A simple rose

Sliver  reigned in its thoughts  and settled back on the  floor, looking around as Pheniox  vanished. Damn. What  was the matter? Letting a member of the Long Death go, the clan wouldn't forgive easily. But  something  was  there. It  couldn't  be  explained. Sliver reached  down and picked  up the rose,  staring at  it in confusion. Such a simple  token and here Sliver was, getting all twisted  up in  various thoughts and emotions.  Emotions? A hiss of frustrations escaped from the bug, odd eyes narrowing.

A soft whisper of magic covered  the rose, preserving it in time as it was.  Sliver stared at the object, deep  in thought before rising to weary feet and heading out  into the streets. A report must be made,  regardless of the unknown  thoughts that  battled within the Thri'kreen. There was never  a question of the report having to be made, but Sliver wondered about the outcome.

Curiosity. That's  all  it was, Sliver  reasoned. Just a  simple case of curiosity. That was  something the bug experienced often enough wasn't it? Sliver wondered if a chance could  be given... Stranger things had happened. Something about the man had struck a note  in the  soul of  Sliver,  something  saying he  could be something more...

One last  look was  given  to the preserved  rose still  grasped gently  in Sliver's hand before the  Thri'kreen emptied its mind of thought and prepared to meet with Psycho.

To love!

Pheniox had a few questions about himself how could I ever be with the love of my life being enemies?  How could I make this right?  There must be a way!  And just like that I was gone.  With the only thing left was a rose to my true love.  Back in the Order of the Long Death I tore open the doors looking for Maezura the Harbringer.  I found him sparring with Grendle the dummy.  I could see Sweat across this elfs brow you could tell he has there for awhile awhile.  But when Lord Pheniox entered he stopped at once.  Looking at the gash of his mouth he knew he couldn't talk.  Pheniox handed him a note that read:

I have found love outside of these walls and death does not excite me as it once  did for so many years. I hereby Renounce my crown.

Maezura the elf nodded in approval spoke a few words that sounded like "good luck friend may the force be  with you." With that I took my leave never looking back at the elf.

Moving to the next Lord of the Order I had to find Rahvin the Elkhunter. The brutual Platoon Commander of the  Halforcs. I found him at the Pathosis Vault cutting his cave  bear up and making steaks for food. Rahvin and I have never seen eye to eye. So I knew it would be a fight if I didn't  say the right things. So I gathered my thoughts and burst into the room and Ventriloquated on myself so i could talk.

"I have found love in the enemy. The person who we are sworn to hate. I have tried to kill her but  being with her for so long in the battle field facing eachother I couldn't help it but to have  strong feelings for her.For i have truly fallen in Love and can't take it being without her for so long."

With that being said I've never felt so alone in this world. for Rahvin turned his back on me and  left the room without saying a single thing. But  i knew in my heart I would be free to seek my love  to be with her for all eternity.

To love or not to love?

It was to late the damage had been done.  Pheniox knew he could never talk again.  The whip had hit him right square in the face removing his chance to speak, a chance to beg for forgiveness, for he felt the pain and suffering of what he has done in the past.  He thought for just a moment "what will i become?"  Then the moment ended and he came back to reality.  The being cursed.  The whips went back into their sheathe to breathe light another day.  Slowly the priest moved torwards me.  I could not move.  A look of defeat laid apon on the battle field.  I wanted to tell this being the reason I came here. But I couldn't speak.  I wanted to tell her my true feelings of love and romance and all of these things I didn't know.  I've truly never been in love but with the enemy of heart how could this be!

Log: 14042013 - Ror and Zazza

OOC commentary: Just some chit-chat, but notice how Zazza nicely solves the problem of his fellow roleplayer forced to go AFK due to IRL. Yes, these things happen..

Pubs of the Realms

Directions to cafe's, inns, pubs, taverns and similar locations in alphabetical order. All directions from endpoints (EP) unless stated otherwise. For area directions from Market Square (MS) to endpoints, see this post.

  • Vaprak's Tankard - 3e3sese5ses

Haon Dor
  • The Prancing Pony - n2w2nu

  • The Gambling Golem - 2w
  • The Gilded Horseshoe - w2nw4n2ws
  • The Horn & Hoof - e6ne
  • The Night Cloak - w2nw6nw
  • The Rolling Wheel - w2nes

  • The Woodsman Inn - s3w

North of Waterdeep (from Longsaddle EP)
  • A Small Hunting Lodge - w2nw8nw2nw3nw4nene

Westbridge (from MS)
  • Comedy Lounge - 4s2w2sds2e
  • Healing Wound Inn - 5ne
  • Kate's Diner - 8s2en
  • Market square coffee cafe - sw
  • Market square pub - se
  • Nisstyre's Tavern - 4s4e3sw
  • Park Cafe - 12s2wn
  • Phil's Bar - 6swden
  • The Bar of Casino Nights - 4s2wse
  • The PIT - 12s4e3sw
  • Tony's Pizza Parlor - 4nes
  • Yawning Portal Inn - 5n2en, 5n2e2n (dining room)
  • Zalan's bar (defunct) -  7nw