Knights of the Rose

As most days are spent now-a-days, I stood at the Market Square in Westbridge. I watched the goings on and the comings and goings of people. I casted spells where asked. This is much easier then things I used to have to do in the past. My eyes have seen more then any soul should ever have to see. I laugh as I think of things like the Hemelia plague that came to the realms just a while ago. People feared it but none really died from it. They say it was an awful thing and the realms couldn't stand it again. This makes me laugh. The Great Plague, some time around the year 600. It killed off almost twenty thousand people within the 3 years it had free reign. A Council of Wizards was formed to find a cure to the plague. While working on it, members of the Council fell. While dismal, it had to effect. Until one day, the leader of the Council fell. It gave us a renewed fuel to fight for a cure. Within months we had a cure. It took us the course of a year to innoculate the world. I think now if Hemelia became such a great plague, what would we do? The Council of Wizards is no more, I am the only surviving member to my knowledge. There is no group that would take charge and try to save us. After setting on that for a while, I noticed Lord Sylus had appeared for an instant. I nodded at him and smiled. He posted a message to the already full post at the Square. I knelt at the post to read the writing and as if in answer to my thoughts, there really was a new-age Council of Wizards. Or at least something like it. The Knights of the Rose were being reformed. I remember the group from a year back or so, under guideance of Lady Hanali. I hadn't thought to join the group then. Now, however, I feel I had a purpose. Once more I could serve and do good. I nodded to myself and reminded myself to talk to the next Knight I saw. 

A vow

My feet dragged as I wandered into the Square, holding my head up despite the weight I felt on my shoulders. Nothing was getting better; in fact, sometimes I thought it was getting worse. I couldn't shake the feeling that we had come back too soon, and couldn't escape the fact that I was finally seeing my home through mature eyes - it wasn't as perfect, as happy as I'd remembered. At least we would be going soon. Not long now, and we would be on our way back to Tenchi's home. A while away would give me the chance to get rid of the stigma everyone placed on me. Moving to the bench, I felt a frown begin to tug down the edges of my mouth, and I spun around to dramatically plop onto my usual seat. I slid my back off my shoulders and set it down beside me, sighing. Lifting my head, I noticed the message board and the message posted on it. Standing, I moved over curiously, picking up my bag and letting it drag behind me. "Knights of the Rose," I murmured, a stray memory returning to me at the name. Slowly reading the message, a strange stirring building in me. Maybe, this is what I was looking for. A place to belong, something to fight for - if only I wasn't leaving soon. Slinging my bag over my shoulder, I nodded at the board and turned away. I would join them. It may not be soon, but I would, and until then I would train myself. It wasn't the direction I had ever envisioned myself with, but it was a goal, and that was more than I'd felt I'd had for some time.

The Call (Knights of the Rose)

Sleeping upon a cot at Myth Drannor, Moonlite opens her eyes as she feels the wind calling her awake. A warm glow surrounds her body. Moonlite smiles as she feels a warm, strong and comforting feeling enter into her body...then a feeling of distress and sorrow. Moonlite whispers "How odd..Lord Sylus has never sent such a strange call before.." Moonlite rises from the cot and straightens her clothing, her brow furrowed with worry. Moonlite whispers as she glances about Myth Drannor, "Lord Sylus needs me.." Moonlite utters a magical spell,a wind arrives and surrounds her completely, leaving behind a trail of dust. A gust of wind appears at Market Square, and just as quickly as it came, it also had gone....leaving behind Moonlite, the Moon Princess. Appearing before Lord Sylus, she curtseys before him and softly whispers "I got your call Lord may I be of service?"

The Garden of Roses

The call had been sent, and the knights had come. Zariel, Tanaka, and Moonlite... that was all he needed to see to know he was ready. He returned to market square and he looked at all the responses from those who are interested in becomming knights and he smiled. Evil dont stand a the message board he adds this.... The Knights of the Rose.To many evils are allowed to walk freely and openly among us. Too many tradgedies go unpunished. The knights are the vision of Myself, and the goddess Hanali. The defenders of the realm are overwhelmed. and the innocent suffer because they have no help. The knights stand for these people... for all peoples, no matter race or religion. We do not simply kill evil. We promote goodness and purity. We encourage those who have lost hope or faith... to rekindle the light in their hearts and believe once again in the purity of the soul. The knights fight against oppression, and slavery. They slay the demons that walk around inside the hearts of the innocent, and they bring peace to those who suffer in silence. Most importantly tho... We teach those who wish to be free, to be strong. We train them in the arts of life and defense. We give them the tools they need to defend themselves further, and by strengthening them... we strengthen our walls against evil, and aginst the corruption that eats at the soul of the realms. Quietly he posts the note and before walking away .... a rare smile touches the lips of the Pure one and he writes... Come to me .... Roses of hope, Knights of Purity, Souls of Light. Come to me .... My Knights of the Rose Sir Sylus Shadoween, Rose Knight