Future Operations

It is good to see a break in the silence about these actions. It has  been a long time since anything has been done. However, I would have  you know that the Hoard has not ceased operating within the walls of  Westbridge, as per our contract.

Since you appear to be attempting to replace Throm and the TriPower in regards to these operations, I will inform you of the role of myself and my brothers. We have a contract with the TriPower that we will honor, despite their disappearance, as they have already paid.

Our role is to provide information gathering and supply lines for the invading force. My understanding is that the invading force provided would be the Radiant Heart.

Thus, it is our purpose to provide supplies, and secure supply lines,  along with lending assistance via intelligence gathering and assistance  in gaining entrance to the city. Our network of operatives are already  in place throughout Westbridge, merely awaiting orders. And we have been  providing provisions to the citizens, bypassing the blockade and Vectorian  patrols. Additionally, we have a cache of arms and equipment, along with  provisions, for the invading force to help prevent them from being cut  off by potential Vectorian reenforcements.

We are more than willing to utilize Vorcet and his skills to benefit the operation. We are ready and waiting for word that the operation has begun. So once the Radiant Heart are prepared to mobilize, we will fulfill our contract. 

Dryden Rainweaver
Vox of the Hoard

A Balanced Proposal

** A snow white falcon wings its way through the sky, seeming to find its way through all barriers to gain purchase on your arm. It is winded, carrying with it a rather large parchment case in which is a rolled piece, sealed with deep green wax.**

Greetings to the grand assemblages of the Hoard and Radiant Heart.  My name  is Sanria Stone and I am but one of  three leaders of the clan, Keepers  of Balance.  Our  presence is not well known, being relatively new as a whole to the world of Cruoris, though as a individuals, we have been within the realms for a very long time now.

I write this missive as a proposal of sorts. Long before, a man of great  importance to me, Throm, was  aiding you in a coup to overthrow Vector. While I do not claim to know the particulars, I have, I  believe, reasonably  assumed that  Throm's untimely death was a playing  factor in the stalling and ultimate freeze for the action needed in Westbridge.  I  understood that your two groups, in combination with TriPower, were  poised to deliver a crushing defeat. This is why I write today.

I, along with many others both in Keepers and without, have noticed the  growing apathy  of the people of Westbridge.  They have grown accustomed to the fetters that hold them captive. Given Westbridge's strategic  location, high  volume of trade, and ability  to hold a  presence in the realms, we wish to offer a proposal:

One of our leaders, Vorcet Thophen, has gained access to Vectorian armors. In exchange for creating a balanced city, one in which all governments  and groups have  a representative  in place, we would like to offer Vorcet's services in gathering intelligence.

What this would allow for  is to have your forces take less damage and perhaps save lives.  If we could deliver to you the weaknesses of the opposing force, as well as their plans regarding their occupation, we feel it could be of immense benefit to you in many regards.  Once the Vectorians are removed, we could collectively install a group leadership to strengthen Westbridge against ever being overthrown and taken again.  Representatives to oversee trade, protection, mediation, and general operations of the city.

Our aim in this is merely to instill a sense of balance in a place that is prominent within these realms, while offering the opportunity to  prevent  unneccesary loss of life.  A  chance  to be  the mediating presence in a city sorely in need of fairness and truth. Please, take  into consideration the  offer of Vorcet's abilities.   It is but  a small token  of what  we can provide in  getting  the  fires started once more and  ending the abominable  situation that  the Westbridgian's have lived under for far too long.

I look forward with hope to your reply,
Sanria Stone, Keepers of Balance

Plans and Revelations

Sanria sat at her desk surrounded by a mound of parchment and books.  In the  passing of days, she  had found herself looking deeper into the one thing the Rilmani wouldn't share with her, the  thing that took Colin so far away that he couldn't be found.  Planar travel. She shared this with no one, and  as Vorcet knocked  and entered her office, she took care to  hide the parchments and close the books. The obsession was slowly growing, and she  had considered, briefly, finding the necklaces that were hidden away - even if they were dangerous.

They were quick to reach the matter at hand: the occupation of Westbridge and the idea  that perhaps the time was now to end it. The keepers would not bring  about that battle.  "The Rilmani have made it clear they will not aid us in this endeavor," said Sanria.
"I can certainly understand their point of view in this.  The way things are headed this ends with the city in the control of the TriPower or one of the other forces involved. Which is just as imbalanced as it is now."
"That  would be something we would have to discuss with the other sides, a neutral ground. No one wants to see Westbridge back in the hands of an occupying force."
"A Council of the various  groups that use Westbridge as a hub would not be a bad idea."
"Indeed. If it were a place for all governments, then it would be unlikely that it would fall again. The people could live in some sort of peace for a change."

But how  likely the other forces at  work would be willing to see it was beyond Sanria.  She had never done anything remotely like involving herself in politics.  Not in a fashion where she would reach out to make an offer  without having anything  to bring in return.  The Keepers did not have an army, they  did not even have  the backing of the Rilmani.  They were more  of a citizen  group, and to top it  off, she was moving ahead without waiting for a reply from Kineada.  

When Vorcet pulled the Vectorian armors from his pack, they knew then the  angle  they would have.  "Perhaps it is time I put this garment to use," Vorcet said. "I leave my phylactery secured in a place nobody but me can access."
"We might  be able to  use it if you are  willing to gather intelligence.  If we can promise Hoard and  Radiant that we will aid them without their incurring damage, they may be willing to play by our rules."
"If I am able to successfully infiltrate those guarding the town I may be able to find a weakness in the defenses."
"I don't want you to put yourself in a situation if you aren't absolutely certain," Sanria said, realizing how motherly it sounded. "Danger is the least of the worries.  Vector... well... they're..."
"I know well the evils that lie within Vector's borders and what they are capable of."
"Alright.  I'll  work up a  proposal.  With  luck, they'll accept. If we could get Westbridge balanced... just think of it."

After Vorcet left the office, Sanria glanced over at the stack of planar parchments. With a steeling inhale, she left them at the side and pulled a blank  piece from her desk.  She then drew up an entreaty to the heads of Hoard  and Radiant Heart.  She  felt a  warmth  thinking that perhaps  Throm would have been proud.