look at what you are becomming... you sound like me. Hoping against hope that love will find its way ... even to a black heart like you. SILENCE!! Solomon growls from within him and Sylus nods, Not a vicious man You arent ready to deal with it I guess. You know the knights will stop you. You know Zariel will lead them eventually. Or at least... ZARIEL? LEAD? the girl couldnt lead her way out of her own bedchamber. I have nothing to fear from a scion who is afraid of her own shadow. Yet. SHe will beat you. I know it. Still faithful... even now are we? That is the meaning of faith. To beleive against all odds. Such as you beleive in Maya's love. Solomon goes quiet and Sylus silently sends this conversation mentally to Ryel with a simple request..... Be ready, and help zariel be ready.  

(ooc: How much of this ryel decides to tell anyone is up to him. Too much information is sometimes as dangerous as not enough, and I chose to trust his wisdom in this. Also. I would like to congradulate everyone involved in their wonderful roleplaying. Its well met and enjoyed) (PS OOC: Hehe there always has to be a ps. If I forgot to address this at anyone who thinks they should have been named. My apology.)

seline's journal pg 16

23rd of Hammer Interesting, Whomever this personage is that wishes my help with the Shield problem is definately one of either great power or resources. Today I was sent a Ring. Activating it will grant one wish, which might enable me to solve the problem of the Key, which is still out there and troubles me greatly. If it is not used there, it might be needed on this Shield quest, so I will not use it unless it is Absolutely necessary. Queen Simbul and I went to speak with the Ancient Dragon Ryel today. We learned much about the key. It seems the power from it has left the key and now resides in 3 people. Maya a Vampire, Tenchi an esper and that Sunite priestess. What aspects of the key they each have is unknown, however it can be triggered by merely a thought. This scares me. The number of times I have waken with the memories of battles I have been involved in and casting spells to defend myself against these NightMares. If it is triggered as a result of that kind of feeling... He has the inactive key, but would not release it to us so we could try to recover the essenses back into it.. Spoke to him about the shield problem.. Either he doesn't know anything or is so jumbled in his mind...riddles upon riddles I don't have his lifetime to figure this out! Simbul finally left to take care of some pressing matters and we started TRYING to discuss where this battle might have been. After he stuck his empty hand out saying that was wear he thought it might be, which is the common sign for one who desires payment for information, I became rather upset with him and started to leave. He stopped me and after we exchanged a few heated words, apparently he was insulted by my misunderstanding, explained that what he meant was the nothingness he was showing. I will have to Speak with Simbul to try to understand this. 

Seline's journal pg 15

*note this is a private journal all info in it is ooc* Today the 5th of Hammer, I recieved a curious message from an unknown. It seems there was at one time a Great Paladin known as Prator who wielded an enchanted Holy Shield. This shield, decorated with the emblem of a Large Glowing Sun was lost during the time of the Battle of the 3 Hells. There is a Lich by the name of Artanis,Supposedly this is his grandson who was made a lich by others and not of his own free will. Finding this Shield. And returning it to the decendent of Prator - Artanis MAY help Artanis regain his mortality. This Shield is reported to be highly blessed in the cause of Good. And will burn any of a dark heart. At the same time the Shield was lost, Prator also lost his Holy Avenger a long sword with some enchantments on it, Finding one might prove to help find the other. Now for the bad news... First These items were lost near the portals to the 3 hells, if those portals are opened. the Balors and demons of those realms will walk this world again. Beings near as strong as the Gods themselves and bent only on destruction. Second Ones of evil intent are supposedly seeking this Shield also, to ensure it can't be used against them. and Last Some Demented Idiots are trying to find the portals so they can open them and release those things on this realm! It is my understanding it is the will of the One True Spell that this item be found and this Lich given his chance to regain his life. Therefore, I ask All my fellow faithful to exert every effort to recover this shield and enlist any they feel trustworthy. 


I awoke from my reverie, staff on my lap started, by strange visions. It seemed more real, like a life I hadn't lived. The images being shaken from my head. It has been a few months since I aquired this interesting device. The dream shakes from my head and it becomes almost a distant memory quickly. I am left with the feeling that I have experienced it all before... like some sort of nightmare. I struggled hard to remember, but the visions vanished. Getting my bearings I realize I am not in the field I was mediating in, but on a hill overlooking a town being terrized by flame. I run down the side of the hill, staff in hand, my clothing blowing losely in the wind. I jump off a mound of grass and take flight, decending towards the town in the air. What seemed like a small army was attacking this village... there was. The closer I got the more I could see the locals being cut down, burning, running from thier homes. I could smell the blood in the air, its high coppery taste permiated the back of my mouth. I could see a wizard flying over the town raining down firey death on those that were trying to flee. So I charged him, enraged by the slaughter below. I colided with him mid-air...his body falling to the ground with mine. Disorientated both our limp forms rose slowly using barrels and staffs for support. The crackling of the burning wood echoed in our pounding heads.. well mine anyways. What was going through my head... IDIOT There was no time to react when a solid piece of wood bound in iron slapped me across the cheek. I spun in the air hitting the ground hard. My staff's butt flying back slamming into this unknown wizards diaphram. Both wizards slumped to the ground doubled over in pain, one sucking wind, the smoke from the fires choking the both of us... and both unable to cast spells, which i was sort of thankful for. Each again raising. He leveled his staff at me while standing, and spouted off an arcane word This is going to slightly hurt.... nothing... nothing happened. I ran quickly charged him again both of us tumbling to the ground.... again.... our staffs quickly falling away, as I coninuously pummeled the wizards teeth.. you can't speak.. you can't cast...maybe I could buy the peasants some time to flee. A stray fist caught my lip swelling it... our robes reflecting the light of the flames. A metal pot slams into my face... a boy holding the handle "Magic using scum...... " is all I heard as the pot came towards again... my lips too swollen to explain... another small group of peasants bludgeoned the other wizard to death, and were closing. A group of armed troops charged down the alley ways, now I am caught by not only an angry mob, but armed troops out for everyone head... HOW!?? In a matter of seconds a full blown battle raged around me, burning logs were used to hold off more troops, or at least attempting. Everyone was dying and.. I quickly called my staff to my hands.... and that is all I remember.... When I came to... the town was nothing but ash, the townfolk and troops around me nothing, but ash... the smell of charcoaled flesh stung my nose... what happened?? Did I kill them...I vague memory still haunted my mind... and was fleeting once again ... I did kill them... I wanted to help them... what happened??... Later that night I had dreams, nightmares about a cave... a spider and a staff were they just dreams?...... I awoke from my reverie with fleeting memories.........

It Starts

"Damnit" swears the young Istishian Leader Subzero, as there is a knock on his chamber doors, he quickly puts the papers he was looking through down and shouts "Come In" The door slowly opens and Battousai walks in with an urgent look on his face. "We need to speak, it is about those rumors we have been hearing" Subzero looks up angrily "You disturbed me to talk about rumors? " Battousai nods slightly, "With good reason, it is about the Flame. " Subzero looks up again with intrest "Continue, please" "Well, as we thought, the Flame has recruited a good amount of members now, outnumbering us easily, and if things continue on this way, they will soon turn thier eyes on eliminating us" The young Istishian Leader looks away angrily "I wont let that happen" Battousai grins and replies "How exactly is it you are going to stop them" Subzero looks around his office quickly "I Am Going to Polaris! " "What? Why? " Subzero gathers a few belonging and stuffs them into a small pack, "I must find out if these rumors are true, I need to find out as much as I can about them, to prepare for war. " Battousai smirks a little, "War? Getting a little ahead of ourselves our we? We dont even have the people to defend New Thalos right now it something happens, we dont need our leader off in Polaris, getting caught and held captive or something" Subzero snickers slightly "Thats why you are going to see if any other governments wish to help us for the time being, and please do not let word of my mission get out" Battousai nods and whispers "May Lord Istishia guide you. " Subzero nods, then walks out the door, a few days later ariving in Polaris...


To My Dear Uncle Juno,The realms are nothing of how you described them from your days in the Zhentarim. They are full of ignorant beings who call everything that moves and doesn't belong to the false god heathens, and there are true heathen loners everywhere.Today while walking down the street a third person under the title of Outlaw attacked me, these are an odd group which I think has developed fairly recently.This new outlaw group intrigues me because it seems to be a group of warriors, most of them liches, who's sole purpose in the realms is to prey on adventurers unprovoked.I am starting to think that this is the realms way to make up for the loss of power and skill of the strifers, though I can not really tell a difference by their actions.I have met many new friends since leaving your side, and I hope to be there once again some day, Your Nephew,Onsu

A Meeting with Mother Part 2

Mirage swallowed the hard lump that had grown in throat, she realized the severity of the situation, whoever controlled that key had the potential to destroy life as everyone knew it. The reprecussions of failure scared her. If she failed in her endeavors, the key could be used to strip the realm she knew of all the resources of the land leaving behind a barren wasteland, and a very small population, one that might not be so kind. She had to find this sorceror. Or die Edie sighed quietly and looked her daughter over and realized that the fear had gripped her so bad that she had nearly bitten her lip clean through. She touched her daughters mouth gently healing her and smiled. "The key can also be used to preserve life, keep it the way it was meant t' be, maybe even make things better for ye all... But.... If those scavengers and bringers of evil get it, that will not happen. Keep that in mind dear." "One more thing, before I go, your true name is to be known, ye name is Mirage Medelia Proudfoot, ye father gave it t' ye... Now... I must go m' dear heart." Mirage stammered a moment and then blurted out "I love ye mother..." And Edie disap peared. Mirage looked at Zaneritos and began to cry. Maron in his light sleep awoke quickly and starterd to scream. Mirage had to pull it together for him, she had to, she was all he had. 

A Meeting with Mother Part 1

(*OOC*) This took place before everything started happeneing , when things were oh so much simpler. 

Mirage walked along Main street, carrying Maron in her arms, he was fast asleep. She enjoyed carrying him as he slept, his peacefulness setting her at ease. His little chest rising and falling almost in perfect sync with her small footsteps. Zaneritos walked along side of her, he seemed to be very happy, seemed to be enthralled by the fact that Mirage and Maroin were apart of his life , but there was something missing, yes of course, Mirage would not say yes. This saddened him slightly but he seemed to accept it, even now walking alongside Mirage and the sleeping child, he had no other choice right now. They stopped in Festival Square and went and sat on the bench there. Mirage beagn slowly rocking Mar on. They sat in quiet conversation, talking about this and that, and suddenly Mirage grew quiet,something felt wierd just as it had in her dreams, a prescence was felt near her, one of comfort and calm, like the one a mother might emit from her to her child. Mirage looked at Zaneritos , a curious look on her face, she asked "Do ye feel that?"With a shake of his head Zaneritos smiled and looked back at Mirage just as quizzically"What are ye talking about?" Mirage shook her head in dismissal of the feeling, she could not remember ever feeling like that before, although it felt familiar and she knew there was so many things she did not know. After all since her memory loss she had started over. Then as if a light was ripping a whole through this world's dimensional fabric, A woman very much like Mirage appeared, shimmering into view, a smile on her face. Her long black hair flowed down her back in ringlets , just as Mirage's had, the green eyes sparkled with wisdom and everything glowed about her, a part of Mirage that was lost so long ago. It was Edie, Mirage's slain mother. Mirage however did not realize this, and decidedly began to question the prescence in a rude conde scending way that was her style when threatened. "Who are ye and what do ye want?" Mirage stammered with her words because she felt deep inside that she knew who this was, but whether or not this was a good or bad being was too forgotten. Edie smiled at her daughter in a loving and knowing way, and reached out a hand and touched it to Mirage's cheek, Mirage recoiled slightly but did not move much, then it hit her. A flood of memory, pictures with no words, no feeling, just a parade of her life as she had lived it, right up until the very moment of her memory loss. Mirage let out an audible gasp, while Zaneritos sensing that Mirage was going to go into shock and might drop Maron, scooped him out of her lap. "Come 'ere little fellow." He whispered and gently cradled the still sleeping boy in his arms. Mirage gripped the bench with both of her small hands, she studied the figure before her. "Mother?" she asked in total shock now. Edie smiled and nodded, still not speaking, she looked over her daughter and shook her head, a little look of disappointment on her face. "I see ye still have it inside o' ye, and that is a very dangerous thing." Edie places her palm against her daughters cheek and ran it down to her chin to turn her face up to look at her. "Ye memories won't tell ye much but I will explain, the key ye have inside o' ye...must be removed and be removed soon." "A sorceror must be found, the one that stole ye as an infant and placed the key within ye, his name is Cerembelles, if ye do not find him before those priests do, ye will die and so will many people of this realm." "Ye know full well what that power can do....the four winds at the mercy o' the caller, the resources need nothing but a word....fire t' burn, water t' drown, and so on...and ye can not allow it, ye must find the sorceror, remove the key, and de stroy it so these things will not come to pass." Edie spoke quickly. 

Late night thinking

Ryel lay alone in his bed, his arm reaching for someone who wasn't there. His subconscious tended to reach out at night and wake him up when it didn't find anyone there. There was a chance that it would stop, he hoped, in the meantime, the empty bed had awakened him again. He sat up, beginning to think of things, he set his feet on the floor. He reached for the leggings at the bottom of the bed and pulled them on, walking out the door to his bedroom and taking an immediate left. He placed his hand on the bare skin of his chest, over his heart, he gently tapped the door open. He looked into a long forgotten room, a child's room, strewn with toys, drawings, mock weapons and of course, clothing. It had been a long time since the boy had occupied the room, long since grown up and on his own. Ryel stared into the empty room, knowing that no matter how hard he stared his son wouldn't be there, but a father had to try. He finally turned from the doorway and walked to the one immediately across from his own room. He gently tapped that door open as well, revealing a no less messy, yet more recently lived in room. His eyes crossed the floor to the bed, seeing the silver hair that told him his little Cael was in his bed. He softly walked across the floor avoiding toys and other things as he went. He knelt by the boy's bed and gently touched his forehead. Ryel watched Cael sleeping, his mind thinking. "It's been a hard life for both of you, you and Cyel had a lot more in common than you ever thought. Neither of you knew your mothers, but I hope you'll have the chances Cyel didn't. The chance to be a father, and maybe a grandfather some day." Ryel paused in his thoughts, his mind shifting its thoughts. "He was a quiet boy, didn't cry too much, always wanted to be a Crimson Guardian. Cyel was a good man, I'm very proud of how he turned out. I just wish he had been able to know a longer life." He shifted slightly on his knees, his body showing a few bruises and scrapes. His mind began again, "Tonight, I'm feeling my age. There's forces at work you don't know about, but you are safe, none of it can touch you, I won't let it. You and your love of magic and weapons, you would have thought it spectacular and on some level I suppose it was." Ryel again touched his son's forehead. "Your father, the one who doesn't get mad, who doesn't raise his sword.. fighting against a demon at Market Square. I wouldn't have believed it either my boy. I had not raised my sword to fight another being since I had to raise it against.. but that is a long forgotten story, filled with pain and anguish." Ryel pulled the blankets up around his eight year old son and tucked them in around him. He looked on silently for a moment, his eyes drifting to something hidden between the bed and the wall. The small glint of bronze catching his eye, he leaned over the bed and pulled it from its spot. The stuffed toy stared back at him with the same wonderment it had when he had first bought it. He remembered the night he had knocked so late at the door to the Church of Celestia and been let in to place it next to his sleeping Cyel in his crib. He set the stuffed Bronze Dragon next to his son's pillow. "It's yours now, Cael. Enjoy it." Ryel turned and walked out as quietly as he had walked in, leaving the door slightly ajar. He made his way back to his own bed and lay on top of the covers, still thinking.

A Bloody Tale with a Grusome End

Maya Entered the square under the cover of her illusions her cloak scraping along the cobblestone ground of the Market place, though two knew she was there. Lateralus looked up slightly from under the hood of his cloak and uttered the words "She's here" While not far away leaning against the fountain a Lupine also sensed her Vampyric essence. Leaving the Market place Maya walked a bit.... Wandering the town, occupied by her thoughts, When she came to face Lateralus. Shimmering into View she looked at Lateralus and then to the Lupine that had also appeared from nowhere. Lateralus stepped towards Maya, his eyes narrow, as a Beam of light shoots out towards Maya, Grabbing her head she dropped to her knees in agony, the light rocking her body to the core, sending waves of pain into her being. Maya knelt down on her knees, the Beam still having her dissorientated, staggering to get her wits about her she attempts to stand, and call upon her defences, but Lateralus kept coming, glaring at her, trying to cause maya to drop her defences. Maya for an instant gets her bearings, her Head snaps back, and her instincts take over, Black skeletal wings ripped from her back, and she jumps into the Air, Lateralus is quick on his reactions, though and soon had her by the throat. Maya looks down at Lateralus from where he holds her, The usual Milky white orbs becoming an inner inferno of flames as her rage takes her and the beast within graps its hold on her, Claws extend from her feet and fingers, and her body transformed Into its demonic form, Screaming Maya lunged, and wrapped her clawed arms and legs about Lateralus, and begun to attack, refusing to let go, The rage consumed her. Lateralus parried with a series off attacks, his spear going in to her back, sending her realling as another blast of light Sent her sprawling back, Maya Managed to remove the spear from her back, before coliding with a building, and nearly impali ng herself. Just at that time she Charged Lateralus, and out of the corner of his eye, saw her coming, giving him the time he needed to jump as Maya went flying underneeth him to again, take a jab of the spear. Maya screamed the agony to much to bear, the constant balls of pure energy and light, the series of attacks but she didn't back down, and never gave up, Maya summoned a globe of darkness favoured by her race, and retreated to collect her bearings, Then she heard the words as she stepped from the globe of darkness "He dosn't love you he hates you, thats what he tells you to get you to follow to become his slave!" Maya shook her head, and fell to her knees in surprise, Then it came, the blanket of darkness, and she fell. The last words on her lips "My Lord!". Lateralus then sacrificed her body to the gods and walked away, knowing his job was done. 

Answering a call

After replacing his journal, Samoth sighs. "Not now.." he thought, but the incessant call is something you can't just shrug off. He eyes another book waringly, yet he has to heed it. Picking it up, he sets it in wrong of him and opens it to the first blank page and begins to write responses to messages that he see's appear of their own accord. "So far, you've failed me." began it all, the handwriting a sweeping cursive style...something akin to a wedding invitation. "This isn't going to be as easy as you think," was his reply. His blocky print a symbol of him placing more an emphasis on training and warfare rather than fancy writing. "As I think? You mean as you thought. You thought this was going to be easy, I told you otherwise." "Well, it's going better than we..I could have imagined, givin the new circumstances." "We know, a damn Chosen. It would have been easier for us to just have given up, but you surprised us. Always were you one who could change a hopeless situation into a better one." "Yeah, well intrigue and deceit was always something I excelled at. Lies within lies, weaving little webs. Things are well on their way, If you wanna reach...you certainly know how to." "Yeah, well...we're always with you, always watching. Nothing slips by...you know that. Do not fail." He growls away some frustration at that last comment. Looking at the page, he sighs, for like always only his responses are evident know. Storming out of his room, he pauses long enough to re-arm the various traps and wards on his door. Yes, one never could be too safe.

Speaking with an old friend

Alone in his room Samoth sits in front of a very old book, the pages yellow and weathered, pen in hand. He flips to a page marked by a bended corner, he writes for the first time in many, many years. Things are going good, better than I expected. I don't have the key...nor did I think it would be that easy. I mean, who would give up an item that powerful. Yet...Mirage...did exactly that, why? Must be all that passion them sunites are known for. All that must cloud better judgement. All in all though, I think it's turned out better because of that. Mirage I don't think would've let me in on this little charade from the get go. Seline on the other hand, a chosen at that, has. Played into my hands, with a little coaching. To her now, I'm the lesser of 2 evils...on one hand, I wish the destruction of the key...on the other, of course people are gonna want her dead. Men who already are established, that thing can ruin it for them...and then there's the one who want power at whatever the cost. Items of that nature tend to draw many out of the woodwork you would never had heard of before. Now, I'm closer than nearly everyone...and a chosen has put me into that very position. I hope to be writing more to you, you've helped me over the years to solve complex issues and problems, just by letting my hand and mind flow. But, much work still to be done. Time to turn lies to truth, and truth to lies as they say...till next time. With that, he scans the page and nods. Uttering a simple arcane syllable, he waves his hand over the fresh ink and watches it slowly vanish to nothing. Folding the next page's corner, he places the small journal into another book with the pages cut it, it fitting nicely. Placing it back on the bookcase in his room, he heaves a sigh. One can never be too careful in this world. 


I write this today to say I have decided not to join the order of the Knights of the Rose. I feel that my personal emotions are far too great to do this group anything but harm. I wish you luck in your endeavors, Knights. If you ever need a smiling face to see, you can be sure to find me easily.