Character Biography - Talos

Talos is the destructive force of nature. He is the God of storms, forest fires, earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, and general destruction. He attracts the destroyer, the raider, the looter, and the brigand among his followers. His actions often seem petty and vengeful and are frequently motivated by rage, anger, and the desire to not appear weak or compromising in any way to his followers or the other powers of Faerun. He is like a malicious and twisted child whose power and wrath know no bounds and who proves his self-worth and standing again and again by raining havoc and ruin down on those who can little oppose him. Talos name is invoked by individuals who wish to escape his attentions, not suffer them. The church of Talos exults in the wild destruction of nature at its fiercest. Clergy and the faithful tend to be fatalistic in nature as a result---almost self-destructive. However, priests of Talos usually wish to take as many others with them as possible. Talassans are taught that life is a combination of random effects and chaos, so the devout should grab what they can, when they can, as who can say when Talos will strike and bring them into the afterlife. Talassan clergy should make all fear Talos by showing the destruction that he and all of his servants can cause.

Character Biography - Mask

Mask is the mysterious god of shadows, thievery and thieves.  His symbol is a black velvet mask tinged with red. He is depicted as wearing a cloak that allows him to fly, become invisible, and when the hood is placed up, appear as any other being in an impervious illusion. His domains are Darkness, Evil, Luck, and Trickery.

Worshippers of Mask tend to hold their services in dimly lit vaults, and the followers and priests all wear heavy garb and masks.  Because of the clandestine nature of the religion, little to nothing is known about its current state in the Great Realms.

Character Biography - Malar

The Beastlord, Lord of Beasts, The Black-Blooded Pard, The Ravaging Bear, Master of the Hunt, Wild Hunter

Malar is the god of the savage wild.  He is worshipped by hunters who revel in the kill or who hunt for sport or to excess, fallen rangers, sentient carnivores, and lycanthropes.  Those who suffer the  depredations of wild beasts attempt to placate The Beastlord with offerings of freshly killed and bloody meat, but Malar rarely recognizes their entreaties.  In his more favorable aspects he is revered by beings who identify with the untamed nature, grace, and amorality of predators.

Malar achieves almost sensuaal fulfillment from the hunt and the kill. He revels in the fear radiated by the hunted and hungers for the blood of his prey.

He speaks only in low growling undertone or vicious snarl. The Lord of Beasts despises the Balance sought by druids and their deities and seeks to overthrow it through the actions of his faithful. He manifests an avatar in Faerun in an endless hunt across the Realms whenever the mood strikes him--which is almost constantly.

Character biography - Kossuth

Kossuth Firelord is the proper name for the god of fire. Hailing from the Elemental Plane of Fire, he has risen to become one of the most powerful gods the realm has ever seen. Kossuth rarely shows himself, usually out of boredom does he step foot onto the mortal realm. When he does show himself, the first thing you notice is the great heat radiating from him. Fully encumbered with fiery clothing and a shock of orange hair, he strikes fear into those who bear witness to him. With any flame that arises, every fire that is started, Kossuth's presents can be felt. Only those who truly believe in fire will ever truly be safe from the burning flame. Kossuth's symbol is the depiction of fire.

Character Biography - Cyric

Born in the slums of Zhentil Keep, Cyric (seer-ick) is the son of a Zhentarim officer and the young woman who adored him. The officer openly denied the woman's charge of paternity and cast her into the streets. The homeless of Zhentil Keep cared for the woman, and helped her through delivery. After learning of his son's birth, the officer killed the young woman and sold Cyric into slavery.

A short time later, Cyric was purchased by a rich Sembian family, who raised him as their own in a life of luxury. A highly intelligent child, Cyric always felt that he was different from the other children he grew up with. His suspicions were confirmed at age 10, while overhearing his parents arguing over him. Cyric immediately ran away from home, but was stopped and returned by a civil patrol. Cyric's complaints at the patrol's actions caused his true origins to spread throughout the city, forcing his parents to become social outcasts. When he again left home at age 12, no one stopped him.

Alone in an unfamiliar world, Cyric learned survival skills in the wild before moving on to life on city streets. Becoming adept at thievery, Cyric drew the attention of the Thieves' Guild. Earning their approval and support, Cyric remained with the guild for four years. At 16, Cyric left to spend the next eight years pursuing his love of travel, and learning that people were the same no matter where he went. At the end of his travels, Cyric secretly returned to Zhentil Keep to further explore his origins. He may have met his father there, but the man was killed before Cyric could question him.

Convinced that a life of thievery was wrong, Cyric became a fighter of little consequence. However, during a quest in the Jungles of Chult, he crossed paths with one Kelemvor Lyonsbane. It was Kelemvor who convinced Cyric to join the guard of Arabel, where he met Adon, cleric of Sune Firehair. Together, the three worked for Myrmeen Lhal, protecting her lands, until confronted by Midnight. Thus began Cyric's path to greatness.

Cyric continued to follow the path of goodness until Lady Mystra's rescue. Mystra offered the group anything they wished in appreciation for her freedom. Kelemvor asked only for fresh horses and rations. Mystra found it strange that they did not request god-hood. Upon hearing this, Cyric began to think.

Following the battle against Lord Bane's forces at Shadowdale, Cyric left the party and struck out on his own, leading a small group of Zhent warriors on his yet unseen quest to become a god. During his travels, Cyric came into the possession of a rose-hued, vampiric sword, which came to play a significant role in Cyric's career. Crossing paths with his former companions several times, Cyric was responsible for the death of Bhaal, Lord of Murder. Having tasted the blood of a god, Cyric's new weapon hungered for more, thus increasing Cyric's desire to destroy his one-time friends.

Concluding the Avatar crisis, Cyric faced his final confrontation as a mortal atop Blackstaff Tower in Waterdeep. There, he not only destroyed his second God, Lord Myrkul, he also found his revenge against the hated Kelemvor Lyonsbane. (It has been pointed out that Midnight actually killed Myrkul; a fact which Cyric denies.) The sword drank eagerly of its victim's blood, and Kelemvor was no more, for now... With the original quest of recovering the Tablets of Fate, Overlord Ao, creator of the Realms and of the gods themselves, descended upon Toril and spoke to its inhabitants. Lord Ao declared that all gods become servants to their followers, that Midnight take Mystra's place as Goddess of Magic, and that Cyric shall take control of what was left undone by the deaths of Myrkul, Bane, and Bhaal. And, while Cyric found this responsibility quite an honor, Lord Ao was unsure he'd continue with that reasoning.

Some time later, Lord Ao returned to resurrect the Lord of Murder in the Moonshae Isles. Bhaal's second coming was short-lived, and Cyric became the official caretaker of the Church of Assassins. Meanwhile, Cyric joined forces with Mask (Lord of Shadows) to murder Leira, Lady of the Mists, giving Cyric the powers of Deception and Illusion.

Ten years passed since the Time of Troubles, and Cyric grew restless. His latest scheme involved a tome he called The Cyrinishad. Three hundred and ninety-seven versions were created until Cyric was satisfied. The tome, dubbed "The Book of Lies" by other gods of the pantheon, outlined the "true" history (in Cyric's mind) of the "One True God." But Cyric did not stop there. The Cyrinishad was a magical creation, with the intention that anyone reading the tome would believe, without question, that all other gods were false; even the gods themselves...

Many gods could not abide by these actions. Midnight, with the help of Oghma (The Binder) and Mask, The Cyrinishad's final version was placed in protective custody, but not before it had been read by Mask. Cyric had gained yet another follower.

In his final battle as Lord of the Dead, with Bone Castle crumbling about him, Cyric's rose-hued sword (now dubbed Godsbane) revealed that there was a traitor in his castle. Realizing that it was, in fact, the sword who had betrayed him, Cyric took the sword above his head and snapped it in two. Chaos ensued, and the soul of Kelemvor Lyonsbane, trapped those ten years within the accursed sword, escaped to exact revenge against his one-time ally. Another form also emerged from the sword: The spirit of the sword itself - Mask, Lord of Shadows. Begging for forgiveness as Cyric attempted to salvage what he could of the situation, Mask followed his new master out of the castle. The City of Strife was no more.

As the aftermath was sorted out, the tormented souls of Cyric's former kingdom looked to Kelemvor for new guidance. Lord Lyonsbane looked out across his new lands, and declared a new era of Law and Justice in the Land of the Dead.

In the following years, Cyric became despondent, neglecting his godly duties. Sadly, he was also driven mad by the powers of his own Cyrinishad, completely believing everything contained within, unable to distinguish lies from truth. Several of the gods, led by Tyr, placed Cyric on trial, charged with Innocence by reason of Insanity. Around the same time, Cyric's precious chronicle The Cyrinishad was stolen. Upon hearing this, one of Cyric's most devout followers, one Malik el Sami yn Nasser sought out the tome, in order to return it to his god. For this service, Cyric bestowed upon Malik the status of "Seraph of Lies."

In a cruel twist of fate, Malik became the target of a truth spell cast by the goddess Mystra. As such, Malik is completely unable to tell a lie. Using this curse as a tool, Mystra called upon Malik to read The True Life of Cyric as written by several good gods and set to paper by Oghma. Naturally, Malik had no desire to do such a thing, so decided to tell the tale of Cyric as all worshippers had heard it since childhood. Unfortunately, this also counted as lies, and Malik was forced to read the book as printed. Cover to cover. Upon completing the text, Cyric became calm, and his sanity was once again restored. This, however, does not make him easier to deal with.

Malik el Sami yn Nasser, Seraph of Lies, continues to travel the world, spreading the influence of Cyric, within the confines of his curse.

"In a hope-forsaken tunnel at the heart of Pandemonium, Cyric awoke... There was a new kingdom to build. After all, Cyric was still a deity -- God of Strife and Intrigue, Patron of Murder. As such, he deserved a palace of suitable size to accomodate his horde of worhipers, a mammoth treasure house to store the spoils of his victorious war against Mystra and the Circle of Greater Powers... As always, the pantheon had been puppets, playing the parts Cyric created for them.

For an instant, the Prince of Lies heard the babel of voices in his head chime harmonious agreement. None of them could deny his absolute supremacy over all the gods in Faern. The Cyrinishad proved the truth of that, and Cyric himself had read the tome very carefully.

All across the mortal realms, a disembodied smile appeared in the most squalid alleys and haunted, shadow-draped woods. Broad and sharp, glinting like a straight razor in the moonlight, it hinted at the mad god's pleasure with a world well-suited to become his earthly kingdom. The true meaning of the apparitions eluded even the most gifted oracles. They wove dire but vague prophecies around the chilling visions, but, as was their wont, the men and women of Faerun heeded them little and went on with their chaotic, mundane lives.

In the hope-forsaken tunnel at the heart of Pandemonium, Cyric began to laugh. The world was doomed, but it kept running anyway.

-Epilogue, Prince of Lies, by James Lowder

Current Character Description - Wermidon

Standing tall, and well built, this grizzly orc looks wartorn and stoic. A scar runs down the top of his head through one of his eyes, that is covered by an eye-patch. His good eye is a piercing blue, with a gaze equally as intense. His pure color clashes with his silver white hair. The silver and white would rages like a river cascading into a waterfall down his back is it weren't kept neatly as it is. His nose is is large and almost piggish. His mouth is is more of a maw, large eye teeth  protrude from between his lips on both upper and lower jawlines. His shoulders are broad, as any orcs would be. His body is toned as if he does daily manual labor, but certainly defined as a warrior. His torso shows the scars of a combatent, each slash, pierce and magical burn shine forth as a testiment to his divine fortitude. His arms and legs also tell the stories of his days of combat. A deep sense of the divine, and the elements surrounds him, as if both nature and the power of the gods have been imbued within his very being.

Current Character Description - Taryn Atani

A matronly woman of about 5'7" leans against her trusty staff smiling up at the skies. Her lavender eyes still sparkle with a youthful curiousity that defies her years. Her long knotted raven hair is piled high tangled with bits of twigs and orchid petals. Her soft brown skin only slightly wrinkles about her mouth and eyes. An ever present aura surrounds her, giving her an ethereal glow.

Current Character Description - Dorian Deveria

Dressed all in crimson and gold, save for one tiny wrist band, this lady is small in stature, and has honor marks from the tips of each finger to each of her elbows.  Her hair, once the color of a tanned doe's hide, now has brilliant white streaks framing her face. 
When she chooses to speak, her voice resonates like that of a graceful waterfall.  Smooth and calming... unobtrusive... all but impossible to ignore.

Her eyes are mismatched; one is hazel, the other a brilliant green.

Current Character Description - Keldon

It is Keldon, Known Throughout the Realms as The All-Around Nice Guy.

He's got His Honey Blonde Hair Slicked Back and  Tied in a Tail that hangs to about Waist Length. Worn About His Body are the Garments and Weapons of  the Orders of Sune. A great Chaotic Order of the Realm, But Then His Kindness is Found to be Chaotic in this Realm, also.

The Weapons of Destruction He Wears is Uncannilly Offset by the Kind Smile He Flashes to Those Who Stumble Upon Him.

Everyone Knows That for Keldons Help, All That is Required is a Request.

Current Character Description - Khyron Scruffs

Before you stands a kenku of medium stature, garbed in a red flowing robe. A talisman engraved with Sune's symbol is hung around his neck with flamelike bands. He carries a plain a wooden staff, and wears a firey sword at his side. His hair is brown and flows down to his waist in a cascade of tangles. It is a look of natural beauty augmented by his incredibly scruffy beard. He shuffles about, seeking out those who need help or have knowledge. His eyes appear lightning blue, but seem to be continually changing color. He absent-mindedly plays with a ring he keeps in his pocket, marked with the symbol of the AoS, and remembers days past before events required him to leave the AoS to return to his home in Halruaa.

Current Character Description - Dryden Rainweaver

Scars mark the body of Dryden as constant reminders of  the memories of past  battles. His toned shoulders, burdened by the tools of his trade, are covered in the markings of an ancient society. His tattoos flow over his body like an ocean, little of his  torso untouched.  He  looks unkempt, but collected, moving with purpose and clarity in everything he does.  His eyes, matching the color of the wood he calls home, speak of the  wonders that his voice will not.  Raised in the wild, he does not seem at ease in the confines of city walls.

Current Character Description - Violent Abolition (Lydia)

The woman before you is toned and muscular, her complexion however is pale and chalky even though her skin is reasonably tanned. Black hair hangs around her face in a scraggly mess falling in knots half way down her back. She is adorned in faded black leathers, hugging tightly to her shapely curves . Small glimmers of light can be seen scattered about her person, perhaps weaponry? Her eyes are such a dark shade of brown that they appear black. Her face is delicate and exceptionally beautiful, however none of that carries into her gaze, which only dart about her in constant watchfulness.

Current Character Description - Tarran Atherton

Clearly a young man, only recently come of age, Tarran nevertheless displays a level of confidence reminiscent of someone much older, possessed of experience and knowledge beyond his years. Slightly taller than average, and slender for a human, his movements bely a distinctive grace, a smoothness that only the best trained fighters can hope to achieve. His clothing is of fine quality, if plain, and he definitely shows a preference for the color black; his flowing black tunic and pants give him an almost shadowy appearance, although he does not seem like the type to hide often. Then again, perhaps he only seems that way when not hidden. He has dark, slightly wavy hair, cut to shoulder-length, and sparkling brown eyes, resembling his parents'. A smile comes readily to his handsome, chiseled features, clean-shaven as always, as clearly he is one to take good care of himself. At his waist are belted a pair of worn leather- hilted shortswords concealed within tooled black leather sheaths; the unadorned hilt of at least one dagger is also visible on his person. His demeanor is pleasant, almost exuberant, but there is an intensity in his gaze, and he gives the impression of dangerous competence, a man who others would be wise not to cross.

Old Character Description - Sandorin Alhanar



He was a devoted brother, scholar, and friend who gave his life for those he loved. We shall miss you always.

Current Character Description - Koniev Naysa Sofronio

Head held high and scanning the horizon, you first notice a visible scar starting from above his right brow; ending diagonally at the middle of his cheek bone. His body is covered by a linen viborg tunic. Wrapped around his waist is a brown leather belt which holds his tanned pants tightly to his waist. His boots are made from the best material well suited for travels and adventures. He appears well-toned for his size: Stark, agile and prepared to take on any battle that lies in his path. Draped about his shoulders lies a grey hooded cloak; tailored from simple yet elegant cotton. His hair, cut short in military fashion, shines darkly in the light. Around his neck gleams a small faint gem of rosey hue; a disk showing his devotion to the deity Lathander. Scabbards poke out from above his collar behind his head, revealing the hilts of the blades with which he dispenses justice. Twinkling from a strap on the middle of the scabbards, like a glowing star in the midnight sky, is a medallion bearing the insignia of The Dragon's Hoard. "I have to see me like the rising sun."

Current Character Description - Jayden Young

You gaze upon a man hands clasped under his robes, his eyes appear to look downward as to not look anyone face to face. This man looks frail as an old man would, white flowing hair lays across his shoulders and back, every now and then a lock falls across his face. Robes of ornate design green in color flow around him fitting his form perfectly, the pure green in his eyes clash evenly with his attire. Sandles form fit the old man's feet nails cleanly trimmed because this man is one with God, and as the old story goes cleanliness is next to Godliness. Jayden Young the true Reverend Prince stands before you once again....

Current Character Description - Hellstrom Oldostin

An unimpressive man stands here clothed in forest green with a yew bow strapped to his back and a large sharp woodsmans axe attached to his belt. His shiny black hair falls to his shoulders in gentle waves and his brown eyes scan the area warily. His wooden shield bears the symbol of Ehlonna, the goddess of the forrest. A long jagged scar marking his left cheek is the only mark on his otherwise darkly tanned face. Tattoo's of vines work their way up his forearms and dissapear under his green leather jerkin only to re-apear to create a circle around his neck.

Current Character Description - Havok Atherton

Black hair accented by a few strands of gray falls to just above the shoulders of a averagely built human before you.  A faint beard,no more than just a few days old slightly obscures his jaw line, making it hard to determine how old this man is. Cyan robes adorned with gold trim flow down to his feet, tied around the waist by a belt holding several item laden bags.  The robes bulge slightly around his chest and shoulders showing the faint outlines of light armor underneath. On his left shoulder is pinned a replica of several small coins while the right carries a small dragon made of sapphires.

Current Character Description - Emalia Stone


Emalia Stone

Killed when defending the death of her child.

Current Character Description - Catrina MacDougall

Before you stands a slight girl, 5'2". Her skin is lightly tanned. Her hair is a light brown, tied back out of the way. She looks about with her deep blue eyes. She wears a small strap flower-print sundress made of a thin material that covers about a third of her thighs and graciously shows off her curves. Around her slender neck is a pretty choker with a small coin on the front. Her wrists are decorated with two simple yet nice-looking bracelets. She carries a simple, wooden staff, though you'd often miss it as she conceals it in the form of a coin. A pouch is away in her pack, giving off a slight jingling from the coins she uses as the power for her magic. A drawstring backpack and a good, soft pair of sandals finish her appearance. Lady luck smiles on her.