Meeting in Polaris

Elbryan Stepped back into his town and Looked around. Rememberin the sweet smells of the place. And at the same time remembering the god forsaken cold that was over this city year round. As Elbryan was about to round a corner he heard voices. Voices he had not heard in a long time. Kohrin and Atandella were standing in the City Center. He could catch most of what was said. They were discussing where a good place to put the city hall would be. Nobody knew that Elbryan was back in town yet and He kind liked it that way, but business needed to be taken care of. "I know where we can put the Town Hall." Elbryan says as he rounds the corner. Both Tandy and Kohrin jump back at the sight of him, and when the inital shock is gone agree to see the place that Elbryan has in mind. Elbryan leads them Down Crescent street And then on a northern street untill They reach an abandoned warehouse. "Kossuth himself showed me this building shortly before I left. I was not afforded the opportunity to tell you about it before I had to leave." said elbryan as he looked at the building. Then He looks at Tandy and says, "Im sorry for dissapearing again... My former life keeps calling me away. I think Things are resolved now. I shouldn't be dissapearing again for a long time...." Then Elbryan looks at his feet. and Tandy Lifts Elbryans head and says, "All that matters is that you are alive and here with us now. Nothing else matters." "Thank you Tandy" says Elbryan. "Here let me show you two the structure as it stands now."